How can I create a session token in Sabre REST API? - sabre

I need to create a session token on Sabre API and I do not find any documentation on that and the only documentation available is create a sessionless token.
The same time, the session less token cannot be used in booking.
Here is the link to the documentation and it is telling only the session token is available for SOAP communications.

Sabre does not offer booking functionality via Rest - only Soap.
You also wont find the calls to make a booking via Rest



I want to build a travel portal using sabre soap api. But soap api credential is not found in my account section of developer site( I have submitted contact us page several times to get the credential. But there is no reply from sabre. Can anyone please help me to get the credential of sabre soap api?
The setup process usually goes getting access to the Sabre GUI (Sabre Red Workspace) and then getting access to the APIs. So i would try this route.
Other way to go is to contact your (future) ticket issuer/consolidator if you are not an IATA Office/number holder yourself.

FareNabber API on Sabre - where do the notifications go

I am interested in seeing if Sabre's FareNabber is an API that works for an application I am building.
The documentation here does not explain where/how the notifications get posted to after a subscription made. All I see is the following:
FareNabber nabs the itinerary options and pushes the results to the customer for a purchase decision.
Is this an email to the customer? Is this an HTTP POST with a JSON payload to a server I provide so I can handle the actual email transmission? Where is this documented?
Re Endpoint you set this up during activation:
Note: This service requires activation, please contact your Sabre Account Representative for assistance.
Actually yes you get a JSON - its specified here:

Google Calendar API Get Events from Other Calendars

I'm extending a PHP application that allows managers to create events and assign specific users to those events. Before the user is listed as available to be assigned, however, I run a check against the user's calendar to see if they are available.
I've already built this once for Exchange using EWS and making use of FindItem method to retrieve events in a given timeframe for a user's email address, but I'm having trouble finding an equivalent in the Google Calendar API.
Both Events and FreeBusy Calls seem to require the specific user's calendarId, which is fine for retrieving the active authenticated manager's Calendar information, but not for their users, of which only the email address is currently available to my system.
Is there a way to retrieve events or a calendarId for a user based on a valid Google email address? (Or is there a better way to get other user's FreeBusy status that I've completely overlooked in my research?)
The Calendar API is a REST API that can be accessed through explicit HTTP calls or via the Google Client Libraries. However, please note that all requests to the Google Calendar API must be authorized by an authenticated user.
User's calendar list can be obtained through HTTP request:
Code examples for supported programming languages can be found in CalendarList: get.

Do you know where specifically I should generate this data for a Google Analytics API connection?

I am not familiar with the GA API, and a developer (he is not available at this time) is requesting the below data for a connection to my Google Analytics account.
Can you point me in the right direction to locate or generate this data?
Client ID
Client Secret
Refresh Token
I thought the Token was generated after the connection, so it would not be something I provide.
Thanks for any pointers.
As dikesh has referenced, the developer site has tons of useful info.
To add on, here is a concise guide to get what you have asked.
- Client ID and Client Secret
- visit google developer console (
- create a new project (look top right side)
- enable Analytics API (search for "analtyics api" on overview page)
- create credentials (look left hand side)
- follow the appropriate steps to create your client and secret file (simple and straightforward)
you are absolutely correct, at least with the way I understand the concept and have implemented using service account. Essentially, after you request for a service object with a call such as service = build(api_name, api_version, http=http), an access token is granted under the name 'service'. And with this token, we can make management API calls. E.g., account_summaries =
Hope that helps!
Have him check out this tutorial on how to use Python to pull data from the Google Analytics API. Step #4 describes and has a video on how to create a new Google Analytics API project in the developer console.

Does all marketo users have access to latest (2_9) SOAP endpoint?

Does all the Marketo users have access to latest SOAP endpoint i.e. v2_9 Or some of the users can be restricted to older endpoints?
Can all users connect to v2_9 endpoint?
Also, When we are switching between the End_points, can we just add the to the base URI? i.e. Will the URI format will always remain the same for all the endpoints?
Thanks in Advance.
Every Marketo subscription with API access has access to all published versions of the SOAP API at this time.
