Does all marketo users have access to latest (2_9) SOAP endpoint? - marketo

Does all the Marketo users have access to latest SOAP endpoint i.e. v2_9 Or some of the users can be restricted to older endpoints?
Can all users connect to v2_9 endpoint?
Also, When we are switching between the End_points, can we just add the to the base URI? i.e. Will the URI format will always remain the same for all the endpoints?
Thanks in Advance.

Every Marketo subscription with API access has access to all published versions of the SOAP API at this time.


Monitoring how many request by key

I Possible trace how many requests an API key made on my gateway URL?
Because I need to create a report of the API usage.
I see you are using google clouds endpoints, in that case it is easier just to go with the google products:
Google cloud already provides all the metrics that you need.
Additionally to #Kram's response, if you need to monitor API usage per client (or not only per API key) you will need to create specific one GCP project per API client to able to track it


I want to build a travel portal using sabre soap api. But soap api credential is not found in my account section of developer site( I have submitted contact us page several times to get the credential. But there is no reply from sabre. Can anyone please help me to get the credential of sabre soap api?
The setup process usually goes getting access to the Sabre GUI (Sabre Red Workspace) and then getting access to the APIs. So i would try this route.
Other way to go is to contact your (future) ticket issuer/consolidator if you are not an IATA Office/number holder yourself.

How can I create a session token in Sabre REST API?

I need to create a session token on Sabre API and I do not find any documentation on that and the only documentation available is create a sessionless token.
The same time, the session less token cannot be used in booking.
Here is the link to the documentation and it is telling only the session token is available for SOAP communications.
Sabre does not offer booking functionality via Rest - only Soap.
You also wont find the calls to make a booking via Rest

Marketo REST API - Company API disabled error

I am having trouble getting company information using the Marketo REST Apis. (Describe Company ยป Marketo Developers )
Everytime I use the call
I always get the Error
[{\"code\":\"1018\",\"message\":\"Company API disabled\"}]}
However when I check on the User Role permissions I have enabled I seem to have access to all of the APIs.
Is there any other permissions I need to use the Company API?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
The Company API is only available on instances where there is no native CRM sync, such as Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce, enabled. Your instance probably has one of these enabled and so the company API is not available.
sometimes the company information is wrapped up with the person/lead object. Maybe you can get it from a lead from a company?

Do we need to use API key for Google Geocoding API in production

I created a small project. I am using google geocoding API to get the latitude and longitude.
Sample Request:,+Mountain+View,+CA&sensor=true
Now I going to production. I am not using the commercial account. Do i need to add the KEY to my Request or not
Can some one tell whether to use the KEY or NOT
It's not required to use the key, but you should(the explanation may be found in the documentation)
Especially the key-based quota is important. When the domain you are using shares the IP with other domains you will share the quota for geocoding with all the other domains when you don't use a key. Of course this wouldn't be acceptable in production(at least for me)
API Keys used for security and Google limits the free quota usage at some production when your traffic gets increase you will need a billing account and billing account only works with API KEYs.
Google Maps Platform products are secured from unauthorized use by restricting API calls to those that provide proper authentication credentials. These credentials are in the form of an API key - a unique alphanumeric string that associates your Google billing account with your project, and with the specific API or SDK.
