Unable to execute R code on U-SQL using R extensions - r

I have been trying to execute R code on U-SQL using the R extensions mentioned in the documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-analytics/data-lake-analytics-u-sql-r-extensions).
When I try to execute the example scripts mentioned in the link above, it throws the error:
C# error CS1739: The best overload for 'Reducer' does not have a parameter named 'rReturnType'
And when I remove the rReturnType parameter I am unable to make sense of the output.
Are there any other Extension.R parameters which will serve the same purpose?

Which version of the extensions have you installed? if you installed them some while ago, the parameters of the libraries may have changed and be out of date with the documentation. I am pinging the owner of the documentation page to make sure that the docs are in sync with the latest released version.
UPDATE: I checked and the documentation is aligned with the latest version. Please go to the ADLA Portal and reinstall the U-SQL Extensions. Please make sure that you read up on the release notes in case you or someone else uses the older version.


How Visual Studio discover NuGets with source symbols?

I prepared a symbol package successfully using dotnet pack's --include-symbols and --include-source switches. Now I wonder how to tell Visual Studio to use that package when trying to step into code of the corresponding non-symbol one.
I tried to place the symbol package to a local folder and configuring solution-level nuget.config file to use this folder as a package source. Idea is that there is maybe some name convention that looks for packages like {name}.symbols in all configured packages sources... but that doesn't work.
Oficial docs (especially the older ones) are talking a lot about configuring "Symbol Servers", but if I understand correctly, that's something different and older, right? If I wanted to set-up an internal symbol server, I wouldn't do that through NuGet. (I really don't want to set up an internal symbol server.)
They are also suggesting to push to smbsrc.net, but I can't do that with internal code, obviously. Also, I can't believe there are hard-coded URLs in .NET toolbox.
I didn't find a way to meaningfully use source included by dotnet build.
There are alternatives though:
SourceLink offers a way to configure mapping between source code build paths and HTTP locations. Unfortunately, that does not work for private repositories without a specific support for source control server authentication method. Bitbucket Server, for example, is not yet supported.
You can embed sources directly into PDBs. I will probably go that way.

Meteor Project not supported

I am trying to run a project on meteor but getting this error in the command line-
this project uses Meteor1.0.2.1, which isn't available on Windows. To
work with is app on all supported platforms, use ,meteor update
--release METEOR# to pin this app to the newest Windows-compatible release.
I have tried updating to which I am getting the error message
while checking for meteorhacks:kadira-binary-deps#1.2.1:error: No
compatible binary build found for this package. Contact the package
author and ask them to publish it for your platform.
I tried updating this to which i was brought back to the first error message.
Does anyone know how I can run this meteor package? It is sparrow-finance to be specific.
The answer is simply remove the kadira package which you can do by editing the packages file in .meteor.
But, kadira is really useful. So what I'd suggest is to set up meteor environments. Meteor cookbook has a good example of this - https://github.com/awatson1978/meteor-cookbook/blob/master/cookbook/environment-detection.md .
If your environment is anything other than local, use kadira, else don't use it.

How to write the scripts for Qt Installer

I'm trying to write my first Qt installer and having trouble. In my installer, in one of the packages, I need to run an .exe file at the end of the installation and add an environment variable as well.
I think the way to do it is with the script option in the package.xml file but I don't know how to write that script, I cannot find a step by step explanation of how to do it anywhere.
Can someone help?
I have been recently suffering the same fate as yourself but have managed, for the most part, to achieve what you are trying to do from the Qt installer framework examples and documentation found here http://qt-project.org/doc/qtinstallerframework-1.5/index.html and http://doc.qt.io/qtinstallerframework/qtifwexamples.html.
The information provided on these pages is a little ambiguous but with a little experimentation you should be able to create the install script that you require.
The package.xml file you would like to implement the install script requires that you add a
tag and that the installscript.qs its self should be located in the meta folder of that package. The installscript.qs will then contain, among a few other things, a
command which will execute your required .exe. The same process for the environment variable could be implemented using the execute operation to run a batch file which creates the variable on the users system.
I have been trying over the last few weeks to implement the custom operations detailed in the qt installer framework documentation but have so far been unsuccessful so if you make any progress in this area feel free to pass the information on ;)

Visual Studio 2012 ASP.NET bundling fails part way through

I'm trying to setup VS 2012's new bundling functionality (via the Microsoft.Web.Optimization package - read more here) and for the most part, everything is working alright. The problem is that the processing just gives up after ~15000 characters.
When I build and run the page, I get a bunch of failures because the JavaScript files that have been loaded are truncated halfway through a line in the middle of a function...
Has anyone else experienced this or does anyone have any insight into how resolve this issue?
I originally encountered this error using foo.AddDirectory("~/scripts/", "*.js"). Using foo.AddFile("~/scripts/bar.js") only results in the javascript errors when I include any jquery plugins. No errors are being thrown on the server.
The problem was a result of the Web Optimization library not being up to date. I highly suggest that anyone attempting to use this retrieve the library via NuGet command line: Install-Package -IncludePrerelease Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization. There are various versions of documentation and examples on the web, but the most current can be found using the above method and the most current documentation is that found in the answer below.
Do you have a small repro? My guess is that maybe there's an issue with the javascript files that are in the bundle.
Its also possible the minifier is choking on something and/or incorrectly minifying them.
If you are using the Scripts.Render helper, have you tried running with debug = true to make sure that everything works correctly with no bundling or minification?
Here's also the latest documentation which might be helpful: http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/mvc-4/bundling-and-minification

How to install and run Versi Design Template for Marklogic?

Can someone tell me how to install and run Versi Design Template for Marklogic ? I followed the instructions given in the getting started guide but it is giving me errors. Versi design template is available at the following link:-
To my knowledge, the Versi project exists quite long already. Not sure how well it has been kept up to date. If you are thinking about using it to develop web applications more quickly, you might also be interested in RunDMC, which is more actively maintained for sure:
