WebIOPi no connection with I2C device alert - arduino

I am working with WebIOPi on a Raspberry Pi 2. The raspberry is connected to an Arduino Nano via I2C (Python script working well with the Nano - a button from a web page can turn on or off LEDs).
Is it possible to make a diagnostic Javascript alert when the connection with the Arduino is broken (if line/wire I2C is broken)?
Thank you.

solved in low level (python script + return some value).
Example python script:
bus.write_byte(address, int(value))
number = bus.read_byte(address)
flag = number
except IOError:
number = 11 #error value (my fantasy)
flag = number
"flag" variable used in javascript to recognize connection status and if flag = 11 then comes alert("no connection")


In Octave, how to close the serial port after opening with the new "serialport" command syntax

The latest documentation for serial communication in Octave explains to use the "serialport" command to open the port instead of the deprecated "serial" command.
There is no explanation of how to close the serial port. I used this to successfully open the port and do some writing
But I can't figure out how to close the port. I used this:
And got this error response
error: file id must be a file object, std::string, or integer value
Does anyone know how to close the serial port?
The octave functions attempt to mimic where possible the Matlan functions, which also does not have a close function.
To close the serial port, set the variable to something else, and if it is not used elsewhere, it will close the port.
# create a serialport references by the s1 variable
# set s1 to something else
s1 = [];
# s1 was only variable referencing the serial port
# so the serial port is now freed/closed
You could also clear the variable:
clear s1

How could I take my HC05 Module out of AT Command Mode without disconnecting the Arduino?

I am trying to program my HC05 module on my Arduino Uno to change to different names based on different conditions.
I've got it to change the name while it is in AT Command Mode, and have setup a relay to cut the 5V for 1 second to put the module into AT Command Mode, but now I need to know how to take the module out of AT Command Mode without disconnecting the Arduino from the power.
I've tried completely disconnecting the power from the Arduino while it is in AT Com Mode and then putting everything back, but it recognises that it was last in AT Command Mode
What is the command to get out of AT Command Mode?
In your bluetooth module you must have an enable pin, check where it is connected if it is connected to HIGH the module is in AT command mode.

HM10 BLE 4.0 Send AT Commands instead of passing through serial

When I send any commands to the HM10 BLE Bluetooth module, it sends the commands through bluetooth instead of the HM10 module processing the command. For example, I expected to send AT and have the module respond with "OK", but it sends the text "AT" through the bluetooth connection. I have tried sending the command with no bluetooth connection and the same thing happens. I have also tried sending the command via bluetooth instead of the serial connected to the device and I get the same thing.
When HM10 is connected to remote ble device it is in transparent mode. To put it into AT mode you need break connection or not establish it at all.
For breaking connection use reset/break pins. Reset is 12 pin and Break seems to be 23 pin.
It has sense to look IMME parameter of the module (page 32 of datasheet).
IMME Query/Set Module work type
1: When module is powered on, only respond the AT Command, don’t do
anything. Until AT + START, AT+CON, AT+CONNL commands is received.
0: When power on, module will start work immediately Default: 0
Also be carefull with strings endings, usually string doesn't need to be terminated with any symbol at all: AT, but some H11 need the string to end with CRLF: AT\r\n
Maybe (Maybe) your problem because of using clone module, try this solution with upload genuine firmware to your hm-10.
How to flash genuine HM-10 firmware on CC2541
I had problem close from your problem but for me no matter what I send I don't receive anything even to connected device, but after I upload that firmware, and change Module work mode to 1 (AT+MODE1) become able to send command even from connected device.

ESP8266 Wifi Module - prints "ready" but not responding to AT commands

Just received my first ESP8266 wifi module with some excitement. However I've been unable to fully communicate with it. I have connected the module to my computer via a usb to serial cable and I'm power the module via a separate power supply (3.3v).
After powering the module up I receive the following information (via PuTTY or and Arduino serial monitor window):
[Vendor:www.ai-thinker.com Version:]
I have tried sending various AT commands e.g.
But I get no response. Using ctrl+m and ctrl+j in putty didn't help either.
Please see my youtube video if its helpful:
To get AT OK .
2.Then Enter commands to execute
eg AT+GMR ->presss enter then ctrl+j
to get firmware
repeat step 1 for each command.
Make sure that you have putty or the Arduino serial console configured to send both a newline \n and a carriage return \r character. So AT+RST actually ends up being AT+RST\r\n. This took me a bit when I first received my ESP8266 modules. On the Arduino serial console this option is at the bottom of the window. I can see in your video you have it set to no line ending. Hopefully that does it for you.

avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported

I am trying to upload this firmware sck_beta_v0_8_6 via Arduino 1.0.5-r2.
I have chosen LilyPad Arduino USB as the board. The device is a Smart Citizen Kit Urban Shield v.1.1.
The upload fails with the following error message:
Found programmer: Id = "BÛR"; type =
Software Version = . ; Hardware Version = .
avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't
a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device?
What am I doing wrong?
Sometimes, a different USB cable will make all the difference. There is a wide range in the quality of cables on the market, and sometimes, you get one on the ragged edge of acceptable.
The Arduino lilypad seems to be particularly susceptible to this. Glad this helped.
Press the Reset Button before upload the code, until you hear the "unplug" sound (in windows). Open the IDE and try it again
I had the same error message trying to upload a sketch to an Arduino Leonardo board from a Levovo laptop using Arduino ver 1.0.6. Both Device Manager and Arduino showed the board connected on COM3. Arduino also gave an error message that COM3 was being used by another App. I tried changing USB cables but got the same message. What worked was changing the USB outlet from the top right rear on the Lenovo to the bottom right rear outlet. It connected on COM8 and I was able to upload the sketch. Understand there are speed differences between the two outlets. Now all I need to do is figure out why I cannot upload sketches to the same Leonardo board on my HP laptop with Windows 10 and the most recent Arduino version. Connects on COM6 but hangs up when uploading. (Note: Also had to edit some Arduino library files that worked on ver 1.0.6 but showed compile errors in the latest version.)
I had the same error, but I later found that I had the wrong Arduino type selected, instead of Nano I had Yun.
I had the same issue when trying to upload code into Arduino Micro ( Chinese clone ). Spending hours on Google, flashing new bootloader - still nothing. Physical reset and opening COM port with boundrate 1200 doesn't work. Why?
Google is telling, that Arduino Micro got Atmega32u4, but my clone got Atmega168! First of all, check what atmega type do you have by lookup on black soldered chip on Arduino.
So instead of choose "Arduino Micro" on "Board" menu, i choose Arduino Nano and everything works!
I get this same error, avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported also with garbage-looking output with programmer id # with versions ., when I point avrdude at the serial port of the stock main firmware of my Leonardo-compatible breakout board instead of the serial port offered during the bootloader; it seems that the latter is what avrdude can program?
The normal initial output when actually connecting to the bootloader would be something like:
Connecting to programmer: .
Found programmer: Id = "CATERIN"; type = S
Software Version = 1.0; No Hardware Version given.
To get to the bootloader you can either
press the reset button (if you don't have a reset button, connecting reset to ground), or
briefly connect to the main firmware's serial port at 1200 bps and disconnect
The bootloader will present a different serial USB device than the main firmware's serial USB device, so it may get assigned a different serial port number in your OS, usually the next available one. For instance in Windows my Leonardo-compatible main firmware was assigned COM3 and the bootloader was assigned COM4.
A python script, courtesy of https://nicholaskell.wordpress.com/tag/leonardo/, for doing this serial 'knock':
#!/usr/bin/env python
import serial, sys
serialPort = sys.argv[1]
ser = serial.Serial(
ser.close() # always close port
In Windows land, I have a cmd script for using this in a virtualenv
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python37-32\Scripts\virtualenv.exe" pyreset_virtualenv
pyreset_virtualenv\Scripts\pip.exe install pyserial
pyreset_virtualenv\Scripts\python reset.py COM3
adjust to suit your serial port and python path.
Either way, after getting the bootloader connected, you have a brief window of a couple of seconds where avrdude can connect to the new serial port to start programming before the bootloader will go into the main firmware again, at which point you'll have to do the reset again. So, once you figure out the bootloader serial port, you'll want to prepare the avrdude command line to run in advance, so you can launch it without delay after the reset.
While this answer isn't specific to the lilypad, you need to reset the board to write or read from/to the memory. However, If you are using avrdude in the terminal you must send a specific baudrate(1200 for the Leonardo) then close, wait 2 seconds, and open the port. At that point you can read and write to and from your Arduino. I achieved this using python.
Along the lines of:
Import serial
Import time
Import os
Seri=serial.Serial(yourConnectedPort, specificBaudRate)
os.system(your avrdude command)
