The way to change CSS themes in React application? - css

The idea is to get a configuration JSON from the server after login. And depending on the config(let say a company the user is linked to) use one of the pre-set styles. The frontend is React-based. So, I'll not be able to get the main styles tag by id and change it on the fly:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="../green.css" id="theme_css" />
document.getElementById('theme_css').href = '../red.css';
Are there any other common ways to load files dynamicly in React(Redux) web-app?

You can try this way. It works great for even larger projects of your browser support is slightly higher or you can implement the same with the help of SASS/LESS.


Videogular CSS not working - UI distorted

I am using Videogular, it is absolutely good there is no doubt about that but works only with http:/ calls as its theme is in
But my application work only on secure https. Problem with http and https cross calls. So i decided to download the content of videogular css and try to implement manually. But it seems it doesnt work.
Can any one help please?
either by letting me know how to integrate videogular css manually to project or if there is any https support available from videogular.
I don't know if you still haven't solved this problem...
Can you be more specific?
the only thing that you need to do is to import the css from your server like(using relative path):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/yourpathtocss/css/videogular.css">
and make sure that you can access this resource. Them you need to make a div with class:videogular-container and put the videogular tags inside like:
<div ng-controller="YourCtrl as controller" class="videogular-container">
<videogular vg-theme="controller.config.theme.url">
<vg-media vg-src="controller.config.source"> </vg-media>

joomla wrong base href results in wrong CSS template

I have installed Joomla 3.x and some modules.
One of my modules is to display articles from certain categories of my articles, but when I navigate to my article, the CSS stylesheets do not load.
When I view the source, I discovered that the URL for the CSS stylesheet in the page above becomes:
<base href="" />
... instead of the original I put in, here:
<base href="" />
This also happens to another CSS stylesheet from the module. The CSS URL loads like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="爱立方动向更新/modules/mod_news_pro_gk5/interface/css/style.css" type="text/css" />
... instead of the original CSS URL that I put in:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
So I have figured out that the issue is the URLs are not being added by Joomla correctly. How would I go about fixing this?
From what you've posted it looks like you (or extension developers) are trying to add css with absolute links. Looking at the source of your page will quickly show you that your links look different from the core links in that they are absolute not relative. You may need to look a the code in the modules doing this and fix or contact the developers and ask them to fix. Also ask them about the js.
In Joomla you add style sheets with code like this in your template index:
The change in behavior is most likely due to a recent security fix concerning uris in the header. I'm not going to link to details of the exploit but easy enough to find out why this was changed, but it was for good reasons.

Site hosted on dropbox not using CSS

I'm hosting a (very) small website on dropbox. I don't even have a domain name for it, I just need an easy way for my not so technology savvy teacher to access it and using an online service like wordpress or tumblr seemed like too much trouble and not as effective as I would like. I plan on putting it in my public folder and just sending her that link, something I've done in the past to show my friends websites I've made in class.
However, for some reason, CSS formatting isn't working. This is a problem I've noticed in the past but at the time wasn't important. I have it relatively linked in my head tag and it works when I pull up the files saved on my hard drive. Its only when I try to access it through dropbox do I notice this problem.
I've looked and it doesn't seem like anyone else has had this problem, I've only found multiple references to dropbox supporting CSS so I have no idea why this is happening.
This is the link in my code, and it's inside the head tag:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/format.css" />
Any help would be much appreciated. ^^
EDIT: Here's the page, there's not much on it yet but there's suppossed to be background formatting behind the navigation links in the top.
To give an example expanding on Cfreak's comment, you would need to individually share the CSS file, then reference it in the HTML like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
A much easier way (and more correct) is to put your stylesheet in a folder called css and then have a relative link to it with "./" It gets you out of the long url trouble.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/styles.css">

accessing the CSS in browser using question mark (?) in end

can someone explain what is the difference in accessing CSS in browser by putting question mark ? in the end and why the new CSS is not making any affects on Website.
I have deployed a new CSS on web server but its not making any affect.
I tried to open the URL in browser as below:
and it loads the older version of CSS.
Then I tried it as below and it loads the new version of CSS.
After doing all this. New CSS change does not affecting the website. Its still displaying the old design.
Kind Regards
You need to add something after the ? then change it when you change the CSS. What is happening is a browser will cache anything that doesn't change for a specific period, it does that by checking file names. so main.css? is still main.css? Anything after the question mark is a query string, generally it's used to pass data to a particular file. In this case it's just used to change the file string so the browser will update it every time it changes without affecting the file itself.
There are a couple of ways you can handle this, the first is manually changing the version, probably the easiest idea if you have a single header file, as in a template system that always loads the same head data.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/main.css?ver1/>
Then on next change:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/main.css?ver2/>
If you'd rather do it automatically you can add a bit of PHP script to the css line like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/main.css?time=<?php echo filemtime('./assets/css/main.css');?>" />
This is essentially adding a value that changes every time you save the file and results in something like this, the next time I save the file that time= value will change:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/refficient/trunk/assets/css/main.css?time=1350305706" />
browser cache is the reason,Adding ? after css is not recommended.Open your hosting space and clear cache and thread pool as well.

Shopify: Can't load external stylesheet from another server
I'm trying to develop my first shopify theme. I'm trying to load a stylesheet which is hosted on another server, but the CSS is not loading. If I copy and paste that CSS directly into a file in the shopify theme, it works.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
What am I doing wrong at the above URL, and why isn't the css loading?
Can you load your CSS file over both http and https? If so, change your tag to look like this:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
That way whether a user visits using or, they'll get the stylesheet served using the protocol they're on (and you won't get any mixed content warnings).
A little more background:
Under IE7 and IE8, using this in a <link> tag will result in your content being fetched twice.
Change your link tag to use a secure URL:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
The URL you're using now works fine on its own, but since you're browsing to the Shopify store over SSL, many web browsers are going to be hesitant to load the CSS over an unsecured connection.
I just checked and pagodabox serves the CSS file just fine over SSL.
In normal HTML documents one can load stylesheets from anywhere, as long as they exist and you're able to load them by typing the URL in (which I can).
I see the page as two navigation bars with a logo on the left hand side. There are hover states with transitions to a colour background on each item. Although, when I loaded the page, Chrome warned me not to load supposedly insecure content. Before this is loaded I just see text in Times New Roman. I think this is you problem.
I use themes with WordPress and style-sheets come with them (mostly). I don't see why you couldn't just put the style-sheet in with the rest of the theme.
Overall, the answer is yes (normally) but in this case browsers may regard it as un-safe and therefore not load it.
Yes you can! But it is faster to host the stylesheet on your server/where the other files reside. If you plan to include a stylesheet from elsewhere, you could run into problems of that server being down/busy and hence your theme will not display as required. As #Blieque mentioned, some browsers may question external content causing unnecessary warning popups to a user/user-agent.
