TTTAttributedLabel setbackground color - nsmutableattributedstring

I am using TTTAttributedLabel and need to set background color. I can set text color like this.
[mutableAttributedString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName
self.lblContent.attributedText = mutableAttributedString;
But it is not working for background color.
[mutableAttributedString addAttribute:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName
self.lblContent.attributedText = mutableAttributedString;
May I know what is wrong?

You should use kTTTBackgroundFillColorAttributeName. See TTTAttributedLabel.h for details on that constant and several other attribute constants that are specific to TTTAttributedLabel.


How to convert rgba value into human readable text

Need to find the button color into human-readable format below code is returning rgba value
Here is my code:
WebElement findbuttonColor = driver.findElement("color"));
String color = findbuttonColor.getCssValue("background-color");
System.out.println("Button color is :"+color);
I am not sure what human-readable format mean, there are millions of colors which is possible to set for the element. Far not all of them have the names like green, blue, red, etc.
You get the value in rgba because the designer set up the value in rgba. The thing you could do is to define a structure that would map some well-known color codes to rgb (even not considering alpha channel) so that you could pich the "human-readable" format from that map.
Here is the example that might give a clue: Convert RGB values to color name
You can get the element color(Background color of element) by:
You can get the element text/caption color by:
For example if you want to get the background and text color of "Sign in" button for LinkedIn, the code is as follows:
String buttonColor = driver.findElement("searchDropdownBox")).getCssValue("background-color");
String buttonTextColor = driver.findElement("searchDropdownBox")).getCssValue("color");
System.out.println("Button color: " + buttonColor);
System.out.println("Text color " + buttonTextColor);
When you do getCssValue(), it return rgb value. You can convert it into hex by using below
backgroundColor = element.getCssValue("background-color");
this returns hex code, something like "#def3ff". You can later compare it with your availbale hexcode in yous css.
Assert.assertEquals(def3ff, ExpectedHexCode);
You can get hex code of your element by inspecting it > Styles. Refer below screenshot for details
how to get Hexcodefrom
Thank You,

Is it possible to set the HSV for a color adjust via css?

I have some buttons with simple black images on them. When my program switches to a black theme, I modify the images using a color adjust:
private ColorAdjust darkThemeButtons = new ColorAdjust(); {
darkThemeButtons.setSaturation( -1 );
darkThemeButtons.setHue( 1 );
darkThemeButtons.setBrightness( .75 );
I would love to be able to specify these values via CSS and read them into the color adjust rather than specifying them in code. Is that possible?
For example, Is there a way to generically ask a stylesheet for a selector's value? Maybe something like this (psuedocode):
HSB color = stylesheet.getSelector( ".darkThemeButtonColor" ).getHSB();

Embed CSS attribute in HTML

I have the color theme of a website I'm working on change on refresh and would like to display the css background color attribute in my HTML. Is that possible?
<footer>The color of the moment is <insert the background color attribute>. Refresh for a makeover</footer>
would display something like
"The color of the moment is #DB0C0C. Refresh for a makeover"
Since the hex color changes based on the style sheet loaded, I don't want to hardcode it. If I had a ruby variable #color which = #ff0000 and wanted to display it in html I could do something like
<%= #color%>
I'm wondering if there is any way to do something similar to access a CSS attribute.
You don't even need jQuery for this.. you can use just vanilla javascript with .getComputedStyle():
<span id='color-map'></span>
var element = document.getElementById("id-goes-here");
var style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
document.getElementById('color-map').innerHTML = style.backgroundColor;
However, it would appear that this does not give the color as a hex, but rather an 'rpg(x, y, z)' string. To get the hex from that, you can parse it using regex and return the result:
function rgbsToHex(str) {
var hex = "#";
var matches = str.match(/rgb\((\d+),\s(\d+),\s(\d+)\)/);
hex += Number(matches[1]).toString(16);
hex += Number(matches[2]).toString(16);
hex += Number(matches[3]).toString(16);
return hex;
You can use the .css() function in jQuery.
This will give you the color in rgb, if you would like to show it in HEX then check this for more info.

Changing enhancedGrid row color background

I'm trying to change the background color for a row in a enhancedGrid. This is driving me crazy, thank you in advance for your time.
First, I select the row with onRowClick event.
function onRowClickHandler(evt) {
selectedRow = evt.rowIndex;
selectedCode = dijit.byId("myGrid").getItem(evt.rowIndex).code;
I need that the background color changes only when acertain button is clicked.
This doesn't work.
I also tried with onStyleRow but it doesn't work.
I've tried with"myGrid").getRowNode(selectedRow), "backgroundColor", "#454545" )
But the style does not remain fixed.
Take a look at this answer
Though I think if you override onStyleRow instead of using dojo.connect you should have this at the bottom of your custom function:
dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid.prototype.onStyleRow.apply(this, arguments);

Degrafa color changer

<degrafa:LinearGradientFill id="bluedream">
<degrafa:GradientStop color="#6ab5d0"/>
<degrafa:GradientStop color="#388aae"/>
<degrafa:GeometryComposition graphicsTarget="{[bgCanvas]}">
<degrafa:RoundedRectangle id="color_preset" fill="{bluedream}"/>
I have issue with degrafa code which I have defined a set of different gradients for color_preset.fill to be dynamic change when user select different color in the combobox.
I replaced fill="{bluedream}" with fill="using_variable" and lead to error compiled message: Initializer for 'fill': values of type com.degrafa.core.IGraphicsFill cannot be represented in text.
Is there a solution to use this code as a color changer?
The fill property in your example is pointing to the LinearGradientFill with id "bluedream". You can either replace the fill with a different gradient (or solid or other fill) or change the colors of the gradient fill itself:
<degrafa:LinearGradientFill id="bluedream">
<degrafa:GradientStop color="{your_combobox.selectedItem}"/>
<degrafa:GradientStop color="{your_other_combobox.selectedItem}"/>
<degrafa:GeometryComposition graphicsTarget="{[bgCanvas]}">
<degrafa:RoundedRectangle id="color_preset" fill="{bluedream}"/>
I haven't run that code, but it should work. The idea is to change the color of the GradientStop with your dropdown's selectedItem (provided that is a string).
This example does something very similar, but with a color picker instead of a dropdown:
