Replacement for FCM diagnostic - firebase

In order to troubleshoot notifications delivery we used FCM diagnostics as recommended at:
But now I see:
FCM diagnostics page to be removed
From Nov 20 2017, the FCM diagnostics page will be removed along with any historical data. However, you can continue to access other Firebase Cloud Messaging features on the Play Console.
What is an alternative to track delivery problem per message_id? I can't believe they would like to troubleshoot our issue in support tickets...


Firebase sends push notifications every day without active campaigns

A week ago I experimented with FCM console and sent push messages to my Android device. But after that many (thousands) of users started to receive pushes every day in 23 h. I suppose, this is because of time zone difference. When I look at Cloud Messaging Reports, I see it really sends data notifications. But I even don't have active campaigns (including planned campaigns). How can it be?
I've got answers from Firebase and AppMetrica (an alternative analytics service) support. They say it is possible the app is not able to handle the data message (silent notification) sent.
I saw charts in FCM Reports, showing that every day it delivers data messages. Every day it's count slowly raised.
I've got answers from Firebase and AppMetrica ( Firebase support didn't find a problem, but suspected silent push messages. AppMetrica support found a problem. AppMetrica uses FCM to send push messages. I wrote a code for integration of AppMetrica and FCM incorrectly, so silent pushes haven't been handled right. After I unselected a checkbox in settings that updated tokens via silent push messages, Firebase charts dropped to zero.

Firebase Diagnostics on Play Console

I have a firebase project. I want to know the details diagnostics and statistics of every campaigns. We have panel for scheduling and sending notification to devices. Firebase deliver notifications to devices.
I want to know to which devices, the notifications are delivered, to which it is undelivered. I have read something about play console. I have followed the steps and linked my Firebase project with Google play console
but, still I am unable to see any stats.
Unfortunately, the FCM Diagnostics tool has been removed. From the links:
November 30, 2017: FCM diagnostics data removed
You can no longer access FCM diagnostics data in the Play Console.
You can still use other Firebase Cloud Messaging features.

FCM console push test is currently broken? (Android)

I've been using FCM console(web) to test push notification for Android smartphone.
I use push token from Android device, but FCM console says "Completed" and it's not delivered.
It worked fine before, but recent few days, it's not working.
Is there anyone facing same problem?
I got an answer from FCM support team.
Thank you for that information.
It would seem that you are affected by the changes made between July
31 and August 1st. We rolled out a change to Firebase Notifications to
filter apps by GMP App Id rather than by package name. This change was
purely internal and should have had no effect on visible behavior as
all apps using Firebase should have had both package name and app id
set to match. However, we are now seeing some apps that have the wrong
app id set and this is causing messages to not be delivered (or in
some cases to be delivered to the wrong app if an app has the app id
of another app). These apps have a bug that was previously masked but
is now exposed.
We are investigating ways in which apps have sent these incorrect app
ids and ways in which we can catch them and warn app developers.
For now, the Firebase Notifications console will only work with apps
that use the FCM SDK. We recommend updating to the latest version of
the FCM SDK in order to mitigate the issue, but in case you don't want
to migrate to FCM SDK, you can still use your own server to send push
Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused. Please let me
know if there's anything else I could help with.

Is it possible to get push notification stats like count of deliveries and opens when sending messages through Firebase notification API?

We are about to switch to Firebase notifiaction API from (that are retiring their service in jan 2017) to send push notification to our android and iOS Apps.
My question now is that I can't see any statistics about counts of successful deliveries and opens in the Firebase Console for a specific message ? The only thing we get when posting to is a message_id
But I havn't seen any documentation on a api how to follow up a sent message with this message_id. And the Firebase console has only the these kind of stats for messages created in the Console Gui, not the one create through an api post.
These stats was availible in But it seems as Firebase Cloud Messaging is a bit more low level, and perhaps these stats doesn't come out the box, so they might have to be custom made in a logging app etc by sending back events from the apps when messages as received and opened etc. Or is there a standardized way that I've missed when reading the Firebase Notification api docs ?
When you send notifications from the Firebase Notifications console, you get statistics about how many people received and opened the messages. But there is no API (yet) for Firebase Notifications.
If you're using the Firebase Cloud Messaging API (, the message statistics don't show up in the Firebase Notifications console. You can (as AL. says) get delivery statistics in the Google Play Developer Console in that case.
firebase allows you to view sent/delivered/opened statuses by default from their website
at the notification section
but I am not sure about the implementations
also if you are a new comer to firebase let it collect user data for about 24 hours after successfully migrating to firebase
I found that in the first day the notifications weren't really reporting immediately
I think you're looking for the FCM Diagnostics and Statistics feature.
However, this is not visible in the Firebase Console, only in your Google Play Developer Console. And the feature only works if your app is at least in Alpha Testing.

Crash Firebase vs Crashlytics vs HockyApp

I've been using Crashlytics in application, our client using HockeyApp, and I came to know by the recent updates to Google Firebase.
Has anyone had a chance to use above tools, what are your overview and suggestion? Did you like one over the other... and why?
Have a great day.
I'm afraid I can't speak for HockeyApp at all, but I have some experience in using Firebase and Crashlytics using iOS and Android clients. The below paragraphs don't factor in HockeyApp, and only compare Firebase Crash Reporting to Crashlytics.
Of the two, I would depend on Crashlytics for crash reporting until Firebase can further revise features. I've implemented both in some apps, and there are some advantages to Crashlytics. They send email notifications when crashes occur, including for priority changes, and crashes appear very quickly in the interface, within 5 minutes typically.
As it currently stands, Firebase doesn't have crash notifications, and it can take 20-40 minutes for a crash report to appear in the dashboard. A benefit of using Firebase's reporting is that their analytics will create an audience group of crash experiencing users, allowing you to identify and provide a different experience for those users (push notification, welcome screen, coupon code, etc)
Ability to report logs for crashes to investigate interaction and
~5 minute reporting time
Email notifications
20-40 minute reporting time
Richer user data
Can redact some logged info: "Logged in Chris" could become "Logged in [REDACTED_US_MALE_NAME]"
