Hide comment count from wordpress website - wordpress

Hello I am trying to get rid of the 'leave a comment' or 'n comments' tag which is shown on my wordpress website recent posts without getting rid of Date and Author
Any solution?

First, have a look if your theme 'wordstar' has a configuration option for this meta-data. If not, you could hide what you do not need using custom CSS:
.entry-meta .comment,
.entry-meta .cat-links,
.entry-meta .tag-links {
display: none;
Just add whatever you want to hide.

To hide the comments count from your WordPress blog, add a CSS rule to hide the .comments-count class. To do so, go to /wp-admin > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and place the following CSS rule:
.comments-count {
display: none;

Disable comments. Go to WP Admin -> Settings -> Discussion ->, uncheck Allow people to post comments on new articles checkbox and click Save button.


In WooCommerce, can I make “shopping cart” appear only in SHOP section and when a customer actually adds an item in cart?

I’m using Nikkon on Wordpress and would like the shopping icon to show only in shop section and after customer has added an item, kind of like how Squarespace does it. Is it possible? I used the following code in CSS edit but it did nothing:
.home .top-login,
.home .top-cart {
display: none;

How to delete Last Update date in wordpress' page?

I'm newbie in wordpress. I got website: http://xn--lnepengerprivat-hlb.com/ and on homepage (it's page, not a post!) I've got Last Update date. How to delete it? Please help me
Add this css in your style.css or find in your theme file and remove the php code.
.page-last-modified {
display: none;
You could hide the page post date by using CSS, either in a styles.css file or in the custom CSS editor of WP Customizer.
.page-last-modified {
display: none;
Another solution would be to delete the whole block in the page template file of your child theme.

Hiding plugin on pages in wordpress

I am using a button which displays a like/upvote button. There is an error in the plugin which displays the button on every page of the site. It should only show on blog posts and job listings through WP job manager.
Is there any way to remove this on pages only?
My current solution is:
.vortex-container-vote {text-indent: -9999px;}
But this removes the plugin from every page(including blog posts and job listings)
I wonder if anybody has a solution which keeps blog posts and listings?
Many thanks
WordPress includes a post-type identifier class in the body tag. So something like this should do it:
/* Here you hide it everywhere */
.vortex-container-vote {
display: none;
/* Then here you only show it on the post-types you want */
.post .vortex-container-vote {
display: block;
Note that this only shows it on posts, as I don't know the post-type for your job listings. But if say the post-type is single-job_listing, then change the second part of the css above to this to include the job listings:
.post .vortex-container-vote, .single-job_listing .vortex-container-vote {
display: block;

Removing meta information from posts on wordpress

I want to remove the post author and date on Wordpress posts. However, I'm not sure how to hide this information. I have tried the following. Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Single Post Settings and then adding the following snippet of code .single-post-meta{ display:none;} inside both Ad Code - Below Post Title and Ad Code - Below Post Content. However, this does not work. How to fix?
I found a good work around.
Appearances-> Editor -> Style.css
Style.css can fix most display problems. Specifically for my problem, I scrolled down to where it said .post-info {...} and changed the display tag from display: block to diplay: none.
Try putting that CSS code in Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS instead.

How to change default wordpress logout template?

I am new to wordpress development and now I am stuck.
I need to change style and add some buttons in default wordpress logout template (when i am redirected to http://example.com/wp-login.php?action=logout ).
But the question is where i can find that template?
Thanks in advance.
Ivelin Georgiev
There (unfortunately) isn't a template page for the login page. I'm not sure why this is, maybe its for security or something, I dunno. In any case you can't edit it directly without messing with the wordpress core.
However there are various hooks and actions you can add to in order to do some customisations. Here is some sample code from my own applications:
// this adds stuff to the head. You can add a stylesheet
// if you want, or just css like I have.
add_action("login_head", "cust_login_head");
function cust_login_head()
// this just changes the logo
body.login #login h1 a {
background: url('<?=plugins_url('images/logomed.png',__FILE__)?>') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
height: 64px;
width: 307px;
margin-left: 10px;
// these change the default links from wordpress to whatever you want
add_filter('login_headertitle', create_function(false, "return 'http://website.com';"));
add_filter('login_headerurl', create_function(false, "return 'http://website.com';"));
Stick that into your functions.php file in your theme to get it to work.
There will be other such methods and hooks you can change and add to, you just need to find them.
Use Themed login plugin - It allows to make login and registration process themeable using site's theme.
