Protect Website Against Piracy - wordpress

I have a membership website where I sell video content but I have found out that users are downloading the content. Although I had tried Amazon with cloudfront and firewall and now moved to vimeo pro, users are always able to download the content using various extensions for chrome or firefox.
Is there a way that the website can detect such extensions and prevent the user from accessing the website? Maybe an overlay with a message would do the trick.
The website is in Wordpress, so any plugin or code would be highly appreciated.
Thanks for your help!

The simple answer is that there is really no effective way to stop people downloading your videos, if you want them to be able to actually view them.
You can authenticate users and control access that way but even this does not stop authenticated users copying and sharing the video.
The usual approach is to accept it will be downloaded and use an encryption mechanism along with a key exchange mechanism which means that only people with the proper rights can see it - this is what the common DRM systems do.
Even with this, your protection level will depend on what you need to protect - if the video is an entertainment video and you just don't want people viewing it for free then this is likely a good enough solution for you. If your video contains sensitive information, e.g. company data etc, that you don't want anyone to know at all then even this won't stop someone simply pointing a camera at the screen and getting (albeit a low quality) copy.


Wait for 10 seconds while download file being generated - Why they create and where to get those codes?

I noticed so many Downloads websites create those download links. Eg: Go to any post and Try to download the product, you will get a redirect to another page before they show you too real download links.
The purpose they might be doing to reduce traffic Bounce rates... not very sure. Can anybody of you help me to understand this and provide any help to get those codes? They might be wordpress plugin or custom codes.. not very sure.
Not 100 percent sure if you aking this, but...
They do it this way because they do not want another site to parse their links.
Another possibility is if the content is paid - they prevent you to send the links to hundred of your friends.
Lastly, if you pay for streaming, and suppose you have 24h right for streaming, they will invalidate your link after that.
If you ask how this can be done, there are several possibilities.
If content is small, say phone ringtone, you can copy it in download directory, then delete itafter some time.
If content is big and you are on Linux, you can do symlink or hardlink, then delete it.
You can also do it via PHP, Java or whatever technology you are using, but it is far away from the best way. not recommended at all.
Finally, you can use server like nginx or apache. Both of them have modules for this kind of expiring links. Then you can have your website on one of the servers and download will be made from totaly separated server, aven located at different datacenter. The remote server will not need any programs running there, except apache or nginx. This is the only realistic way for streaming large content (movies, music, 3D, games) over the internet.

Copy information from external website to my website

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask and if it is, please do let me know where best to do so.
I want to write a script that will pull data from website B (external site, not owned by myself) and display that data on website A (site owned by myself).
Now, I know how to do this programmatically and so my question is more about the legalities of the approach.
For example, Twitter provides API access so that you can embed tweets or a twitter feed into your page. The sites that I would like to pull data from may or may not have such APIs and so I would have to write a scraper.
Am I allowed to scrape information from websites and display it on my own site? I will of course make it absolutely clear where the information has come from; I do not intend to use any information and claim that is is my own.
I think this is generally frowned upon, as you are basically doing the same as copying a CD putting your own label on it and selling it to others (i.e. taking someone else's stuff and pretending it's your own). I suppose it depends on the licence of the web site you are scraping. If the web site provides an API (like Twitter), then they probably allow copying.

My Iframe Won't open?

I can't open the following page in . Can someone solve why and if you know please send me the code??
This is the website.
I'm the lead developer of MCJukebox. We intentionally block all embedding of the client as this allows users to place the client on their site but without official support. This could cause issues which are hard for us to work on, and we also prefer users coming onto our domain as the project is made free and we need a way of attracting new users.
Feel free to email us if you have any more issues.

Auto posting TO instagram

Does anyone know of a way to auto post TO Instagram as opposed to from it? Google is useless at this, only pages on how to create auto posts from your Instagram page. The popular RSS auto-post Apps such as RSS Graffiti, and Hootsuite do not seem able to.
My website updates with "reports" throughout the day. Each report has an image. Once the report is added I use the RSS Apps above to autopost to Facebook and Twitter. Seems to not be possible to do it with Instagram. I have a hard time believing so.
Anyone got any tips here?
I'm sorry to say I don't think that's possible. From the API documentation:
At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a
conscious choice not to add this for the following reasons:
Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos
from within the app. However, in the future we may give whitelist
access to individual apps on a case by case basis.
We want to fight
spam & low quality photos. Once we allow uploading from other sources,
it's harder to control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem. All
this being said, we're working on ways to ensure users have a
consistent and high-quality experience on our platform.

Get available languages in

i am trying to get the available languages installed in visitors pc's.
The problem is that i don't want to get the languages from the internet browser.
Any suggestions please?
The only (standard) way is to look in the HTTP header's 'Accept-Language'. See the standard. It would be a security hole if you could get access to more information than that without asking permission.
You could run some Active X component to spy on the users' computers, but you'd have to get them to give you permission first, but I suspect that will just cause people to not want to use your website. Also it would only work on Windows. I wouldn't recommend doing this.
Of course, you can always ask your users to tell you via some settings page. If changing this setting would help them to use your site, they would probably not mind doing that.
