Multilanguage Navigation - drupal

I'm trying to get two translated nav menus, the default main nav and custom footer.
I've been able to get the main nav to appear in the correct language, but it doesn't drive to the translated node version it should be linking to it.
I've already been through every option I could find, with the admin/config/regional/i18n/variable path being the one that seems most correct, but no banana!
Any help would be appreciated! As this is all based on configuration options, I don't have any code to share.

Yes, as #Fky said, it's much easier to use one menu per language.
Then in menu block settings you can configure those menu blocks to appear only in one language. I'm also using menu block module which is adding extra functionality to menu generation:


Burger menu from wordpress template

I'm just starting my programming but I need help.
I built my site from wordpress template. Made a lot of customization on my own but I have trouble by creating BURGER MENU on mobile devices.
I'm not sure how I can rewrite chosen template navigation bar menu to burger. Let me know if anyone could help me.
You could do it a few different ways, but personally, it's easier to place it with javascript and hide it with css...
Usually, you would create an element with javascript and attach it to a location on your page. For the burger itself, you've got the option of using drop-shadows, three divs or the unicode character for it. You can read more about those options here:
Finally, if you want to add animation to your menu items (for opening / closing ) here's something that you can read to understand how it's possible to achieve:

How do I associate Drupal menu items to regions? (I'm creating a mega menu)

My site is runnning Drupal 7.x, however I would like to know the best approach to create mega-menus (like the one in the screenshot below) without installing extra modules. I'm a developer but I don't have much experience with Drupal.
Honestly I don't care if I have to create manually many regions or blocks as links on the main menu as long as I can bind them. Is there any way of doing this? Maybe adding a extra field (perhaps a select with a list of regions) on [ -> Menu item] could do the trick ?
Please let me know if my option is a dead end, I'm open to any solution.
Thank you in advance.
Uhm, this feature I have never thought, but did you try with 'title callback' and 'title arguments' ?
Why not just add all those links in the main-menu menu, changing orders, parents and so on ?
And then with css them?
If do not want to install a module like tb_megamenu then you have to add css by hand
All menu elements in drupal are rendered in ul>li with first class, last class, odd even class, menuid, active trail and so on

Hide some content types on Navigation portlet

I'm overriding the Navigation portlet (following this how-to) but after taking a look at the code I don't see any easy way to hide some elements based on my own criteria (right now would be by content type).
I assumed that just overriding the code and adding some code would be enough, but just looking at the code made me realize that it isn't trivial at all, at least for me.
I ended up modifying the adding more conditions on a tal:condition, but it feels wrong somehow.
Is there a more friendly way to hide some content types to being displayed on the Navigation portlet?
No code changes necessary at all. SIte Setup -> Navigation -> Displayed content types.

How to make taxonomy_menu and block_menu in Drupal6 work together?

I'm using taxonomy_menu module to render a two level menu from my taxonomy vocabulary. So far so good.
Troubles began when I decided to output levels of the menu separately. I've always used block_menu module for such tasks. I created two menu blocks and set them to display just the first and the second levels.
To my surprise, the second level block never shows up. I've done some debugging in menu_block. Looks like menu_tree_build (in block_menu) function depends on menu_tree_page_data (in menu) to get the active trails data. And the latter fails to deliver it for menus based on taxonomy.
Can anyone propose a workaround? What else should I try?
Menu block module should be useful for this. It allows to show menu blocks and set the level of menu structure.

showing comments on a separate tab

Is it possible to put comments on a separate tab when viewing the node?how?
You can easily create a page view that shows the comments and set the menu path to be a Local Task of the node
in the menu path you would put something like node/%/comments
I use Talk module.i thing is better!
There has been some discussion in the Quick Tabs module issue queue about adding the ability to put comments on a separate tab. Apparently the module doesn't yet support it, but someone posted a small modification (ie, hack) to the module that supposedly gets it working.
I think you can use QUICKTAB module.It will be good for putting comments on the web page.
You can create 3 to 4 tabs and there is a list of options for the appearance of the tab.In order to link the comments first you have to create a block for each comments and assign the block to this tab.
