Testing Sagepay with Woocommerce get Error: 5003 Internal Server Error - wordpress

We're trying to test sagepay on a wordpress site with woocommerce and sagepay plugins installed. These are the steps we have been through and the results.
Entered all settings into the sagepayform gateway settings page in woocommerce, including Vendor Name, Testing (and Live) Encryption passwords, set Status to Testing, entered email adress etc.
created an account on test.sagepay.com
attempted to test the process by going through the checkout on the website (set up in a live testing domain)
When 'Place order' is pressed I get an error back on the test.sagepay.com website with HTTP Status Code 500, Error Code 5003 'Internal Server Error'
I did a test when the site was on my local environment which worked fine, now it doesn't.
Has anyone had any experience with this, any suggestions?

This is the result of Sagepay ending support for the test environment for protocol v2.2
From their notification email:
..please be aware that if you are testing accounts using our older
protocol, you will no longer be able to do so after 12th January,
You will need to move over to the v3 protocol and make the necessary changes to your code. More resources can be found within the migrate to v3 pages. The changes aren't vast, you mostly need to focus on the newly required fields and the string encryption.
A further note: production support for the v2 protocol ends in July 2015. Sagepay are very quiet about it but if your transactions are still going through on v2, it will show a warning in your My Sagepay account.


PayPal Standard Payment On Hold or Pending

I am using PayPal standard to make transactions in a WordPress website. I've set the API credentials and works perfectly means the transactions are done perfectly. But when I open the SandBox buyer account, I can see the following with pending status and the payments don't appear in the seller's account:
I've seen the PayPal official site to check this out and they say, sometimes they put on hold for verification. I would like to know if anyone has faced it before and how will this be available or completed later?
I've one another thing to know - I've used the PayPal Express Checkout plugin for transactions. But in the dashboard, it says WooCommerce Gateway PayPal Express Checkout requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 to be installed on your server and doesn't show the feature in the WooCommerce checkout settings. So do I have to set SSL for that?
Note: I am doing the above in localhost using WAMP.
You can't use localhost it's not a valid URL, PayPal can't access your local enviornment.Local host cannot be resolved on distant machines in case Paypal server.
Best way upload to the web, there's a number of free PHP web hosts out there if you don't have one.

paypal express sandbox not working before some days

I have implemented PayPal express checkout on my site.And it's working fine on live website. But before some days my sandbox environment is not working , it getting error "Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream". I thing papal upgrade his version . Can anybody let me know what can i do change on my code for running papal sandbox .
Paypal is working on security updates available on the sandbox but not on the production environment yet. You can check this page (if not already) : https://devblog.paypal.com/upcoming-security-changes-notice/
Try to see if you have a more detailed log under your Paypal account.

My UPS shipping method is not working in wordpress project

I have created one woocommerce project.I used three type shipping method plugins for that project.that are
Here Usps and FedEx are working fine.But ups is not working fine.when i give country,stare,zip code it's showing
There doesn‘t seem to be any available shipping methods. Please
double check your address, or contact us if you need any help
I got some values as an array. that showing
UPS post response
WooCommerce UPS packages1.00FailureHard10002The XML document is well formed
but the document is not validAccessRequest/AccessLicenseNumber
I would check to see if you have a SOAP client installed on your server. In WooCommerce click "System Status" and next to Soap Client you may see "Your server does not have the SOAP Client class enabled - some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected." . I recommend create a backup of your database and files firstly, then install soap client

Tickera WordPress Plugin, getting a PayPal IPN error e-mail

I purchased the Tickera wordpress plugin from Tickera.com. I have repeatedly requested support from them, but they don't respond.
I installed this plugin on a client's website to sell tickets for an event. The plugin works. The visitor buys the ticket via paypal and then they are sent an e-mail with a PDF attachment of the ticket which can be scanned at the event.
The problem is that with each transaction, my client gets an e-mail from PayPal with this statement:
Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
and then it has my client's URL with the folder where the WordPress lives and then ?ipn=paypal.
Do I need to open a IPN account on PayPal to stop the error e-mail? I have been afraid to do this, in case it screws up the function of the plugin. It is working now.
Does anyone have experience with this?
It sounds like the plugin must be setting the IPN URL using the NotifyURL parameter of API requests, or just the notify parameter in a standard HTML button/form. That would override anything you set up in your PayPal profile anyway.
It sounds like there must be some sort of a problem with the IPN script itself that is causing it to send a failure code of some sort back to PayPal's IPN server. You should be able to check your web server logs for the times that URL is getting hit and see the result there so you can look at the error and resolve it.
I would be very reluctant using this plugin - see Facebook for more than enough reasons. As to not try to say too much, I will just say "client side only validation" and "tickera == name your own price ticket system". What made this bug even worse is that it could be triggered accidentally by merely using normal browser behavior and so a kid with no knowledge of Javascript or the sort could still easily add 4 tickets, proceed to payment, click back in the browser and again proceed and get 4 tickets for the price of 1... Someone with a bit more knowledge and malicious intent could mess with a client side value array and set prices to $0.01/ea if they wished... I was consulting for someone in an attempt to clean up the mess from using this plugin and quickly discovered Tickera to be less than helpful on the support front... Best I can tell, the client-only-validation "bug" (horrible design) is still in play.. When notified of the bug, they were pretty much like "Oh, no biggie - just review all sales and cancel/refund/etc manually" - an unacceptable solution for medium/large events and just bad business for an event of any size... There are some serious security concerns with this plugin and their lack of response or support is just the icing on the cake... Beware.

wp Event Manager booking status Processing(Authorizenet AIM)

I have a wordpress site with Membership and Events. I am using Paid Membership Pro for memberships and Event manager Pro for events. I am using Authorize-net payment gateway and most event bookings are successful.
But I can see some booking in the Admin with the status Processing(Authorizenet AIM).
I have log to the Authorizenet and there is no processing transaction for this booking.
Could you please help me to solve this. What is the reason for that status?
You will need to have SSL enabled for you site otherwise this will not work. Events manager will always force the https connection if a booking form accepting Authorize.net is used.
Wideload Shipping may be correct here, if you don't have a valid SSL certificate or SSL enabled then the booking process won't work with Authorize.net since you must be able to send card info securely.
I'd suggest you ask this on our pro forums, as a pro customer we'd be happy to help you troubleshoot there. If you supply us a link we can also probably have a better idea about what's going wrong and provide you with further steps to remedy the issue.
I noticed this same behavior starting to happen on my Events Manager Pro as well. Seemingly randomly some bookings will show "Processing (Auth.net)" while others show "Completed" (as they should).
From this thread's suggestion, I took a look at my https URLs. I found that sometime in the last month, we ran an update that has inserted some link hrefs and other unsecured URLs in the source code.
I had been using HTTPS plugin to force https on the events pages, but since the site URL was http only, it was pulling in these "external" files as http. I noticed in Firefox that my SSL connection showed broken. While in Chrome, it felt it was secure. My GUESS at this time is that the ones that go thru are where the page in the browser looks to be secure. While the ones that only get "Processing" are happening on the broken SSL browser views.
I've now changed my site URL to https as the base URL which ensures Wordpress uses it throughout. I now don't get a broken SSL in Firefox. My presumption is that this will fix this issue. Time will tell. I'll come back to update IF I'm wrong. But hopefully that might help for you to look at URLs, such as wp-json and other link rel URLs.
Of note, it seems the credit cards ARE authorizing/captured for those transactions. So it's more likely the return trip from Auth.net for the silent URL to changes the status of the booking?
