PayPal Standard Payment On Hold or Pending - wordpress

I am using PayPal standard to make transactions in a WordPress website. I've set the API credentials and works perfectly means the transactions are done perfectly. But when I open the SandBox buyer account, I can see the following with pending status and the payments don't appear in the seller's account:
I've seen the PayPal official site to check this out and they say, sometimes they put on hold for verification. I would like to know if anyone has faced it before and how will this be available or completed later?
I've one another thing to know - I've used the PayPal Express Checkout plugin for transactions. But in the dashboard, it says WooCommerce Gateway PayPal Express Checkout requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 to be installed on your server and doesn't show the feature in the WooCommerce checkout settings. So do I have to set SSL for that?
Note: I am doing the above in localhost using WAMP.

You can't use localhost it's not a valid URL, PayPal can't access your local enviornment.Local host cannot be resolved on distant machines in case Paypal server.
Best way upload to the web, there's a number of free PHP web hosts out there if you don't have one.


Wordpress, woocommerce payment gateway logs

I want to know if there would be a way to find out the history of a refund made via a 3rd party payment gateway plugin that uses Woocommerce.
Where do I begin if it is possible? I already messaged the plugin provider. I want to see if I could get it started before they reply.
More details. The refunds we made have failed, Woocommerce says it was successful. I want to investigate where the point of failure might be.
WooCommerce provides logs for transactions if you have enabled Log Debug Messages for the specific payment gateway provider (and also hoping that payment gateway provider is also providing logs).
To view the logs, you can go to WooCommerce >> Status >> Logs. And then, select the payment gateway from the dropdown and see what’s in there.

Testing Sagepay with Woocommerce get Error: 5003 Internal Server Error

We're trying to test sagepay on a wordpress site with woocommerce and sagepay plugins installed. These are the steps we have been through and the results.
Entered all settings into the sagepayform gateway settings page in woocommerce, including Vendor Name, Testing (and Live) Encryption passwords, set Status to Testing, entered email adress etc.
created an account on
attempted to test the process by going through the checkout on the website (set up in a live testing domain)
When 'Place order' is pressed I get an error back on the website with HTTP Status Code 500, Error Code 5003 'Internal Server Error'
I did a test when the site was on my local environment which worked fine, now it doesn't.
Has anyone had any experience with this, any suggestions?
This is the result of Sagepay ending support for the test environment for protocol v2.2
From their notification email:
..please be aware that if you are testing accounts using our older
protocol, you will no longer be able to do so after 12th January,
You will need to move over to the v3 protocol and make the necessary changes to your code. More resources can be found within the migrate to v3 pages. The changes aren't vast, you mostly need to focus on the newly required fields and the string encryption.
A further note: production support for the v2 protocol ends in July 2015. Sagepay are very quiet about it but if your transactions are still going through on v2, it will show a warning in your My Sagepay account.

How can I force Guest Checkout in Woocommerce using PayPal Express?

I'm trying to launch an online store using Wordpress, WooCommerce and the "Paypal for Woocommerce" Plugin.
On Paypal, Guest Checkout is only available on mobile, but it's not an option on desktop. I read somewhere that you need to add this lines to your SetExpressCheckout API Call but I don't know where to put them:
Can anyone using this plugin help me? Thank you.
it is true that if you add those parameters to the SetEC API call it will enable guest checkout and present the credit card form on the hosted page. To add these parameters, however, you have to alter the source code of the plugin. If you are using Angelleye's plugin there is a setting:
PayPal Account Optional – If your PayPal account is setup with PayPal Account Optional enabled (available in your PayPal account profile) then setting this option here will provide a better checkout flow for non-PayPal users. It will be more obvious that you do not need a PayPal account in order to complete payment, and this will typically increase conversion rates.
you can see complete documentation here.

Cant enable checkout without a PayPal account

I have setup a woocommerce on website with Paypal chekout. The Paypal account is Business and settings are changed to "Paypal Account Optional" - on.
But the checkout still forces to create Paypal account without simple credit card checkout. Why?? What could be possible wrong here? Thank you!
Be sure the merchant account email address is confirmed.
When using Payments Standard it's all based on browser session cookies. If you've signed in to a PayPal account with that browser it assumes that's what you'll be doing in the future so it hides the guest checkout option a little more.
If you clear the browser cache/cookies, or use a fresh browser, you should see the guest checkout option more prominently displayed during checkout.
Express Checkout handles this a little better where rather than completely working from cookies you can make adjustments in your API calls. The PayPal for WooCommerce plugin provides Express Checkout so you could utilize this benefit. There are options in the plugin settings to adjust that accordingly.
It still looks a little different depending on your browser cache/cookies and the version of PayPal they've got you on, but in general the guest checkout (credit card) option is much more obvious to people when using Express Checkout with those options enabled.

Run Ubercart (Drupal Module) in Test Gateway mode without SSL?

I'm writing a module for Ubercart that hooks the checkout completed phase of purchasing. However I'm running into an issue actually running any tests.
My original plan was to use the Test Gateway for development, then push out this module onto production with Paypal and Google Checkout as payment gateways. Once I get it going I can afford an SSL certificate.
However right now I don't have an SSL certificate, and this is preventing Test Gateway from running since it depends on the Credit Card Module, which requires SSL. Surprisingly the debug mode option doesn't change this requirement.
At the top of every page I get an ominous warning:
Checkout cannot be completed without any payment methods enabled. Please contact an administrator to resolve the issue.
And at the top of the Payment Settings page I get:
Credit card encryption must be configured to accept credit card payments.
Is there any way to force the Credit Card module to work in debug mode without SSL?
If you enable "Test Gateway", go here http://YOURSITE/admin/store/settings/payment/edit/methods (Administer › Store administration › Configuration › Payment settings)
Expand "Credit card settings", in "Card number encryption key filepath" enter path outside of your site. "
On "Accepted card types" select any credit card. And investigate more settings there.
Now try buy some product, and checkout it, select card for payment, it will automatically complete order (full payment imitation).See testing numbers for credit cards, CVV can be any number, enter higher Expiration date than current date.
Use sandboxes for testing Paypal and Google Checkout for testing these "gates".
