BiodiversityR package for R error message for Mac - r

I am having a series of problems and receiving error messages installing BiodiversityR in a Mac computer
I type
Although all installations seem to run fine, when I try:
then I get an Error: package or namespace load failed for 'RcmdrMisc':
object 'print.rcorr' is not exported by 'namespace:Hmisc'
Can someone advise me on how to solving this problem?
Many thanks

I solved this problem by uninstalling R and turning off my computer to clear the local memory. I then turned on my computer and reinstalled R. Then I installed BiodiversityR, uninstalled Hmisc, which it installed automatically with BiodiversityR, reinstalled Hmisc, reinstalled BiodiversityR, and it solved my problem.


Unable to load Rcpp package

Due to my company's firewall I am manually installing packages from local. No errors when building the package from terminal, but I get an error when I load the package using library function
unable to load shared object 'C:/Program Files/R/R-3.6.1/library/Rcpp/libs/x64/Rcpp.dll':
LoadLibrary failure: The specified procedure could not be found.
And it also throws a prompt
Any help is appreciated thanks!
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : unable to load shared object
None of the above seemed to work
I had this issue. I was using R 4.0.0 in RStudio (1.2.5042). I had been using R just fine all morning and continually had this issue all afternoon. I restarted my computer, updated my packages, and confirmed everything worked well on another computer. Finally I updated to R 4.0.2 and my issue resolved.
My binary package was correctly pathed to 4.0/Rcpp. I still don't know what caused the issue, but since this seemed to fix it hope it will for any future folk with this issue!
There has been a significant change in the build tools used for binary R packages on Windows:
Starting with R 4.0.0 (released April 2020), R for Windows uses a brand new toolchain bundle called rtools40.
This means one has to be extra careful to get the correct file when downloading binary packages from CRAN, since packages for build with incompatible build tools will not work. At the time of writing this means:
Use the ones for r-oldrel for R 3.6
Use the ones for r-release for R 4.0
When this question was asked, R 4.0 was still r-devel.
You do not have to think about this things when using the build in install.packages() instead of manually downloading files from CRAN.

Checking if package installed without errors in R

Background to the problem
I have tried to install the robustlmm package in R, but while trying to install it the R session crashed. I followed the on-screen instructions and deleted the ‘/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/00LOCK-robustlmm’ folder.
I then rebooted my computer and installed the package again in R. This time the R quit itself instead of giving me an error message that it crashed. When I booted up R again, I see that the package is listed among my installed packages, and I can run it.
The actual problem
Is there a way to check if a package in R has been installed correctly? That is, is there some checksum or similar thing for the package (I am not that computer-savvy so do excuse if the terminology is off), that can be compared to the repository in question? If so, how do I do it?
I uninstalled the package and installed it again. The same problem occured again.
I faced the same problem when installing "robustlmm". What I tried and it did not work:
Installing from the CRAN repository in RStudio (which is running on a Debian OS). Both the R session and RStudio have crashed.
Installing it from a downloaded tar.gz file in RStudio, which I downloaded from the CRAN page of the package. The same story happened again.
Installing in RStudio by donwloading directly from the github page using "devtools". Same result.
The solution: I managed to install the package by running R in a terminal and not through RStudio. The package runs OK now (also in RStudio).

gdalUtils in R not linking to rgdal install

I am currently running R 3.4.4 through Rstudio on a windows system. I have a code that I ran successfully several months ago, but now it seems my gdalUtils is unable to connect with my rgdal install. Any function I call receives the following error:
Probably broken install of `gdal` at 'C:/PROGRA~2/GDAL/'
Error in as.Date.default(unlist(versions)) :
do not know how to convert `unlist(versions)` to class “`Date`”
I've tried searching for the gdal install within the rgdal package and get the same error. I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything to no avail. Any advice would be appreciated!

R-Studio on OSX can't load mosaic package

I am running OSX 10.10, R-Studio Version 0.99.484, and R version 3.2.2.
I just made a fresh install of R and R-Studio using the installers from their respective websites. I use install.packages to install "mosaic" and then I try loading it using library, but it gives me the following error:
library("mosaic", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library")
Error : object ‘dendro_data.hclust’ is not exported by 'namespace:ggdendro'
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘mosaic’
I tried reinstalling ggdendro but nothing. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this issue?
I encountered this same error and seem to have somewhere along the way resolved it. Steps taken include:
cleaned out my libraries (local and System)
used Disk Utility to repair any odd permissions
reinstalled R
opened RStudio and imported package with dependencies from the repository:
> install.packages("mosaic", lib="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library")
console prompted me to choose the older precompiled package or the newer, I chose older
Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation?
y/n: n
mosaic loaded happily
> library("mosaic", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library")

Error in running swirl package in R

I am not able to work in swirl package in R. I am able to install the swirl
package correctly. But while giving the library("swirl") command the error comes up.I have tried every thing like I am not able to find the answer of this error on internet. I have reinstalled R complete. I have tried changing directory. But still this error message is coming. Please help.This is the error message:
Error in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) :
cannot open file
'C:/Users/Devender/Documents/R/win-library/3.2/httr/R/httr.rdb': No such
file or directory
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘swirl’
Thanks alot in advance
Try installing httr package. I think it will solve your problem.
You did not say which R version you are using.
Some Swirl packages are not available for few R versions as 3.2.2. You cant even download any courses from Github repositories into the Swirl if Swirl was successfully loaded in R.
You may want to re-install a different version of R to avoid this Swirl issue, and try again.
