Installation failed for point cloud library on Windows - point-cloud-library

I am trying to install PCL by this easy installer. However, I am getting an error while it tries to install OpenNI, error message 1, because of which it fails to install PrimeSense Sensor error message 2. Has anybody else encountered this problem? If yes, how did you resolve it?


Got an error while building Wayland: ERROR: Program 'dot' not found

I am following instructions in wayland's gitlab website to build it on Ubuntu 20.04. But I got an error at the "meson build" step:
Program dot found: NO
doc/ ERROR: Program 'dot' not found
I have tried installing graphviz using apt-get, pydot using pip3, but still receive the above error. What else should I install?
If you don't need the documentation built, just running meson setup $builddir -Ddocumentation=false will turn off the documentation, and thus the need for dot.
But it's confusing that graphviz isn't fixing the problem, since that is the Debian/Ubuntu package with dot in it.

I cannot connect to Publishing Account in R Studio. I see an error

I am not able to connect to my Publishing account on R studio.
I go to the path Tools -> Global Options -> Publishing -> Connect
I choose and I paste the command that I copied from dashboard (command from STEP 2 – AUTHORIZE ACCOUNT)
I click on Connect Account but I see this error
I tried connecting from R Studio Console using rsconnect::setAccountInfo(name, token, secret) and I got the below error.
"Error in rbind(info, getNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods")) :
number of columns of matrices must match (see arg 2)"
I tried connecting by disabling Firewall. It did not work.
I have tried looking online for other troubleshooting steps but I could not understand what the actual issue is.
Can you please help me?
I am using R studio Version 1.3.959 and R version 3.5.2
Check the error when you click connect.
It shows:
Error in the library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib):
DLL ‘openssl’ not found: maybe not installed for this architecture?
This error follows the instruction i.e install the given package. In my case 'OpenSSL' was missing so I installed it and it worked.

Trying to search or install a package doesn't work and gives an error

When i try to search for a package or a theme i get this error message
Searching for “package” failed. connect ETIMEDOUT
But When i try to install a package or a theme if it the searched worked without a problem i get this error message
Installing “package#ver” failed
Request for package information failed: connect ETIMEDOUT (5 attempts) (ETIMEDOUT)
Compiler tools not found Packages that depend on modules that contain
C/C++ code will fail to install. Read here for instructions on
installing Python and Visual Studio. Run apm install --check after
installing to test compiling a native module.

NuGet restore unable to connect & find version of package

When trying NuGet restore sometimes we get this Warning Message followed by Unable to find version,
cmd>NuGet restore My.sln -NoCache
WARNING: Unable to connect to the remote server
WARNING: Unable to connect to the remote server
Unable to find version '2.0.3930.0' of package 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml'.
Unable to find version '4.157.1212.0' of package 'Sybase.AdoNet4.AseClient'.
The above packages are available in the repository. This is an intermittent issue & can't be reproduce on demand.
The nexus repository is up and running. No issues found in the nexus logs.

Drupal Admin - unable to load

I just tried installing a Drupal module and the installation was unsuccessful.
Trying to uninstall that module, however, now I'm not able to load the admin page because of the error message given from that failed module install.
How can I go over fixing that?
Also the module that I was trying to install is "devel_themer" and the error is
"Fatal error: Class 'simple_html_dom' not found in sites/all/modules/contrib/devel_themer/devel_themer.module on line 189"
Tried installing the "simple_html_dom" libraries under "sites/all/libraries/" but the error persist.
Thank you,
Got it, I just downloaded and replaced the module with an older version and it works.
