How to Write Response Assertion Using Groovy in JMeter - http

I want to write a code for Response assertion using groovy for one of the Request Giving Response data like this
after google Search i am getting only with Response Assertion SOAP-UI tools and i also checked with Blaze meter blog i am not understating about what they are saying. simple way i want demonstrate that.write code for Response Data Assert value for 200 is this possible. please help me to this stuff

The relevant Groovy code to check whether value attribute in the response equals 200 would be something like:
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData())
def value = json.value
if (value != '200') {
AssertionResult.setFauilreMessage('Expected 200, but got ' + value)
Add JSR223 Assertion as a child of the request which returns the aforementioned JSON (it is not valid JSON by the way)
Put the above code into "Script" area (make sure you tick Cache compiled script if available box and choose groovy from the "Language" dropdown)
More information:
Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Scripting JMeter Assertions in Groovy - A Tutorial

You can add 4 JSON Extractors, each with different Path Expressions:
$.value, $.value_description, $.value_code, $.data_encode
It will assert that JSON parameter returned.
You can add Regular Expression Extractors to check each variable you got using Apply to JMeter Variable.


Jmeter-How to sent the variable value to the response of particular Request

I am working in Jmeter.
I need to sent the value for the variable name 'Reference' in the response of the particular request.
I am able to get the response using Bean shell Post processor using the string "vars.put("response", new String(data));"
I need the get the variable 'Reference' which is referred by id as id="reference"
I need to pass value to the variable 'Reference'.
Can anyone help?
Since JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for any form of scripting so if you want to store the response into the Reference JMeter Variable you can do it as follows:
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the request which response you want to store
Put the following code into "Script" area:
vars.put("Reference", prev.getResponseDataAsString());
vars is a shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance
prev stands for the parent SampleResult
see JavaDoc for the above shorthands for all available functions/properties description and Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy for comprehensive explanation with examples for the above and other JMeter API shortcuts available for Groovy scripts

Using a substring of a return value in a subsequent request

I'm attempting to construct a series of Paw calls using the variables feature. I have one situation I'm unable to solve.
At authentication into the server I'm using, I get a JSON response, with one value that looks like this:
endpoint = ""
The endpoint portion "" is then used as the base for subsequent calls, where a call might be "GET".
I don't want to hardcode the endpoint in Paw, as the endpoint will vary based on factors I can't predict at my end.
Is there a way to do basic string processing like this either in Paw, or by calling out to a shell script and using the return value of said script as a Paw variable?
That's doable using that RegExp Match dynamic value extension. Click on that previous link and hit Install Extension.
Type "Regexp" in the field you expect this value to be used. Pick Regexp Match from the completion results:
Then enter a regexp that matches your need, https?://[^/]+/? should be good:
I've put your example string in the screenshot above to show that it works, but you can instead put a "pointer" (Response Dynamic Value) to the response you want:
In the choices, pick Response Parsed Body if you want to parse a JSON or XML from the reponse. If the string is simply in plain text in the response body, pick Response Raw Body.
Once these steps are completed, you've got a working "Pointer" + "Parser" to the response that extract the part of the string you need. You can do the same operation with another regex for the token…
Tip: these dynamic value tokens can be selected like text and copy/pasted (Cmd+C/Cmd+V) :-)

javascript extension error: Cannot perform modifications

I'm building a custom dynamicValue extension for paw. However i'm not able to set header in the evaluate method. See the sample code below:
evaluate(context) {
const request = context.getCurrentRequest();
request.setHeader('Content-Type', this.contentType); // <-- this gives warning
return this.createSignable(request); // This returns a base64 string.
I get the warning saying Javascript extension error: Cannot perform modifications and the header is not set. ( when i comment out request.setHeader call, i get no warnings)
Can anyone please help me resolve this issue?
This is correct, you cannot use setters (set any value) in a dynamic value. In fact, the way Paw evaluates dynamic values is asynchronous and as multiple evaluations can take place simultaneously it would be impossible to record the modifications. For this reason, Paw is simply denying changes and no change is persisted during evaluation.
In the documentation, it's specified that these methods (like setHeaders) is only available for importer extensions. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I think to achieve what you're trying to do, you would need two dynamic values one set in the Authorization header and one set in the Content-Type header.
Alternatively, in the future we're going to add request post-processors, so you'll be able to mutate the computed request ready to be sent to the server for additional modifications.

JMeter "forgets" variable value defined via Regular Expressioin Extractor

I did create a simple testcase in JMeter.
Open a form and all it's content (css, images etc) :
GET /css/site.css
GET /favicon.ico
GET /fonts/specific-fonts.woff
GET /images/banner.png
Wait a little...
Post the values
Receive the "Thank You" page.
- GET /thanks
In the response on the first GET is a hidden input field which contains a token. This token needs to be included in the POST as well.
Now I use the "Regular Expression Extractor" of JMeter to get the token from the response. So far, so good.
Then, after retreiving all the other contents I create the POST message, using the variable name in the RegExp-Extractor in the value field of the token parameter.
But... when executing the testcase it fills in the default value given and not the actual value of the token.
So... first step in debugging this issue was to add a dummy-HTTP-GET request directly after I get the token. In this GET request I also add the token parameter with the token variable as value, but now I can easily check the parameter by looking at the access-log on my webserver.
In this case... the URL looks promising. It contains the actual token value in the GET, but it still uses the default value in the POST.
Second step in debugging was to use the "Debug Sampler" and the "View Results Tree".
By moving the Debug Sampler between the different steps I found out the value of the token-variable is back to the default value after I receive the CSS.
So... now the big question is...
How can I make JMeter to remember my variable value until the end of my test-script ?
JMeter doesn't "forget" variables. However variables scope is limited to the current Thread Group. You can convert JMeter variable to JMeter Property which have "global" scope by i.e. using Beanshell Post Processor with the following code:
props.put("myVar", vars.get("myVar"));
Or by using __setProperty() function. See How to Use Variables in Different Thread Groups guide for details.
As you found it your problem comes from a misunderstanding of scoping rules in jmeter.
In your case, just put the post processor of the request that will give you the response containing the child node.
Also I think you don't need to share this token with other threads so don't use properties as proposed in the alternate answer.

Is it considered bad practice to perform HTTP POST without entity body?

I need to invoke a process which doesn't require any input from the user, just a trigger. I plan to use POST /uri without a body to trigger the process. I want to know if this is considered bad from both HTTP and REST perspectives?
I asked this question on the IETF HTTP working group a few months ago. The short answer is: NO, it's not a bad practice (but I suggest reading the thread for more details).
Using a POST instead of a GET is perfectly reasonable, since it also instructs the server (and gateways along the way) not to return a cached response.
POST is completely OK. In difference of GET with POST you are changing the state of the system (most likely your trigger is "doing" something and changing data).
I used POST already without payload and it "feels" OK. One thing you should do when using POST without payload: Pass header Content-Length: 0. I remember problems with some proxies when I api-client didn't pass it.
If you use POST /uri without a body it is something like using a function which does not take an argument .e.g int post (void); so it is reasonable to have function to your resource class which can change the state of an object without having an argument. If you consider to implement the Unix touch function for a URI, is not it be good choice?
Yes, it's OK to send a POST request without a body and instead use query string parameters. But be careful if your parameters contain characters that are not HTTP valid you will have to encode them.
For example if you need to POST 'hello world' to and end point you would have to make it look like this:
Support for the answers that POST is OK in this case is that in Python's case, the OpenAPI framework "FastAPI" generates a Swagger GUI (see image) that doesn't contain a Body section when a method (see example below) doesn't have a parameter to accept a body.
the method "post_disable_db" just accepts a path parameter "db_name" and doesn't have a 2nd parameter which would imply a mandatory body.'/{db_name}/disable',
async def post_disable_db(db_name: str):
response: ResponseSuccess = Handlers.databases_handler.post_change_db_enabled_state(db_name, False)
except HTTPException as e:
raise (e)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception(f'Changing state of DB to enabled=False failed due to: {e.__repr__()}')
raise HTTPException(HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=e.__repr__())
return response
