My Iframe Won't open? - iframe

I can't open the following page in . Can someone solve why and if you know please send me the code??
This is the website.

I'm the lead developer of MCJukebox. We intentionally block all embedding of the client as this allows users to place the client on their site but without official support. This could cause issues which are hard for us to work on, and we also prefer users coming onto our domain as the project is made free and we need a way of attracting new users.
Feel free to email us if you have any more issues.


When i visit first time on wordpress website, its open another website automatically on first click

When I visit first time on WordPress website, its open another website automatically on first click anywhere, I don't know why its showing this strong text
Of course, it is better to have more details. But if this happened without any actions from your side, I would agree with Michela - it could be some malware on your website.
If you don't know what's going on under the hood, it is hard to cleanup the website completely.
As a first action, I can recommend you to check if your hosting provider have any backups for the website. It is possible that you will be able to restore to the point when the website was clean.
To clean the website by yourself, you can use various Malware Scanner plugins, like Wordfence or other specific. They can check for changes inside Wordpress core or standard repositories + they can check for strange, vulnerable and malicious parts of code. But be careful - if you have some custom code, it is better to check it with the code author.
If you'll be able to cleanup the website, I will highly recommend to go harden the website security. Some classic recommendations may be found in the official documentation -

Connecting my WP site to Facebook using social-media-auto-publish

Sorry for this rather basic question, but we have the "social-media-auto-publish" plugin installed on our village website, and it was publishing to Facebook absolutely fine a while back. But then some new procedures on Facebooks end came into play, and it doesn't appear that the posting is working anymore. I have asked Facebook, but they simply said that they cannot help, and I should ask here instead.
When I try to connect the app, I get the below message back
Invalid Scopes: pages_read_engagement, pages_manage_posts. This
message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore
these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid
permissions at:
Now, we are a village (not a business) but am I right in thinking that only a business has access to these capabilities now? Or is 'Business Verification' actually a much more open thing for non-businesses to use?
Thanks for any advice you can give,

chatbot window in R Shiny

I would like to create chatbot window. I found perfect version on AdminLTE page (link: -> Direct Chat or Chat). The main problem is that I want to have posibility to send message and have history of that to end of session. Does anyone know how to do that? I spent a lot of time by searching internet, but unfortunately I haven't found anything a bit similiar.
Personally, I really like using on my website with ShinyApps. There is no need for you to develop anything and it's free with 1 agent.
On top of that, I use cloudflare as I was getting tired of referrer spam and it comes as a plugin and easy to use, note that Cloudflare offers other chat plugins also so you can choose. Below is an example of one of my apps from my website

Protect Website Against Piracy

I have a membership website where I sell video content but I have found out that users are downloading the content. Although I had tried Amazon with cloudfront and firewall and now moved to vimeo pro, users are always able to download the content using various extensions for chrome or firefox.
Is there a way that the website can detect such extensions and prevent the user from accessing the website? Maybe an overlay with a message would do the trick.
The website is in Wordpress, so any plugin or code would be highly appreciated.
Thanks for your help!
The simple answer is that there is really no effective way to stop people downloading your videos, if you want them to be able to actually view them.
You can authenticate users and control access that way but even this does not stop authenticated users copying and sharing the video.
The usual approach is to accept it will be downloaded and use an encryption mechanism along with a key exchange mechanism which means that only people with the proper rights can see it - this is what the common DRM systems do.
Even with this, your protection level will depend on what you need to protect - if the video is an entertainment video and you just don't want people viewing it for free then this is likely a good enough solution for you. If your video contains sensitive information, e.g. company data etc, that you don't want anyone to know at all then even this won't stop someone simply pointing a camera at the screen and getting (albeit a low quality) copy.

Get available languages in

i am trying to get the available languages installed in visitors pc's.
The problem is that i don't want to get the languages from the internet browser.
Any suggestions please?
The only (standard) way is to look in the HTTP header's 'Accept-Language'. See the standard. It would be a security hole if you could get access to more information than that without asking permission.
You could run some Active X component to spy on the users' computers, but you'd have to get them to give you permission first, but I suspect that will just cause people to not want to use your website. Also it would only work on Windows. I wouldn't recommend doing this.
Of course, you can always ask your users to tell you via some settings page. If changing this setting would help them to use your site, they would probably not mind doing that.
