What R command to use to force download files from iCloud - r

On a mac using iCloud file optimization, large files that are seldom used are uploaded to iCloud and only a small pointer file is left. When I look for the file in Finder, I see the file name and to the left is an icon that indicates that the file is in the cloud. To access the file, I click on the icon and the file is downloaded. With the file.exist command, R returns FALSE for the existence of the file. But after some research I found that the file link is stored in a directory below ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocsand the file name is changed to xxx.icloud where xxx is the original file name.
Here's an example of the path to a a directory that holds a .icloud file from a shell in my mac
/Users/gcn/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/workspace/nutmod/data-raw/NutrientData
I can query for the existence of the file with exists(xxx.icloud). But how do I tell my mac to download the iCloud file and then read it in? Using something like read.table or read.csv doesn't work because the pointer file is not csv.

You can read a csv file directly from a iCloud folder on the Mac by using the path to that folder. Get the path by finding it in the finder. Then right click on the filename at the bottom of the finder window where it shows all the folders leading to the file and choose: Copy "YourFile" as Pathname.
That path will look something like this:
Use that in your read code:
iCloudDat <- read_csv("/Users/NAME/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/YourFileName.csv")
That should work.

If the extension isn't .txt or .csv read.table and read.csv won't work.
you have to download the file and extract the tables to a readable format.
you can download the file using download.file() which is is the utils basic library.


How to convert .xls or .xlxs file to csv file without any plugins or tools using Unix command

I have to convert .xls or .xlxs file to .csv file without using plugins or tools using Unix Command
Is their any way to do this ?
I Tried to do like this below ...But not working
Change the characterSet code from .xls file to UTF-8 encoding
Then create file again with extension change
cp temp.xls temp.csv
It is possible, but you need to realise that an *.xls file is a zipped directory structure (just unzip such a file, using Winzip or 7-zip). The unzipping can also be done using UNIX commands.
But what then? The directory structure is quite complicated to understand, and in order to create a script or a program which can do this (without using any external tools) is a tremendous work, so I'd propose you, either to use external tools anyway, or to make sure the files you receive already are CSV format.

loading downloaded data to Rstudio

mission on online course:
Download this RData file to your working directory. Then load the data into R with the following command:
so I have downloaded it to my computer but where is my working directory? or how do I load the downloaded file to Rstudio
You can see your working directory by executing getwd().
In order to load the data you need to change it to the folder path where the data is stored.
You can set you working directory in RStudio on the right side manually and then save the files there and open them like :
If your file is saved somewhere else, you should define the path to it:

In Bluesky Statistics How do I write output to a csv file

I can't get write.csv or write.table to work in the r editor of BlueSky Statistics.
I usually just use this format in RStudio and it works perfectly.
write.csv(df, "zzz.csv")
Any hints?"
The default install location for BlueSky Statistics is 'C:\Program Files', where by default, there is no write permission (for creating or deleting files). Also, saving a file in the install location is not safe, as the file may get lost/deleted when the application is uninstalled. So it is always good to save your file(s) in your own folder(s) where you also have write permission.
In short, try to provide a writable location/path in write.csv() or other similar functions/commands.
See example below:
To save your file to the Desktop folder.
write.csv(df, "C:/Users/<YourUsername>/Desktop/zzz.csv")
Note: use forward slash(/) as a path separator.

Save R output to a different directory

I am running some R code on a Windows computer using RStudio and my code generates Excel files and netCDF files periodically (dozens of them eventually). I don't want them to clutter my working directory. Is there a way to save the files to a directory called "Output" (ex: C:/.../original file path/Output) in the parent directory? I would like a way to change my current working directory to a different directory. I understand there is getwd() and setwd() but how do I set the path to the output directory without typing out the entire windows path (for example: setwd(current source file path for windows or Mac/output). My collaborator uses a Mac and he would have his output stored there as well.
You have a file argument in your write* function. If your Output directory is in your working directory, it works like this:
write.xlsx(df, file = "Output/table.xlsx")
write.csv(df, file = "Output/table.csv")
You can specify an argument in your write.csv function and other similar write functions which specifies your path.
#Output path
OutPath<- "C:/blah/blahblah/op/"
#Table to dump as output
OutTbl <- iris
write.csv(OutTbl, file = OutPath)
Source: https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/utils/html/write.table.html

Read Doc file and file path from Browser

I have an issue that I want to read a DOC file in my system but the condition is
Suppose you are working on browser and download some PDF or DOC file ,then my program should run and get the path of that file and convert that doc file in binary format.
the file download path may be change because some time it download in default folder but some times you saves that file in other locations.
my concern is this that code should execute at download time and should get file path from download history and read that file.
