Burger menu from wordpress template - wordpress

I'm just starting my programming but I need help.
I built my site from wordpress template. Made a lot of customization on my own but I have trouble by creating BURGER MENU on mobile devices.
I'm not sure how I can rewrite chosen template navigation bar menu to burger. Let me know if anyone could help me.

You could do it a few different ways, but personally, it's easier to place it with javascript and hide it with css...
Usually, you would create an element with javascript and attach it to a location on your page. For the burger itself, you've got the option of using drop-shadows, three divs or the unicode character for it. You can read more about those options here: https://css-tricks.com/three-line-menu-navicon/
Finally, if you want to add animation to your menu items (for opening / closing ) here's something that you can read to understand how it's possible to achieve: https://jonsuh.com/hamburgers/


Where + how to edit Wordpress CSS to create a dropdown scrollable submenu in Wordpress?

I am a writer and I have menu for my chapters list on my website of 30+ chapters and currently it annoyingly looks like this:
current website
As you can see it cuts off, and Wordpress annoyingly doesn't have a feature that turns it automatically scrollable. There are 30+ chapters and you have to keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling down to see them all.
I have found some good looking solutions on StackOverflow but don't know where and how to apply them on Wordpress.
If anyone could talk me through literally step-by-step 1. where to find the CSS of my Wordpress site 2. the code I'll need 3. where to paste it 4. if there's anything I need to add to the navigation block's inidividual "Additional CSS Classes" part like so: Additional box in the corner and anything else I need to do. I would be super grateful!
One of my fears is just dumping a bit of code somewhere in the middle of editable CSS and screwing up my entire site! My CSS knowledge is super beginner so laymans terms is very much appreciated thanks :)
I tried using Plugins (those seem even more confusing than CSS) and have considered using Elementor too but I have Googled and YouTubed, trying to find a solution and nowhere has something as specific as what I'm looking to achieve frustratingly.
I tried following this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73XjO7hFZaw but didn't know what my "Target Element Selector" was, even when I went into Inspect on Chrome, all I found was this

How to fix extra buttons on a Wordpress Video playlist

I have recently begun assisting updating my company's website. We have a few video playlists that I noticed have a ton of extra navigation buttons. I have an attached screenshot with the navigation circled.
I cannot figure out where the extra buttons are coming from, so I am unfortunately not even sure what the best questions are to ask here. The best I can find from digging around in the CSS are that there are references to mejs and aria. For all of my toying around. I have not been able to isolate one set of the buttons to go away and still show standard navigation buttons.
Thank you!
Check CSS Styling for input[type='button'] or button in your CSS.

Multilanguage Navigation

I'm trying to get two translated nav menus, the default main nav and custom footer.
I've been able to get the main nav to appear in the correct language, but it doesn't drive to the translated node version it should be linking to it.
I've already been through every option I could find, with the admin/config/regional/i18n/variable path being the one that seems most correct, but no banana!
Any help would be appreciated! As this is all based on configuration options, I don't have any code to share.
Yes, as #Fky said, it's much easier to use one menu per language.
Then in menu block settings you can configure those menu blocks to appear only in one language. I'm also using menu block module which is adding extra functionality to menu generation:

How do you link your content to the menu tabs

I'd like to create a simple set of tabs with HTML / CSS.
Can someone show me how to display different content under each of the tabs?
Thanks so much!
The example that you gave was meant as an navigation menu. It links to different pages. That has the effect that the content of the site changes, if that is what you mean.
If you want real tabs, then you have to use Javascript for that. There are a lot of tutorials on how to do that and also a lot of pre-made tabs, so I won't go into that here.

Wordpress slideshow plugin with scrollbar, autoplay and lightbox

I have been asked to build a portfolio website for a photographer. The main page contains a slideshow of the photographer's best work, I have used an autoplaying NextGEN SmoothGallery with Lytebox. After some customization of the plugin, this works.
However, the client has requested a category selection above the main slideshow and a scrollbar below the image. They also want part of the previous and next images to be visible, not just the image in focus. The image here illustrates what I mean.
I have searched and searched, but cannot find a plugin that would do this. Can anybody help, please?
The trouble is, I doubt there is a plugin around that would do this, and it's really not going to be a case of "here's the code to do that, just drop it in and you're flying".
If it were me, I'd probably write the whole thing myself, because if I'm honest, I've never used the NextGEN SmoothGallery plugin, and wouldn't want to root around all the code when I've got a simple idea myself;
A bit of PHP that outputs the list of categories, and then an unordered list of the X most recent items, one list for each category.
Then I'd use jQuery (and probably the jCarousel plugin) to create the slideshow for a single list, and add click handlers to the category links which simply 'swap in' the correct list into the current carousel.
Finish the whole thing off with some CSS.
Does any of that sound like something you'd be familiar with?
