google analytics Scheduled report Name change - google-analytics

I am creating the Google Analytics custom scheduled report. But I need to give a specified name to the scheduled report. However Google is adding its own timestamp and name to its report. Is there any way I can change the report's name?
I have tried by giving when generating the custom report that also didn't help.
Example:Analytics All Web Site Data Daily-Visits-data 20171014-20171014.csv
I need only Daily-Visits-data as my report name.

You can create custom report by consuming google analytics reporting API service,Create your own program to pull, generate report and schedule the report with any name you want.


Migrate data from one Google Analytics Property to Other

We by mistake created a Google Analytics Property of type Apps + Web(as in image). But it restricts us from using many Web specific features (like adding custom dimensions and connection with Google Tag Manager).
So we create a new property of type Web (as we anyway won't need App related things anytime sooner), but now how can we migrate all analytics data(of 4-5 months) to the new property.
We tried to go through the docs and didn't find any related help.
Any input would be helpful.
There is no way to migrate the data from one Account, web property or view in google analytics to another. Once the data has been sent the data is there forever unless you delete the account.

Give an access instead of sharing a report in GA

I can share access to account, property and view in GA. But when I share a report only its template is shared and the person should setup the report on its own.
So, is it possible to give an access to the reports in view?
Thank you.
Custom reports can only be shared as a template except if someone has access to the property and view you want them to see. In order to share your report without giving them access you'd need to send them an export of the report or build them a Data Studio dashboard.
If the person does have access to the property and view, they can use your template shortlink and them pick the correct view and see your custom report.

Create calendar Event in Google App maker

I'm really a beginner with Appmaker. How can I create events from a specific calendar instead of the default calendar? I've try several thing but I need little help.
Google posted some example code for the Advanced Calendar Service in Apps Script here. It looks like it lists out the user's calendars, and then you can select a Calendar ID to create the event on.
Remember that you'll need to turn on the Advanced Calendar service in your App's settings.

How would you go about writing a custom script that grabs the Adobe or Google Analytics image request?

If I wanted to build a scraper that pings each URL on a site and stores the adobe (or Google) image request, how would I go about this? I.e. I just want something that grabs all the parameters in the URL posted to Adobe in a csv or something similar. I'm familiar with how to build simple web scrapers, but how do I grab the URL I see in for example Fiddler that contains all the variables being sent to the Analytics solution?
If I could do this I could run a script that lists all URLs with the corresponding tracking events that are being fired and it would make QAing much more manageable.
You should be able to query the DOM for the image object created by the tag request. I am more familiar with the IBM Digital Analytics (Coremetrics) platform and you can find the tag requests using accessing the following array document.cmTagCtl.cTI in the Web Console on a Coremetrics tagged page. I used this method when building a Selenium WebDriver test case and wanted to test for the analytics tags.
I don't have the equivalent for Adobe or GA at the moment since it depends in the library implementation am trying the do the same as you for GA.

How can I show my google analytics traffic report via or classic asp?

How can I show my google analytics traffic report (AKA 'View Report') via or classic asp?
There are several APIs for querying data from Analytics. For example in both JavaScript and C#. See the developer guide for more information.
I don't think there is an easy way to just include their report into an existing page. You would have to use the APIs.
you can use the google data APIs to pull feed data as xml look at this tool it lets you run text queries and see the results
then make a call to data feed and parse with Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0") to output the results
im writing an article on how to do it right now ill post here when im done...
