Questions marks in my Wordpress text - wordpress

I've been handling this issue for quite a while now.
I'm working a on Dutch website ( It's a site for a local political party. The thing is, the site went through quite a lot and I'm the third guy that is doing a new, easy design on it.
Sadly, for some reason, there seem to appear questionmark symbols in the text of some pages. I've read quite a lot about the utf-8 settings but I seem to have them correct. Also, the website didn't have an .htaccess file so I've added that.
If I use a clean browser (Cleared cache, incognito mode) I don't see the symbols on the homepage but when I visit another page and then go back to the homepage they seem to appear. Anyone knows how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance! :D

it is because of "Cache Enabler by KeyCDN". It compresses data incorrectly.
Go to its settings (whereever it is), and adjust it to UTF-8.
If it can't do it, just disable it.
Visit - it will always show correct text. Because "Cache Enabler by KeyCDN" doesn't run if there is any GET parameter in URL.


Logos missing after Wordpress migration

For some reason I cant find a place to edit the header logo. The logo will appear in chrome browser. In most browsers, it will just be a blank square and say logo.
This all happened after a migration to a different server/database.
There is some info about plugins needing an authentication key. However, Im unsure if this is the problem as it requires purchase. Any ideas? Thank you!
It's a bit unclear on why this would happen as there are a number of reasons.
Here are a few main things to check:
Did the wp-content/uploads/ folder get copied across fully?
If point-1 is correct, can you access the logo file via URL?
Are you using a theme builder to add in the logo? If so, you might need to export and import a theme builder file.
No need to purchase anything. Since you mentioned that this happened after migration. This could be a source issue, the url of the image could be broken or still leading to the old website url. You can check this by going to the DevTools on chrome by tapping F12. Then, click colsole to check if there's an error and let us know about it.

Display Optional Content for AdBlock Users on WordPress

I am trying to set up some sort of conditional, non-intrusive text box that shows up only for people using AdBlock. I am adamantly and emphatically opposed to popups or locking the content of my website to AdBlock users. I simply want to have a small section of plain text show up that says, “Hey, you! Before you read on, we ask that you consider whitelisting us on AdBlock. (etc. etc. etc.)”. I want people to be able to scroll past it without issue and not have their experience with my website be impacted if they choose not to whitelist me; I'm not out to coerce anyone or annoy anyone, I just want to make my case, in brief, that I don't run obstructive, malware-filled ads and it would be great if they supported me. And I don't want it to show up if someone doesn't have Adblock enabled.
I'm not very savvy with HTML, but if someone can clearly instruct me where exactly to put some code in to my website, I would be open to an option that involves editing my website's code. Otherwise, a plugin that I've overlooked would be really helpful. I've looked around but most of what I've found is something that puts a giant sticky on the page to obstruct peoples' view until they whitelist. Again, I don't want that. That is exactly the reason people got AdBlock to begin with. People who use such countermeasures are fundamentally missing the point. (/rant)
Thanks in advance!
Use this plugin.
Read this article:-
Hope its working for you. try this and let me know

Editing/Typing in the post/page editor is very slow in text mode

I am having default theme (twenty sixteen) running over wp version 4.5.2. I've no plugins in active state (all deactivated). Having many pages created with long contents (about 500+ pages).
One of the page is having 18,997 words ( Please do not mind about the formatting since it is copied from live site to this staging site. When I try to edit content in this page in text mode, it is very very slow. I am not able to figure out what's the reason since the content does not have any images or external content.
Please help!
Thank you, Naresh
One thing that will drastically slow down the WP Editor on my computer is to have the Chrome inspector open at the same time. The inspector can be open on ANY Chrome window or tab and it will affect the WP editor in any of the others. Hopefully the word will get out and either the WP or Google team will fix it.
It might be a little late, but have you tried:
Checking your website speed (for example with:
Checking your own network speed
Disabling browser add-ons / extentions
Disabling the browsers spelling checker in the text editor
Using multiple browsers to see if the problem persists
(In case all of the above doesn't work and you haven't encountered a problem like this before):
Prepare a clean installation of WordPress with a standard theme and copy paste your text into it, in case the current installation is corrupted. Try this on localhost before setting it live, in case the hosting-provider is the cause of the problem.

Images won't appear in site

Here is the site that I am working on.
Here is an example of the logo image that I want at the top
The theme is mayashop, and I am having issues with the images loading. In the media library I am able to see all the images. In the theme options menu in the backend, it asks me to enter the url of the logo image/ favicon/ etc. into the text field. So for the logo, I am simply pasting that second url from above, save, but I still get the placeholder box, not even the correct size.
I was having a redirect issue earlier and couldn't even view any of the images.
It just kept taking a while to load and coming up with a redirect loop. I found online someone had switched the permalink, so I switched mine from "month and name" to "default" and now I can at least see the images on the second link, but I still cannot figure out why they don't show up in the proper places. I hope this makes sense.
I will also mention that I don't really know any php so if this is what it takes, please be very specific for me, thanks!
You're using the wrong urls for the header image and, possibly, the other images that are giving you trouble as well. Instead of referencing, you want to edit that image from the media library and get the file url. It will be something like
I am just a random stranger on the internet, but I have to thank you guys! Your solution fixed a problem on my site that has bugged me for ages!

Strange text under my WordPress Blog

I have been trying to get rid of some strange text appearing under my WordPress blog, I have check Wordpress support and googled about it but nothing. I tried changing the Theme of the blog too, but to no avail. The Address to my blog is I will be glad if you can guide me to solving this issue...
I am using the Foghorn Theme, below is a preview of the strange text:
You have been hacked. Read Verifying that I have fully removed a WordPress hack? for advice.
The most important part is: You have to find the infection point. If you don't know this … it will happen again and again.
I seem to have fixed it using WordDefence (, my General Template was modified, the plugin showed a side by side comparison of the original and the modified file and gave an option to restore original. i will now proceed to changing all my passwords. Thanks all
