Java - Will changes to class variables in recursive functions be deleted afterwards? - recursion

I'm trying to implement minimax algorithm.
(For those who aren't familiar: a recursive function for 2 opponents (each has its own turn. ex. chess,go etc), which calculates what is the best move for each turn of a player, by calculating recursively the outcome of a selected move for player A and vice versa.
It is called Minimax because the first player always tries to maximize his outcome, while the second always tries to minimize first's outcome [Which also means maximizing his]).
The player's class that invokes the function has the board (which is another class).
The player plays by placing a piece in its board, and there's another function to calculate the score/heuristic score whatever.
My question is the following: When calculating each player's outcome, I need to actually place the piece on the board, then do all calculations. Will my changes be deleted once I go up the recursive tree again?
I sense it won't, because even that Java passes by value, I still alter Player's table. so I wonder if I should duplicate my current board every time and play virtually / pass a board as an argument/ and so on...

I sense it won't, because even that Java passes by value, I still alter Player's table. so I wonder if I should duplicate my current board every time and play virtually / pass a board as an argument/ and so on...
That is one option. Another solution (often more efficient computationally) is to implement and use an undo() function that reverses the effect of a move on the board.


Chicken or egg in functions/actors processing WorldState

I have read the series "Purely Functional Retrogames"
It discusses some interesting techniques to build a (semi-)pure game world update loop.
However, I have the following side remark, that I cannot seem to get my head around:
Suppose you have a system, where every enemy, and every player are separate actors, or separate pure functions.
Suppose they all get a "WorldState" as input, and output a New WorldState (or, if you're thinking in actor terms, send the new WorldState to the next actor, ending with for instance a "Game Render" actor).
Then, there's two ways to go with this:
Either you start with one actor, (f.i. the player), and feed him the "current world".
Then, you feed the new world, to the next enemy, and so on, until all actors have converted the worlds. Then, the last world is the new world you can feed to the render loop. (or, if you followed the above article, you end up with a list of events that have occurred in the world, which can be processed).
A second way, is to just give all actors the current WorldState at the same time. They generate any changes, which may conflict (for instance, two enemies and the player can take a coin in the same animation frame) -> it is up to the game system to solve these conflicts by processing the events. By processing all events, the Game actor creates the new world, to be used in the next update frame.
I have a feeling I'm just confronted with the exact same "race condition" problem I wished to avoid by using pure functions with immutable data.
Any advice here?
I didn't read the article, but with the coin example you are creating a kind of global variable: you give a copy of the world state to all actors and you suppose that each actor will evaluate the game, take decision and expect that their action will succeed, regardless of the last phase which is the conflict solving. I would not call this a race condition but rather a "blind condition", and yes, this will not work.
I imagine that you came to this solution in order to allow parallelism, not available in solution 1. In my opinion, the problem is about responsibility.
The coin must belong to an actor (a server acting as resource manager) as anything in the application. This actor is the only responsible to decide what will happen to the coin.
All requests (is there something to grab, grab it, drop something...) should be sent to this actor (one actor per cell, or per map, level or any split that make sense for the game).
The way you will manage it is then up to you: serve all requests in the receive order, buffer them until a synchro message comes and make a random decision or priority decision... In any case the server will be able to reply to all actors with success or failure without any risk of race condition since the server process is run (at least in erlang) on a single core and proceed one message at a time.
In addition to Pascal answer, you can solve parallelization by splitting (i assume huge map) to smaller chunks which depend on last state (or part of it, like an edge) of its neighbours. This allows you to distribute this game among many nodes.

Does 'foldp' violate FP's no mutable state principle?

I'm learning about Elm from Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks. The following example confuses me:
import Keyboard
main = lift asText (foldp (\dir presses -> presses + dir.x) 0 Keyboard.arrows)
foldp is defined as:
Signal.foldp : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b
It appears to me that:
the initial value of the accumulator presses is only 0 on the first evaluation of main
after the first evaluation of main it seems that the initial value of presses is whatever the result of function (a -> b -> b), or (\dir presses -> presses + dir.x) in the example, was on the previous evaluation.
If this is indeed the case, then isn't this a violation of functional programming principles, since main now maintains internal state (or at least foldp does)?
How does this work when I use foldp in multiple places in my code? Does it keep multiple internal states, one for each time I use it?
The only other alternative I see is that foldp (in the example) starts counting from 0, so to say, each time it's evaluated, and somehow folds up the entire history provided by Keyboard.arrows. This seems to me to be extremely wasteful and sure to cause out-of-memory exceptions for long run times.
Am I missing something here?
How it works
Yes, foldp keeps some internal state around. Saving the entire history would be wasteful and is not done.
If you use foldp multiple times in your code, doing distinct things or having distinct input signals, then each instance will keep it's own local state. Example:
import Keyboard
plus = (foldp (\dir presses -> presses + dir.x) 0 Keyboard.arrows)
minus = (foldp (\dir presses -> presses - dir.x) 0 Keyboard.arrows)
showThem p m = flow down (map asText [p, m])
main = lift2 showThem plus minus
But if you use the resulting signal from a foldp twice, only one foldp instance will be in your compiled program, the resulting changes will just be used in two place:
import Keyboard
plus = (foldp (\dir presses -> presses + dir.x) 0 Keyboard.arrows)
showThem p m = flow down (map asText [p, m])
main = lift2 showThem plus plus
The main question
If this is indeed the case, then isn't this a violation of functional programming principles, since main now maintains internal state (or at least foldp does)?
Functional programming doesn't have some great canonical definition that everybody uses. There are many examples of functional programming languages that allow for the use of mutable state. Some of these programming languages show you that a value is mutable in the type-system (you could see Haskell's State a type as such, it really depends on your viewpoint though).
But what is mutable state? What is a mutable value? It's a value inside the program, that is mutable. That is, it can change. It can be different things at different times. Ah, but we know how Elm calls values at change over time! That's a Signal.
So really a Signal in Elm is a value that can change over time, and can therefore be seen as a variable, a mutable value, or mutable state. It's just that we manage this value very strictly by allowing only a few well-chosen manipulations on Signals. Such a Signal can be based on other Signals in your program, or come from a library or come from the outside world (think of inputs like Mouse.position). And who knows how the outside world came up with that signal! So allowing your own Signals to be based on the past value of Signals is actually ok.
Conclusion / TL;DR
You could see Signal as a safety wrapper around mutable state. We assume that signals that come from the outside world (as input to your program) are not predictable, but because we have this safety wrapper that only allows lift/sample/filter/foldp, the program you write is otherwise completely predictable. Side-effects are contained and managed, therefore I think it's still "functional programming".
You're confusing an implementation detail with a conceptual detail. Every functional programming language eventually gets translated down to assembly code, which is decidedly imperative. That doesn't mean you can't have purity at the language level.
Don't think of main as being repeatedly evaluated, returning different results every time. A Signal is conceptually an infinite list of values. main takes an infinite list of keyboard arrows as input and translates that into an infinite list of elements. Given the same list of arrows, it will always return the exact same list of elements, without side effects. At this level of abstraction, it is therefore a pure function.
Now, it so happens that we are only interested in the last element of the sequence. This allows for some optimizations in the implementation, one of which is storing the accumulated value. What's important is that the implementation is referentially transparent. From the language's point of view, you're getting the exact same answer as if you stored the entire sequence and recomputed it from scratch every time a value is added to the end. You get the same output given the same input. The only difference is storage space and execution time.
In other words, the whole idea of functional programming is not to eliminate state tracking, but to abstract it away from the purview of the programmer. Programmers get to play in the ideal world, while the compiler and runtime slave away in the sewers of mutable state to make the ideal world possible for the rest of us.
You should note that "doesnt maintain internal state" isn't really strong definition of FP. Its much more like an implementation constraint. What definition I like more is "built from pure functions". Without diving deep, in plain English it means that all functions return same output when given same input. This definition unlike previous gives you huge reasoning power and a simple way to check whether some program follows it while keeping some optimization space on current hardware.
Given reformulated restriction functional languages are free to use mutables as long as it modelled with pure functions. Answering your question, elm programs built out of pure functions so its probably a functional language. Elm uses special data structure, Signal, to model outside world interactions and internal state as well as any other functional language does.

How to handle missing data in structure from motion optimization/bundle adjustment

I am working on a structure from motion application and I am tracking a number of markers placed on the object to determine the rigid structure of the object.
The app is essentially using standard Levenberg-Marquardt optimization over multiple camera views and minimizing the differences between expected marker points and the marker points obtained in 2D from each view.
For each marker point and each view the following function is minimised:
double diff = calculatedXY[index] - observedXY[index]
Where calculatedXY value depends on a number of unknown parameters that need to be found via the optimization and observedXY is the marker point position in 2D. In total I have (marker points * views) number of functions like the one above that I am aiming to minimise.
I have coded up a simulation of the camera seeing all the marker points but I was wondering how to handle the cases when during running the points are not visible due to lighting, occlusion or just not being in the camera view. In the real running of the app I will be using a web cam to view the object so it is likely that not all markers will be visible at once and depending on how robust my computer vision algorithm is, I might not be able to detect a marker all the time.
I thought of setting the diff value to be 0 (sigma squared difference = 0) in the case where the marker point could not be observed, could this skew the results however?
Another thing I noticed is that the algorithm is not as good when presented with too many views. It is more likely to estimate a bad solution when presented with too many views. Is this a common problem with bundle adjustment due to the increased likeliness of hitting a local minimum when presented with too many views?
It is common practice to just leave out terms corresponding to missing markers. Ie. don't try to minimise calculateXY-observedXY if there is no observedXY term. There's no need to set anything to zero, you shouldn't even be considering this term in the first place - just skip it (or, I guess in your code, it's equivalent to set the error to zero).
Bundle adjustment can fail terribly if you simply throw a large number of observations at it. Build your solution up incrementally by solving with a few views first and then keep on adding.
You might want to try some kind of 'robust' approach. Instead of using least squares, use a "loss function"1. These allow your optimisation to survive even if there are a handful of observations that are incorrect. You can still do this in a Levenberg-Marquardt framework, you just need to incorporate the derivative of your loss function into the Jacobian.

Cryptography for P2P card game

I'm considering writing a computer adaptation of a semi-popular card game. I'd like to make it function without a central server, and I'm trying to come up with a scheme that will make cheating impossible without having to trust the client.
The basic problem as I see it is that each player has a several piles of cards (draw deck, current hand and discard deck). It must be impossible for either player to alter the composition of these piles except when allowed by the game rules (ie drawing or discarding cards), nor should players be able to know what is in their or their oppponent's piles.
I feel like there should be some way to use something like public-key cryptography to accomplish this, but I keep finding holes in my schemes. Can anyone suggest a protocol or point me to some resources on this topic?
Ok, so I've been thinking about this a bit more, and here's an idea I've come up with. If you can poke any holes in it please let me know.
At shuffle time, a player has a stack of cards whose value is known to them. They take these values, concatenate a random salt to each, then hash them. They record the salts, and pass the hashes to their opponent.
The opponent concatenates a salt of their own, hashes again, then shuffles the hashes and passes the deck back to the original player.
I believe at this point, the deck has been randomized and neither player can have any knowledge of the values. However, when a card is drawn, the opponent can reveal their salt, allowing the first player to determine what the original value is, and when the card is played the player reveals their own salt, allowing the opponent to verify the card value.
Your problem is the famous Mental Poker Problem in cryptography (this was one of my favorite parts of crypto-class in college). It is possible, and it has been solved (in part, like all things crypto, by Ron Rivest), as long as you don't mind a huge performance hit.
Check the wiki page for more details.
I want to describe one idea which came into my mind rather quickly. I don't know if it serves all your needs, so please feel free to comment on this.
Assume player A has cards A1, A2, A3, ... from a set represented by numbers 0, 1, ... N-1. These cards might be also separated into piles but this does not change the following.
Instead of handling these cards with a single list [A1, A2, A3, ...] you can instead use two of them [A1_a, A2_a, A3_a, ...] and [A1_b, A2_b, A3_b, ...] where one is with player A and the other with player B. They are generated in such a way, that each one is random (in range 0...N-1) but both are correlated such that A1_a + A1_b = A1, A2_a + A2_b = A2, ... (all operations modulo N).
Thus no player actually knows the cards without access to the complementary pile (i.e. he cannot reasonably change his cards)
Whenever you need to know a card both players show their corrresponding value and you add those modulo N
you can implement things like "draw a card" quite easily, both piles just have to be treated the same way
The traditional Mental Poker scheme is overkill. Your situation is actually much easier since there is no shared deck. You could do something like this:
Player A takes his cards and encrypts them with key Ka. He sends them to B who shuffles them, encrypts them with key Kb. Each time A wants to play a card, he asks B for the (Kb) decryption of the next one. A decrypts this to find what card he drew. At the end, A and B reveal Ka and Kb and compares them with the game log, which should prevent cheating.
Updated: On reflection, here's a simpler solution: As above, player A encrypts his cards and sends them to B. B shuffles them. Whenever A wants a card, he tells B which deck he's drawing from. B returns the (encrypted) card from the appropriate pile.
While a central server would probably be the easiest way, if you want to avoid it you could use a distributed system, wherein everybody playing the game is a storage host for other players' decks (not for himself or his opponent, but anybody else). I believe Limewire and Bittorrent both work this way, so you might gain some ideas by studying those sources.
Maybe the players could exchange hashes of their piles at the start of the game.
Then when the game is complete, the players exchange the actual composition that their piles had at the beginning of the game. Now the player's client can check that it matches the hash they got before and then check that all the moves that were made would work with those decks.
The only problem is how the decks are shuffled initially. You would need to make sure the player cannot just start his deck in any order he chooses.
Maybe have the players generate their initial deck order by getting randomness from some specific source.. but in a way that the other player cannot work out what the other player's deck orders are until the end of the game, but can still check that the player didn't fiddle their decks. Not sure how you could accomplish that.
Another idea. Maybe instead of generating the random decks at the beginning of the game, they could be generated as the game goes on.
Each time a player needs to take a new card from the pile, their opponent sends them some random seed that is used to choose what the next card will be.
That way the user has no way of knowing in what order the cards will follow in their decks.
I'm not sure how you would stop the other player from being able to tell what card they would be picking for their opponent. If the seed was used to select a card from some kind of randomly ordered list of the cards that the opponent had a hash of to verify.. they could check all the possible combinations of cards and find out which one matched the hash, thereby being able to dictate which card they wanted the other player to draw by sending them a seed that would cause that card to be selected.
this is an adaption of Acorns approach:
each player has their deck (totally ordered set(s) of cards) ... those decks are public and are in natural order
each player needs a asymetric (signing) keypair, public keys exchanged
now to the randomness problem:
since a player may not be able to see in advance what cards they will draw, the opponent will be the source of our randomness:
when we need some random value, we ask our opponent ... random values are stored along with the moves to be checked later
since our opponent may not be able to manipulate the order of our cards, we take that received random value and sign it with our private key ... the value of that signature will be our RNG seed (unpredictable for the opponent), and later the opponent may verify the signature against the random number he/she generated (so we store the signatures too, and exchange them after the game)
since we can do this random number exchange every round, the random values are not known to the player in advance -> no peeking at the order of our stack
and since we now have a seeded RNG we can get random values derived from that "shared" random value ...
that way we can draw "random" (completely deterministic, with repeateable verifiable results) cards from our deck ... the deck/pile won't need to be shuffled, since we can get random positions from our RNG
since we have all exchanged random values, the signatures, the initial decks (in total order), and all moves, we can replay the whole game afterwards and check for irregularities

Backtracking maze algorithm doesn't seem to be going all the way back

Basically, I have this: First, a bunch of code generates a maze that is non-traversable. It randomly sets walls in certain spaces of a 2D array based on a few parameters. Then I have a backtracking algorithm go through it to knock out walls until the whole thing is traversable. The thing is, the program doesn't seem to be going all the way back in the stack.
It's pretty standard backtracking code. The algorithm starts at a random location, then proceeds thus in pseudocode:
move(x, y){
if you can go up and haven't been there already:
move (x, y - 1)
if you can go right and haven't been there already:
move (x + 1, y)
And so on for the other directions. Every time you move, two separate 2D arrays of booleans (one temporary, one permanent) are set at the coordinates to show that you've been in a certain element. Once it can't go any further, it checks the permanent 2D array to see if it has been everywhere. If not, it randomly picks a wall that borders between a visited and non visited space (according to the temporary array) and removes it. This whole thing is invoked in a while loop, so once it's traversed a chunk of the maze, the temporary 2D array is reset while the other is kept and it traverses again at another random location until the permanent 2D array shows that the whole maze has been traversed. The check in the move method is compared against the temporary 2D array, not the permanent one.
This almost works, but I kept finding a few unreachable areas in the final generated maze. Otherwise it's doing a wonderful job of generating a maze just the way I want it to. The thing is, I'm finding that the reason for this is that it's not going all the way back in the stack.
If I change it to check the temporary 2D array for completion instead of the permanent one (thus making it do one full traversal in a single run to mark it complete instead of doing a full run across multiple iterations), it will go on and on and on. I have to set a counter to break it. The result is a "maze" with far, far too many walls removed. Checking the route the algorithm takes, I find that it has not been properly backtracking and has not gone back in the stack nearly far enough in the stack and often just gets stuck on a single element for dozens of recursions before declaring itself finished for no reason at all and removing a wall that had zero need to be removed.
I've tried running the earlier one twice, but it keeps knocking out walls that don't need to be knocked out and making the maze too sparse. I have no idea why the heck this is happening.
I've had a similar problem when trying to make a method for creating a labyrinth.
The important thing when making mazes is to try to NOT create isolated "islands" of connected rooms in the maze. Here's my solution in pseudocode
Room r=randomRoom();
if(rooms[i].doors.length == 0 && rooms[i].hasNeighborWithDoor() ){
//if there is a room with no doors and that has a neighbor with doors
Create a door between the doorless room and the one
connected to the rest of your maze
where recursivelyDigNewDoors is a lot like your move() function
In reality, you might like to
describe a "door" as a lack of a wall
and a room without doors as a room with four walls
But the general principle is:
Start your recursive algorithm somewhere
When the algorithm stops: find a place where there's 1 unvisited square and 1 visited.
Link those two together and continue from the previously unvisited square
When no two squares fulfill (2) you're done and all squares are connected
