How to Run a Runnable Jar without Java_Home - jar

I have a shared host server, I have no root privileges on it, I can't write in system files, so I can't configure Java_Home.
I am searching for a solution to deploy my java application on the server.
I have a runnable jar.
can't I transform it to a machine language that doesn't require java?

As far as I am aware, there is no simple way to compile an entire an entire Java executable JAR into native binaries. If the machine does not have a JVM, this is quite a difficult problem.
If the machine is windows based, you might have success with Launch4j, a free executable wrapping tool.
If not, I would recommend trying packr, a similar tool supporting packaging for any system.


How to turn JAVA FX Application to real application?

I have a JavaFX Application which is built in Eclipse IDE and runs fine in my Environment since I also have the JAVA FX SDK connected to the environment. How can I have my Application run on any computer. I want to know how or is it possible for a JAVA FX Application to run on any computer even without the JAVA FX SDK. I have made my project into a JAR File however I can only run my program using Command Prompt since I run the Jar File, also having to include the VM Environments to have the program run. What steps can I take to have my Application to turn in an application which a normal user can run on their computer. I have looked over this Stack Overflow Question which uses a Launch 4j to turn a jar into a .exe. What is the significance that the file being a .exe? Will it run on a computer without Java FX? My question is mainly on how will my program usability be affected since it uses JAVA FX?
Try jpackage to generate native bundle if you are using java module system.
Or jlink to generate a custom jre and write a start script.

How to install FitNesse on application server as war/ear

Fitnesse download page only has option for standalone.jar and this is also what the instructions are for. Is it somehow possible to install FitNesse on a separate app server, such as Tomcat? There's not directly any war/ear to download, but can I bundle one somehow?
I'm experimenting with acceptance testing frameworks and need to run the tests on a very specific test environment, and thus require a possibility for installing on an already running app container where the tests are executed. Changes for getting even java executable from command line in this environment are slim, and if possible, the process would take probably months to realize.
I do not believe it is possible, but even if you were to get the wiki running inside an app server, a test run would still try to start a new java process (by starting the java executable) so you still need access to that executable.
But does the test environment really need to be in the app server? I usually use FitNesse to test an application from the outside: the test framework makes remote (http) calls to an application running in an app server, but it does not run in that same app server itself.

How can I deploy ASP.NET (mvc) site using GIT and for ex. via FTP?

The problem is, that when I commit project directory, there is uploaded everything including source code.
Not really sure why you want to upload via FTP? You shouldn't commit your own compiled binaries to source control for deployment though.
You could take a look at AppHarbor, just push your code with git and it will be build and deployed automatically.
more about AppHarbor
Real alternatives to Windows Azure PaaS (web role)?
Does it matter? Since pages can be compiled on the server, having source files on the web server is sometimes normal so IIS knows not to allow access to them.
That said, uploading output binaries into source control is generally a bad idea - it is better to do the deployment from your build server.
Actually, this is kind of hard.
For months, I've tried to automatize our deployment, without absolute success. For my experience, I can see only way to do that:
Have a build server on your deployment machine (or same network)
A build server will pull out your code from repository, say, once per minute and will check for modifications. If there's modifications, it will execute the build scripts related to this project. I suggest you to use TeamCity, because it is very easy to use compared to CruiseControl (I'm not sure if you can use Git with TFS). You can program your build server for build your solution or project and after, you can execute an msbuild script to copy the files to the production folder (e.g: c:\inetpub\yourapp or \\my_server\inetpub\yourapp). You can use MSBuild's Copy Task to do that.
UPDATE 1: I didn't tried, but if helps, you can push to an FTP server using git-ftp
UPDATE 2: Seems that some guy did some workarounds and successfully deployed his app using git and FTP.

How does running ASP.Net on Linux compare to the standard Microsoft-centric solution?

I know its possible to develop and host an ASP.Net site on Linux using Mono and Apache, but I'd like to know how well it works and if its worth the hassle? I prefer open source, but for this project I want the quickest, easiest, most reliable solution.
The site I'll be building will be a fairly basic ASP.Net site using MySQL.
I'd like to know if anyone else has experience using Mono in a situation like mine and how the project went. How did it compare to using a Microsoft-centric solution?
I know Mono is still somewhat incomplete, but I'm hoping I won't need the features it lacks.
This question may be a bit "polarizing". Most similar questions seem to have responses from people who are either very pro-Microsoft or pro-Linux. I'm hoping for some unbiased responses, preferably from people with experience using both.
I switched from MS-centric solutions about a year and a half ago and now I'm hosting all of my websites and web projects on Linux/Mono/Apache/MySQL based virtual servers (I was originally using nginx instead of apache, but mono-fastcgi-server was randomly causing thrashing, so I choose apache as a web server). I can summarize my (subjective) experience with this configuration into a few points:
It can take some time to get used to difference between Linux and MS based environments (if you never used Linux before), but I do not regret this decision. What helped me a lot was creating installation and configuration procedures for particular technologies (for example mono parallel environments, apache virtual hosts configurations, dealing with certain issues) which are mostly repeatable and can be automated.
You can still use Visual Studio to develop your applications and then deploy them on Linux machine. If you are using this approach it's a good habit to test your apps regularly on mono for possible incompatibilities.
I deploy web applications via FTP which is probably the easiest way of doing it (well maybe WinSCP is even easier, because you don't have to set up FTP server, but it depends on your preferences).
So far I have run into 2 cases with Mono/Apache where memory leak caused unavailability of the website. This was probably caused by Boehm garbage collector which I was using on old mono installation. I haven't had similar problems with a new sgen GC on recent versions of mono.
What I like the most on mono running on Linux environment compared to MS stuff is that you don't have to click around all the time when doing administrative tasks. Shell is for me unified administrative interface which can speed up things (if you have some practice).
Hosting ASP.NET on mono from my experience is quite easy and fast. i has been host multiple of my project using Mono ASP.NET MVC 1 / 2 using MySQL and PostgreSQL, serve by Apache mod_mono.
Compared with deployment on Windows Server. It quite narrow when using modern linux distribution which already provides all package to deploy mono ASP.NET. the only drawback is you have to make sure your Web Application portable enough in term of IO accessing and only very short learning curve and experience needed to debug and publish your project.
For Deploying our project in Linux. It easy using Version Control (VS) such as Mercurial or Git if u have fully control on the server. If U have more experience using continues integration is more better. I mainly using mercurial so step bellow is the step i usually do, but i think it almost similar for Git:
Install mercurial, and configure mod_wsgi, hgweb.wsgi and hgwerb.config
Init VS repo and publish at hgweb.config and configure hook to update and invoke xbuild to automatically build when u push it
publish the repo (web part) as mono application at mod_mono.conf
So u just need to code at visual studio, commit and push your changes using tortoiseHg without event login to server (set repo url, user and password at your repo hgrc)
Please note that although you can deploy ASP on Linux via things like Mono, if you use a Microsoft ide such as Visual studio, webmatrix, or Visual web developer your licence only allows you to deploy these on Microsoft servers!

What could be good ways to deploy ASP.Net Web Applications?

We currently deploy web applications by creating a database and running SQL scripts through query analyzer. Then we copy the output from "publish website" and set up that website in IIS.
We have seen websetup in visual studio, but that part seems to be thinly documented. For example, we are not clear how to ask the user for IP and password of SQL server. We also tend to get websites deployed this way coming up under folders like, instead of just
Then there are issues with AJAX.Net not being installed or some or the other patch not applied.
So far, we have physical access to the servers. Pretty soon though we are going to be shipping CDROMs. What is the practical tradeoff between manual intervention and automation?
Avoid Visual Studio deployment, and automate as much as possible. Web Deployment Projects and NAnt can be your friends!
Briefly, our deployment setup:
We use RedGate SQL to script differences between dev and live database.
An NAnt build file which calls MSBUILD to build the web deployment project (.wdproj), zips up the resulting compiled web app (along with the SQL change script) and then uploads the zip file to the server.
On the server side, there is another NAnt build file which takes the application offline, backs up the database, backs up the website. runs the SQL change script, unzips the new version and brings the app online.
Step 3 is usually run "manually" (one double-click), but sometimes scheduled for late at night. You could do exactly the same from a CDROM, or even write a pretty little Windows Forms app as a wrapper.
Quite happy to give details of the NAnt script if you're interested.
Have you tried using Web Deployment project? There is support for VS 2008 also now..
I deploy mostly ASP.NET apps to Linux servers. Here is my standard workflow:
I use a source code repository (like Subversion)
On the server, I have a bash script that does the following:
Checks out the latest code
Does a build (creates the DLLs)
Filters the files down to the essentials (removes code files for example)
Backs up the database
Deploys the files to the web server in a directory named with the current date
Updates the database if a new schema is included in the deployment
Makes the new installation the default one so it will be served with the next hit
Checkout is done with the command-line version of Subversion and building is done with xbuild (msbuild work-alike from the Mono project). Most of the magic is done in ReleaseIt.
On my dev server I essentially have continuous integration but on the production side I actually SSH into the server and initiate the deployment manually by running the script. My script is cleverly called 'deploy' so that is what I type at the bash prompt. I am very creative. Not.
In production, I have to type 'deploy' twice: once to check-out, build, and deploy to a dated directory and once to make that directory the default instance. Since the directories are dated, I can revert to any previous deployment simply by typing 'deploy' from within the relevant directory.
Initial deployment takes a couple of minutes and reversion to a prior version takes a few seconds.
It has been a nice solution for me and relies only on the three command-line utilities (svn, xbuild, and releaseit), the DB client, SSH, and Bash.
I really need to update the copy of ReleaseIt on CodePlex sometime:
