In the Alexa High Low Game Skill, there is the following code in startGameHandlers:
'AMAZON.YesIntent': function() {
this.attributes["guessNumber"] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
this.handler.state = states.GUESSMODE;
this.response.speak('Great! ' + 'Try saying a number to start the game.').listen('Try saying a number.');
After I start the game and response with "yes", I hear the speech output from Alexa "Great! Try saying a number to start the game.". If I do not response, should I expect the reprompt speech of "Try saying a number." being played out by Alexa? What I observed is that the reprompt speech is never played out.
And how long will Alexa wait for my response before the session is closed? It looks I have to response quickly to continue, otherwise the session is closed.
Yes, Alexa should play the reprompt speech. The reprompt is triggered after waiting 8s. The time to respond after the reprompt is 8s aswell. After this time frame the session closes.
To solve the problem with Alexa not triggering the reprompt you could try to send your response like this.
'AMAZON.YesIntent': function() {
this.attributes["guessNumber"] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
this.handler.state = states.GUESSMODE;
var speechOutput = 'Great! Try saying a number to start the game.';
var repromptSpeech = 'Try saying a number.';
this.emit(':ask', speechOutput, repromptSpeech);
I would like to add an event that my music bot leaves the voice channel immediately if the user leaves while the song is still playing. If there are multiple users in the channel, the bot should of course stay in the channel. I only have one approach there, but would need help. I would try the following:
async def check_member(self, ctx):
channel =
member_count = len(voice_channel.members)
if member_count == 1:
await channel.disconnect
but somehow this doesn't seem to work.
I know for fact that there is a similar post but this did not work for me too as I defined some things different.
My second attempt was:
async def check_member(self, ctx):
channel =
member_count = len(channel.members)
client = ctx.guild.voice_client
if member_count == 1:
await client.disconnect()
(Did not work either.)
To define does not work: I build the function in a different way now:
async def check(self, ctx):
voice_channel =
member_count = len(voice_channel.members)
client = ctx.guild.voice_client
if member_count == 1:
await client.disconnect()
This is now a total different count. What I am trying to do is loop the commands.Cog.listener() function every 2 seconds. For tests I played a song and left instantly after the bot started playing. I thought the bot would leave the channel too but it did not. There was no output in my log that I defined something wrong.
A loop is kinda unefficient, you can simply use the on_voice_state_update event
async def on_voice_state_update(member, before, after):
voice_state = member.guild.voice_client
# Checking if the bot is connected to a channel and if there is only 1 member connected to it (the bot itself)
if voice_state is not None and len( == 1:
# You should also check if the song is still playing
await voice_state.disconnect()
I want to run a computation that might take too long. If it doesn't finish in a specific time, abort the computation and return a different value. For this problem I found Future.timeout, it would almost do the same thing that I want, except it doesn't work for this code.
Future<String> timeoutTest() async
return await longComputation().timeout(
Duration(milliseconds: 10),
onTimeout: () => "Took too long"
Future<String> longComputation() async
int startTime =;
Rational n =;
for(int i = 1; i < 2000; i++)
n *= Rational.fromInt(i);
String result = n.toDecimalString();
print("Time took: ${ - startTime} ms");
return result;
When I call print(await timeoutTest()) I either expect a string of digits that took maximum 10ms to calculate OR the "Took too long" string if it took more than 10ms. But I get the string of digits, and the message in the console: "Time took: 877 ms". So the timeout didn't work.
If I fake the computation with Future.delay, the timeout works as expected. It returns a different value, because the longComputation took at least 100ms. (I still get the message in the console: "Time took: 103ms", but this is not the main problem.)
Future<String> longComputation() async
int startTime =;
String result = await Future.delayed(
Duration(milliseconds: 100),
() => "Fake computation result"
print("Time took: ${ - startTime} ms");
return result;
I'm assuming I messed up something in the longComputation, but what? There were no un-awaited Futures.
This behavior can be confusing but it is important to remember that your Dart code are only executed in a single thread (unless you are using isolates).
The problem is that the logic behind .timeout needs to run in the same single thread and Dart can't just stop the execution of your own code. So if you are running a CPU intensive calculation without any pauses you are stopping the Dart VM from running any other events on the event queue.
What the implementation of .timeout actually does, is creating an internal Timer which are going to be triggered in the future unless you get a result before the timeout value. This Timer event are going on top on the event queue like any other event in the Dart VM.
But in your first example, we are actually never going to execute any other event on the event queue before you are giving the result. So from the Future's point of view, you are returning a result before the deadline.
This is going to look like .timeout is kind of pointless but what it really are for is when you are making some IO operations like API requests where the Dart VM are actually waiting for some answer.
If you are going to use it for heavy calculations, you can either spawn an Isolate so your main isolate instance can wait on the other isolate. Alternative, you can insert some pauses in your calculation which makes space for the Dart VM to execute other events on the event queue. An example could be inserting await Future<void>(() => null); which are going to spawn a new event on top of the event queue. When we wait for all events on the queue to be executed before our own empty calculation.
It would then also make sense to add some logic so your own code can see if the timeout value has been reached so you can stop the calculation if that is the case.
You can't actually cancel Futures. At best you could have your .timeout callback set a flag that longComputation periodically checks to become a no-op as soon as possible.
Also see Future.timeout documention is misleading.
Google's Cloud Speech-To-Text API is incredible, but for some reason it takes around 90 seconds to complete the WriteAsync() call before anything further happens.
I'm using the C# code, unaltered, right off of GitHub ( When I invoke any of the methods (StreamingMicRecognizeAsync, SyncRecognizeWithCredentials, etc.) it works as expected except for this huge delay. I don't see anything wrong anywhere, no exceptions being thrown or anything, it just takes forever to get past this code:
var speech = SpeechClient.Create();
var streamingCall = speech.StreamingRecognize();
// Write the initial request with the config.
await streamingCall.WriteAsync(
new StreamingRecognizeRequest()
StreamingConfig = new StreamingRecognitionConfig()
Config = new RecognitionConfig()
Encoding =
SampleRateHertz = 16000,
LanguageCode = "en",
InterimResults = true,
This isn't that much of a problem with files, but waiting 90 seconds before being able to speak into a microphone is not a good scenario for our potential customers! :)
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I have the following scenario:
Client side has a button clicking it will execute method on the server-side which will call API and fetch products, During this time I wan't to disable this button + block this method from executing again basically nothing stops you from clicking the button 100x times and server will keep on executing same method again and again.
Few ideas I had in my mind: Use sessions to disable button (Problem: can still using the console and abuse it)
I also looked at Meteor.apply in the docs with wait:true didn't seems to stop from method execution. I honestly not sure how this kind of thing is handled with no hacks.
'click .button-products': function(e){'getActiveProducts', function(error, results){
if (error)
return Alerts.add(error.reason, 'danger', {autoHide: 5000});
if (results.success)
return Alerts.add('Finished Importing Products Successfully', 'success', {autoHide: 5000});
getActiveProducts: function(){
var user = Meteor.user();
var api = api.forUser(user);
importProducts = function(items){
nextPage = items.pagination.next_page;
var sameproduct = apiProducts.findOne({listing_id: product.listing_id});
if (sameproduct) {
var productExtend = _.extend(product, {userId: Meteor.userId()});
var products = api.ProductsActive('GET', {includes: 'Images', limit: 1});
while (nextPage !== null) {
products = api.ProductsActive('GET', {includes: 'Images', page: nextPage, limit: 1});
return {success: true};
From the Meteor docs:
On the server, methods from a given client run one at a time. The N+1th invocation from a client won't start until the Nth invocation returns. However, you can change this by calling this.unblock. This will allow the N+1th invocation to start running in a new fiber.
What this means is that subsequent calls to the method won't actually know that they were made while the first call was still running, because the first call will have already finished running. But you could do something like this:
getActiveProducts: function() {
var currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId);
if (currentUser && !currentUser.gettingProducts) {
Meteor.users.update(this.userId, {$set: {gettingProducts: true}});
// let the other calls run, but now they won't get past the if block
// do your actual method stuff here
Meteor.users.update(this.userId, {$set: {gettingProducts: false}});
Now subsequent calls may run while the first is still running, but they won't run anything inside the if block. Theoretically, if the user sends enough calls, the first call could finish before all of the others have started. But this should at least significantly limit the number of etsy calls that can be initiated by a user. You could adapt this technique to be more robust, such as storing the last time a successful call was initiated and making sure X seconds have passed, or storing the number of times the method has been called in the last hour and limiting that number, etc.
A package I wrote a while back might come in handy for you. Essentially it exposes the Session api on the server side (hence the name), meaning you can do something like ServerSession.set('doingSomethingImportant', true) within the call, and then check this session's value in subsequent calls. The session can only be set on the server, and expires upon connection close (so they could spam calls, but only as fast as they can refresh the page).
In the event of error, you can just reset the session. There shouldn't be any issues related to unexpected errors either because the session will just expire upon connection close. Let me know what you think :)
I've built a simple real-time multiplayer math game in Meteor that you can try out here:
When playing locally (using different browsers), everything works fine. But when I play over the Internet with friends, the clients often get out of sync: a question listed as active for one player is actually already solved by another player.
My guess is that some code that should be server-only gets executed on one of the clients instead. Any suggestions on how to debug this behavior?
Here is what happens on the client when user submits an answer:[okcancel_events('#answertextbox')] = make_okcancel_handler({
ok: function (text, event) {
question = Questions.findOne({ order_number: Session.get("current_question_order_number") });
if (question.answer == document.getElementById('answertextbox').value) {
Questions.update(question._id, {$set: {text: question.text.substr(0, question.text.length - 1) + question.answer, player: Session.get("player_name")}});
else {
document.getElementById('answertextbox').value = "";
callGetNewQuestion() triggers this on both client and server:
getNewQuestion: function () {
var nr1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
var nr2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
question_string = nr1 + " + " + nr2 + " = ?";
question_answer = (nr1 + nr2);
current_order_number = Questions.find({}).count() + 1;
current_question_id = Questions.insert({ order_number: current_order_number, text: question_string, answer: question_answer });
return Questions.findOne({_id: current_question_id});//current_question_id;
Full source code is here for reference:
Your problem lies with this:
callGetNewQuestion() triggers this on both client and server
This will generate a different _id because of the timing difference, as well as a different question which will then get replaced with that one that the server generated. However, this might not always be the case. This makes it very easy to let things get out of sync, simply because your client is generating its own stuff.
You'll need to figure out a better approach at making sure the client generates the same data as the server. Which can be done by making sure that a random number generator is seeded the same way and thus would give the same random numbers every time. This will resolve any flickering because the values are different.
Then, for the actual bug you might not want to do this:
return Questions.findOne({_id: current_question_id});
But do this instead (only on the client, do nothing on the server):
Session.set('current_order', current_order_number); // ORDER! Not the _id / question_id.
That way, you can put the following in a template helper:
return Questions.findOne({ order_number: Session.get('current_order') });
In essence, this will work in a reactive way on the Collection and not dependent on the return value.