Moving existing WordPress site on trial Azure to another Azure account - wordpress

I currently have a WordPress site on a trial account on Azure. The trial is running out in a week so I need to migrate it to another existing Azure account. I was hoping to get some help on how to move the entire site.
I exported a WPRESS File + XML Doc under WordPress dashboard and created a backup storage account (on trial Azure).
Would it be just as simple as creating a new WP site on the non-trial account and importing the WPRESS File? Any help or insight is appreciated!

I'd recommend you use a plugin like All-in-One WP Migration to migrate your WordPress site to a different location.
Installation instructions:


Wordpress Google Site kit - Configuration with different projects

I have a wordpress project that's online that is setted with Site Kit Plugin. I have created a new wordpress project that will replace the old one. My doubt is: If I will bring the new project to the configured domain, settings will be the same or I have to configure everything again?
If the domain is changing, you should reset Site Kit before migrating. This is to ensure no incorrect site records exist on the new domain. Without resetting it's possible that when the plugin performs lookup for data on the old domain.
Even if you don't reset, the plugin will likely recognize a URL change although there are various ways to migrate a site and some can cause issues.
Note also that you can connect Site Kit to the same Google Analytics property on your new domain also. If your domain name on the new site is not based off the current site, you may have to create a new Search Console property.
If you run into any questions you can reach out in the Site Kit plugin support forums.

How do I make an existing WordPress blog available at a subdirectory/subpath of an existing Azure AppService website?

I have a Flask website (e.g. hosted on Microsoft Azure App Service. I have a WordPress blog hosted on another MS Azure App Service instance. I created this blog using the WordPress Azure Marketplace item by App Service in line with this doc. The current URL for the blog is the default app service URL (e.g.
I want to integrate the blog into my website, so that the blog is available at For example, the page at should be available at By integrate I mean make available; I don't mind having 2 different applications as present i.e. one for the main site, and one for the blog.
Is this even possible?
If so, can someone point me in the right direction or to the relevant docs so that I can figure things out?
Also, I am still exploring WordPress so the blog contains only test posts. If there is an alternative method of creating the blog from scratch so that it integrates into the website easily, I can work with that as well.

Best way to build convert a Shopify store to WordPress

I have a website through shopify, hosting through Shopify, and want it rebuilt in WordPress.
What would be the best way to do this while keeping the original website live until the new website is done? The new website may take a while to be created since the database of products needs a lot of modification.
I was thinking about creating a new hosting account and building it there without connecting it to the domain name, and when it is ready I'll connect it. Does this make sense or is it even possible? Or should I build I'd offline and upload it when it's ready? I'm not quite sure how I would build it offline though...
Thanks in advance!
Like the others said, you can build it offline on your computer using a program like XAMPP to create an offline server, however I prefer to build the new website online on a sub domain of your current domain, and switch it over once the website is done.
For example, if your website is you can create a sub domain and build it there. You will most likely have to use a search and replace plugin to replace all instances of "" with "".
As for transferring all your products etc. you can export all your products from Shopify as a CSV file and then re-import it into WooCommerce using a plugin called WP All Import along with the WooCommerce add-on.
Good luck!
You can build it in a new hosting environment set up for wordpress hosting. And yes, you can reassign your domain to the new site when it is ready. I don't think building an offline wordpress site would be wise if you aren't familiar with apache servers or transferring wordpress sites to different servers, it can be a headache.
Funny enough you're asking this. I currently am working on a project that is more or less the same task. The best and most optimal way would to just develop the website locally on your machine, using a program like XAMPP or WAMP.
Here's a link on how to get started using a virtual machine that is localized on your computer:
After installing WordPress on your machine, you can proceed by installing Woo-Commerce. This is the best e-commerce plugin which works with WordPress and is highly recommended due to how frequently updated it is. There are tons of themes out there which can help you change the look of your shop depending on what look and feel you want your shop to be.
Since you're porting a Shopify website over to WordPress, I assume the Shopify site didn't have anything crazy over-the-top when it comes to the look & feel...That being said, I would 100% recommend the "Storefront" theme for WooCommerce, which is a great theme, both for developers and non-developers to use. Here's a link to the Storefront theme, which is free:
In terms of hooking up the domain to the website, this can be done once you actually are ready to launch the website. There's no need to have a live domain working for developing.
Good luck! I hope this helps!

Migrating Data to Google Cloud

I recently bought Google Cloud services and want to migrate my wordpress website from my current hosting service (which uses CPanel) to Google Cloud. I already have a project and instance created on Google Cloud but I can't seem to understand how to connect it with FTP or through webUI so that I can upload my already existing web files.
Well you can use a plugin for migrating your WordPress website. For example:

How to upload themes to wordpress hosted on heroku

Google recently pulled the plug from Cloud SQL free quota and i am now looking for options other that Amazon EC2 as i don't have a credit yet.
I followed the project and i was able to
to get wordpress hosted on heroku for free
The next thing that is bugging me is the ability to add new themes from sites like
As heroku doesn't support file I/O i was wondering how to commit and push a theme enabled wordpress instance to my heroku repo.
Any help is this regard would be appreciated.
