Is it possible to set the HSV for a color adjust via css? - javafx

I have some buttons with simple black images on them. When my program switches to a black theme, I modify the images using a color adjust:
private ColorAdjust darkThemeButtons = new ColorAdjust(); {
darkThemeButtons.setSaturation( -1 );
darkThemeButtons.setHue( 1 );
darkThemeButtons.setBrightness( .75 );
I would love to be able to specify these values via CSS and read them into the color adjust rather than specifying them in code. Is that possible?
For example, Is there a way to generically ask a stylesheet for a selector's value? Maybe something like this (psuedocode):
HSB color = stylesheet.getSelector( ".darkThemeButtonColor" ).getHSB();


vis.js timeline set custom background color on items without overwriting borders

I'm using vis.js timeline and I'm trying to find a way to mark workhours (give them a different background). Using the backgrundareas with groups example I have managed to get my workhours colored for specific dates.
I do not want to use the standard blue color for background, so in order to avoid this I add a class workhours. Then I can set my custom color, but then the borders of the cells are hidden unless I also set a opacity less than 1.
I have a color scheme which I'm using, so setting opacity changes the color and my workhours does not look the same in the whole application.
I'm using this code
.vis-item.vis-background.workhours {
background: ##AFD9FE;
opacity: 0.75;
and where filterFromdate is my start date, durationDay is numbers of days in my timeline and startHour and endHour defines my working hours
for (i=0; i<durationDays; i++) {
id: "W"+i,
start: moment(filterFromdate).add(i, 'days').hour(startHour).valueOf(),
end: moment(filterFromdate).add(i, 'days').hour(dayEndHour).valueOf(),
className : 'workhours',
type: "background"
this give me
Can anyone tell me how to either get my class workhours to behave like a standard vis background class (like vis-today)?
or if there is another approach to handle background on specific hours (or days)?
Thanks to Issue 3773 I reliased that I could set the z-index, which did the trick.
So my css ended up being
.vis-item.vis-background.workhours {
background: #AFD9FE;
z-index: -1;

How would I make a color relative to images in the background?

For example, if you go to Twitter and click on an image, you can see they have a nice color that is close to what you see on the image. I tried looking up ways to achieve this as well as trying to figure it out on my own but no luck. I'm not sure if there's a color: relative property or not.
if you want to use the a colour that exists in your image and set it as a background colour you need to use the canvas element in the following manner:
HTML (this is your image)
<img src="multicolour.jpg" id="mainImage">
window.onload = function() {
// get the body element to set background (this can change dependending of your needs)
let body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")
// get references to the image element that contains the picture you want to match with background
let referenceImage = document.getElementById("mainImage");
// create a canvas element (but don't add it to the page)
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
// make the canvas size the same as your image
canvas.width = referenceImage.offsetWidth
canvas.height = referenceImage.offsetHeight
// create the canvas context
let context = canvas.getContext('2d')
// usage your image reference to draw the image in the canvas
// select a random X and Y coordinates inside the drawn image in the canvas
// (you don't have to do this one, but I did to demonstrate the code)
let randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (referenceImage.offsetWidth - 1) + 1)
let randomY = Math.floor(Math.random() * (referenceImage.offsetHeight - 1) + 1)
// getImageData takes 4 arguments: coord x, coord y, sample size w, and sample size h.
// in our case the sample size is going to be of 1 pixel so it retrieves only 1 color
// the method gives you the data object which constains and array with the r, b, g colour data from the selected pixel
let color = context.getImageData(randomX, randomY, 1, 1).data
// use the data to dynamically add a background color extracted from your image
body[0].style.backgroundColor = `rgb(${color[0]},${color[1]},${color[2]})`
here is a gif of the code working... hopefully this helps
Here is the code to select two random points and create a css3 background gradient
window.onload = function() {
// get the body element to set background (this can change dependending of your needs)
let body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")
// get references to the image element that contains the picture you want to match with background
let referenceImage = document.getElementById("mainImage");
// create a canvas element (but don't add it to the page)
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
// make the canvas size the same as your image
canvas.width = referenceImage.offsetWidth
canvas.height = referenceImage.offsetHeight
// create the canvas context
let context = canvas.getContext('2d')
// usage your image reference to draw the image in the canvas
// select a random X and Y coordinates inside the drawn image in the canvas
// (you don't have to do this one, but I did to demonstrate the code)
let randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (referenceImage.offsetWidth - 1) + 1)
let randomY = Math.floor(Math.random() * (referenceImage.offsetHeight - 1) + 1)
// getImageData takes 4 arguments: coord x, coord y, sample size w, and sample size h.
// in our case the sample size is going to be of 1 pixel so it retrieves only 1 color
// the method gives you the data object which constains and array with the r, b, g colour data from the selected pixel
let colorOne = context.getImageData(randomX, randomY, 1, 1).data
let randomX2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (referenceImage.offsetWidth - 1) + 1)
let randomY2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (referenceImage.offsetHeight - 1) + 1)
let colorTwo = context.getImageData(randomX2, randomY2, 1, 1).data
// use the data to dynamically add a background color extracted from your image
//body[0].style.backgroundColor = `rgb(${allColors[0]},${allColors[1]},${allColors[2]})`
body[0].style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(to right, rgb(${colorOne[0]},${colorOne[1]},${colorOne[2]}),rgb(${colorTwo[0]},${colorTwo[1]},${colorTwo[2]}))`;
The following are your options.
1. Use an svg.
As far as I know there's no way to have javascript figure out what color is being used in a png and set it as a background color. But you can work the other way around. You can have javascript set the background color and an svg image to be the same color.
See this stackoverflow answer to learn more about modifying svgs with javascript.
2. Use a custom font.
There are fonts out there that provide a bunch of icons instead of letters, you can also create your own font if you feel so inclined to do so. With css you just have to set the font-color of that icon to be the same as the background-color of your other element.
Font Awesome provides a bunch of useful custom icons. If the image you need to use happens to be similar to one of theirs, you can just go with them.
3. Use canvas
If you really want to spend the time to code it up you can use a html <canvas/> element and put the image into it. From there you can inspect certain details about the image like its color, then apply that color to other elements. I won't go into too much detail about using this method as it seems like it's probably overkill for what you're trying to do, but you can read up more about from this stackoverflow answer.
4. Just live with it.
Not a fun solution, but this is usually the option I go with. You simply have to hard-code the color of the image into your css and live with it. If you ever need to modify the color of the image, you have to remember to update your css also.

Adding a color box for "Transparent" on the TinyMCE-4 color picker

I'd like an option with the TinyMCE color picker to choose transparent as the color so a character (a "bullet") will still be there and take up space but will not be visible if it's color is transparent.
There's an "X" box option that says "No color" but this seems to make the color black, not transparent.
Does anyone know how to add a transparent color option to this color picker, or even make the "X" box implement transparent instead of black?
Thanks for any ideas.
I believe I was able to do that, I did some quick tests and it appears to be working fine.
I got the latest version of TinyMCE (4.1.10_dev) to access the textcolor plugin's non minified javascript there's this instruction:
if (value == 'transparent') {
} else {
What happens here? When you choose a color it runs the selectColor, which wraps the selected text in a span with the selected color. However, when you select the no color it removes this color span (that's why it goes back to black which is the default color) instead of setting it to transparent.
So if you do this:
//if (value == 'transparent') {
// resetColor();
//} else {
Instead of removing the span it will change it to 'transparent' instead.
One important thing is that tinyMCE gets the plugin scripts automatically, so it only works with the minified versions, so after you do these changes you'll have to minify the script to the plugin.min.js and put it on the textcolro plugin's folder overwriting the one there.
I hope it helps.
The × button in the colorpicker removes any custom colours, it does not add a zero-opacity colour.
As you can see when looking at the source code or trying the full example there is no support for rgba() or opacity in the included colorpicker plugin. Only rgb() and hex unfortunately.
You may need to create your own small plugin to add the ability. There are a number of alternatives, for example:
Create a CSS class which you can add to elements in the editor. Then do your colour magic in your own CSS file.
Create a new button in the toolbar which makes the element transparent.
I would personally go with option two, something like this:
selector: 'textarea',
plugins: 'nocolour',
toolbar: 'nocolour',
external_plugins: {
"nocolour": "url_to_your/nocolour.js"
And nocolour.js:
tinymce.PluginManager.add('nocolour', function(editor, url) {
// Add a button that opens a window
editor.addButton('nocolour', {
text: 'Remove Colour',
icon: false,
onclick: function() {
editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
// Here is where you add code to remove the colour
Rafael's solution worked for me. I just wanted to document it a bit more and show what it looks like for TinyMCE 4.1.7.
When you click the "X" in the textcolor grid the "value" variable gets "transparent," rather than a hex value from the colorMap.
The relevant code in the textcolor plugin is:
value ='data-mce-color'); // the hex color from the colorMap square that was clicked. "transparent" if X was clicked
if (value) {
if (this.lastId) {
document.getElementById(this.lastId).setAttribute('aria-selected', false);
}'aria-selected', true);
this.lastId =;
// if (value == 'transparent') { // occurs if you select the "X" square
// removeFormat(buttonCtrl.settings.format);
// buttonCtrl.hidePanel();
// return;
// }
The five lines I've commented out remove formatting for the selected text, leaving it black, which doesn't seem useful. If you wanted the text black you could select the black square in the colorMap. Falling through to selectColor(value) with value = "transparent" sets transparent as the color.

TTTAttributedLabel setbackground color

I am using TTTAttributedLabel and need to set background color. I can set text color like this.
[mutableAttributedString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName
self.lblContent.attributedText = mutableAttributedString;
But it is not working for background color.
[mutableAttributedString addAttribute:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName
self.lblContent.attributedText = mutableAttributedString;
May I know what is wrong?
You should use kTTTBackgroundFillColorAttributeName. See TTTAttributedLabel.h for details on that constant and several other attribute constants that are specific to TTTAttributedLabel.

Sass Color Functions List Gradient

I'm trying to assigne a different background-color to each %li tag in my list. I'd like those colors to either use shades of a color, or gradient between two stated colors. Much like the oh-so-popular Clear. I'm familiar with the ability to lighten and darken colors with sass...
$this_color: darken($that_color, 10%)
But beyond that I don't know how to create the affect I'm looking for. Visually here is what I am trying to do:
%li full color
%li darken 5%
%li darken 10%
here is one way to do it
change the colors one by one in the loop
// set your color
$backgroundColor: red
// set the scale/increment for the function
$backgroundColorScale: 8
// number of items in your list
$numberOfItemsInList: 10
// here's a custom function to change the color
// but you could make this fairly advanced
// and shift color, saturate, etc.
#function -modify-bg($bgcolor, $counter, $depth: $backgroundColorScale)
#return lighten($backgroundColor, ($i * $backgroundColorScale))
// here's the loop that steps through LIs and assigns each a new bg
$i: 0
#while $i < $numberOfItemsInList
background-color: -modify-bg($backgroundColor, $i)
$i: $i + 1
