gdalUtils in R not linking to rgdal install - r

I am currently running R 3.4.4 through Rstudio on a windows system. I have a code that I ran successfully several months ago, but now it seems my gdalUtils is unable to connect with my rgdal install. Any function I call receives the following error:
Probably broken install of `gdal` at 'C:/PROGRA~2/GDAL/'
Error in as.Date.default(unlist(versions)) :
do not know how to convert `unlist(versions)` to class “`Date`”
I've tried searching for the gdal install within the rgdal package and get the same error. I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything to no avail. Any advice would be appreciated!


R Session Aborted and R encountered a fatal error

I have been using Rstudio for a while and there was no problem until I was trying to install rJava and xlsx package in R. I had updated both my RGui and Rstudio to the latest version (also downloaded java x64 bit for my desktop since earlier I had a Java_Home error message trying to install both rJava and xlsx package) and I was able to install both rJava and xlsx in Rstudio, but when I use
I encountered the R session aborted message. This happen every time even when I already closed the application and tried to open it again.
I'm currently using 2022.02.2 Build 485 for my Rstudio and 4.20.0 for my RGui. Anyone knows what I can do with this?
edit: I ended up using a different package to read my excel file (read_excel) for my data which worked very well. However, I still don't know what is the problem with my 'xlsx' package
This issue has been discussed in RStudio Community
You should install a patched version

Checking if package installed without errors in R

Background to the problem
I have tried to install the robustlmm package in R, but while trying to install it the R session crashed. I followed the on-screen instructions and deleted the ‘/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/00LOCK-robustlmm’ folder.
I then rebooted my computer and installed the package again in R. This time the R quit itself instead of giving me an error message that it crashed. When I booted up R again, I see that the package is listed among my installed packages, and I can run it.
The actual problem
Is there a way to check if a package in R has been installed correctly? That is, is there some checksum or similar thing for the package (I am not that computer-savvy so do excuse if the terminology is off), that can be compared to the repository in question? If so, how do I do it?
I uninstalled the package and installed it again. The same problem occured again.
I faced the same problem when installing "robustlmm". What I tried and it did not work:
Installing from the CRAN repository in RStudio (which is running on a Debian OS). Both the R session and RStudio have crashed.
Installing it from a downloaded tar.gz file in RStudio, which I downloaded from the CRAN page of the package. The same story happened again.
Installing in RStudio by donwloading directly from the github page using "devtools". Same result.
The solution: I managed to install the package by running R in a terminal and not through RStudio. The package runs OK now (also in RStudio).

BiodiversityR package for R error message for Mac

I am having a series of problems and receiving error messages installing BiodiversityR in a Mac computer
I type
Although all installations seem to run fine, when I try:
then I get an Error: package or namespace load failed for 'RcmdrMisc':
object 'print.rcorr' is not exported by 'namespace:Hmisc'
Can someone advise me on how to solving this problem?
Many thanks
I solved this problem by uninstalling R and turning off my computer to clear the local memory. I then turned on my computer and reinstalled R. Then I installed BiodiversityR, uninstalled Hmisc, which it installed automatically with BiodiversityR, reinstalled Hmisc, reinstalled BiodiversityR, and it solved my problem.

errors when installing older dplyr package in R

Im a bit new to R and need to use/adapt someone else code in R.
My supervisor uses R version 3.2.2 with the dplyr package version 0.4.3 (to overcome errors and problems with the original code).
I tried to install the older dplyr package with different methods:
- installed devtools package and then used the url devtools::install_url("")
- manual installation (where I downloaded the file and tried to install it.) Installation seemed to have worked but when I run the code it gives a fatal error massage
Every way I've tried so far either gives a lot of error messages or a fatal error and shutdown.
When using help ?dplyr it gives a pop-up that there is an error. Does anybody have any other ideas to install this package?

R-Studio on OSX can't load mosaic package

I am running OSX 10.10, R-Studio Version 0.99.484, and R version 3.2.2.
I just made a fresh install of R and R-Studio using the installers from their respective websites. I use install.packages to install "mosaic" and then I try loading it using library, but it gives me the following error:
library("mosaic", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library")
Error : object ‘dendro_data.hclust’ is not exported by 'namespace:ggdendro'
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘mosaic’
I tried reinstalling ggdendro but nothing. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this issue?
I encountered this same error and seem to have somewhere along the way resolved it. Steps taken include:
cleaned out my libraries (local and System)
used Disk Utility to repair any odd permissions
reinstalled R
opened RStudio and imported package with dependencies from the repository:
> install.packages("mosaic", lib="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library")
console prompted me to choose the older precompiled package or the newer, I chose older
Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation?
y/n: n
mosaic loaded happily
> library("mosaic", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library")
