Spring WebFlux Broken Stream Error Handling - server-sent-events

I'm struggling to find any good examples on how to implement error handling with Spring WebFlux.
The use case I want to handle is notifying HTTP clients that a stream has terminated unexpectedly. What I have found it that with the out of the box behaviour, when a stream is terminated, for example by raising a RuntimeException after x items have been processed, is handled too gracefully! The client is flushed all items up until the exception is raised, and then the connection is closed. As far as the client is concerned the request was successful. The following code shows how this has been setup:
public Mono<ServerResponse> getItems(ServerRequest request) {
Counter counter = new Counter(0);
return ServerResponse
.body(operations.find(query, Document.class, "myCollection")
.map(it -> {
if(counter.getCount() > 500) {
throw new RuntimeException("an error has occurred");
return it;
}), Document.class);
What is the recommended way to handle the error and notify the HTTP client that the stream terminated unexpectedly?

It really depends on how you'd like to communicate that failure to the client. Should the client display some specific error message? Should the client reconnect automatically?
If this is a "business error" that doesn't prevent you from writing to the stream, you could communicate that failure using a specific event type (look at the Server Sent Events spec).
Spring WebFlux supports ServerSentEvent<T>, which allows you to control various fields such as event, id, comment and data (the actual data). Using an Flux::onErrorMap operator, you could write a specific ServerSentEvent that has an "error" event type (look at the ServerSentEvent.builder() for more).
But this is not transparent to the client, as you'd have to subscribe to specific events and change your JavaScript code otherwise you may display error messages as regular messages.


Rebus Retry policy

I have questions on Rebus retry policy below:
.Options(b => b.SimpleRetryStrategy(maxDeliveryAttempts: 2))
1 Can it be used for both Publiser (enqueue messages) and Subscriber (dequeue messages)?
2 I have a subscriber that is unable to dequeue the message. Thus the message is sent to error queue.
Below is error for when putting the message to error queue. But I cannot see the loggings for the retry.
[ERR] Rebus.Retry.PoisonQueues.PoisonQueueErrorHandler (Thread #9): Moving messa
ge with ID "<unknown>" to error queue "poison"
Rebus.Exceptions.RebusApplicationException: Received message with empty or absen
t 'rbs2-msg-id' header! All messages must be supplied with an ID . If no ID is p
resent, the message cannot be tracked between delivery attempts, and other stuff
would also be much harder to do - therefore, it is a requirement that messages
be supplied with an ID.
Is it possible to define and store custom logging for each retry, not within IErrorHandler?
3 How long does each retry wait in between be default?
4 Is it possible to define custom wait time for each retry (not within IErrorHandler)? If so, is Polly supported for this scanario? like below:
Random jitterer = new Random();
.Handle<HttpResponseException>() // etc
.WaitAndRetry(5, // exponential back-off plus some jitter
retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt))
+ TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(jitterer.Next(0, 100))
How can I test the retry policy?
Below is what I tried based on the code below:
public class StringMessageHandler : IHandleMessages<String>
public async Task Handle(String message)
//retry logic with Polly here
I sent an invalid message of string type to the string topic, however, the Handle(String message) is not invoked at all.
Rebus' retry mechanism is only relevant when receiving messages. It works by creating a "queue transaction"(*), and then if message handling fails, the message gets rolled back to the queue.
Pretty much immediately thereafter, the message will again be received and attempted to be handled. This means that there's no delay between delivery attempts.
For each failed delivery, a counter gets increased for that message's ID. That's why the message ID is necessary for Rebus to work, which also explains why your message with out an ID gets immediately moved to the dead-letter queue.
Because of the disconnected nature of the delivery attempts (only a counter per message ID is stored), there's no good place to hook in a retry library like Polly.
If you want to Pollify your message handling, I suggest you carry out individual operations with Polly policies – that way, you can easily have different policies for dealing with failing web requests, failing file transfers on network drives, etc. I do that a lot myself.
To avoid not being able to properly shut down your bus instance if it's in the process of a very long Polly retry, you can pass Rebus' internal CancellationToken to your Polly executions like this:
public class PollyMessageHandler : IHandleMessages<SomeMessage>
static readonly IAsyncPolicy RetryPolicy = Policy
.WaitAndRetryForeverAsync(_ => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
readonly IMessageContext _messageContext;
public PollyMessageHandler(IMessageContext messageContext)
_messageContext = messageContext;
public async Task Handle(SomeMessage message)
var cancellationToken = _messageContext.GetCancellationToken();
await RetryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(DoStuffThatCanFail, cancellationToken);
async Task DoStuffThatCanFail(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// do your risky stuff in here
(*) The actual type of transaction depends on what is supported by the transport.
With MSMQ, it's a MessageQueueTransaction object that has Commit() and Rollback() methods on it.
With RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, and others, it's a lease-based protocol, where a message becomes invisible for some time, and then if the message is ACKed within that time, then the message is deleted. Otherwise – either if the message or NACKed, or if the lease expires – the message pops up again, and can again be received by other consumers.
With the SQL transports, it's just a database transaction.

spring integration handle exception after splitter

I am new to Spring integration.
If I have a request coming in with batch payload(json array)
and I use splitter to split it into jsonobject,
and then I do validation.
If some of the validation failed and throw exception into error channel.
How can I make a response to client indicating some of the jsObject failed
and some works?
not sure handler at errorChannel gonna help since the validation result comes async into errorChannel.
And if I call the gateway like this, how can I construct a validation Result for the whole payload with validation status for each jsObject inside?
Future<validationResult> r = gateway.send(...)
(gateway just forward the request to following endpoint right away)
You have to take a look into Aggregator EIP: http://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/patterns/messaging/Aggregator.html, http://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/messaging-routing-chapter.html#aggregator.
So, all your objects are send for the validation and their results (good or bad) send to the <aggregator> to build a single validationResult for the reply to that gateway.

Spring MVC Returns Response Before Completion of Controller Method

I have the following method which is returning an incorrect response to the browser before the method is even complete. This is in Spring 3.2.
#RequestMapping(value="/process1/createEditContract/validate", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody StatusResponse validateProcess1(#ModelAttribute("contractEditForm") #Valid Process1CreateEditContractDTO dto, BindingResult bindingResult) {
StatusResponse response = new StatusResponse();
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
log.debug("Errors found. Processing status response");
List<FieldError> fieldErrors = bindingResult.getFieldErrors();
for (FieldError fe: fieldErrors) {
response.getMessages().add(messageSource.getMessage(fe, null));
return response;
StatusResponse is a simple object that a javascript function in the JSP reads to generate a Javascript alert stating whether the action was successful or errors occurred. The method makes it all the way through, but as soon as it tries to write the response, I get this:
java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
I've been stuck for a day now, any help would be appreciated.
I rolled back from Spring 3.2 to Spring 3.1, and the wording of the error message changed enough to give me more information.
Basically, I'm getting now seeing this:
IllegalStateException: Response already committed
What I don't see is what is causing the response to commit so quickly. Maybe a conflict with the OpenSessionInViewFilter?
This error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection, such as when WinSock closes an established connection after data retransmission fails (receiver never acknowledges data sent on a datastream socket).". See this MSDN article. See also Some information about 'Software caused connection abort.
To prove which component fails I would monitor the TCP/IP communication using wireshark and look who is actaully closing the port, also timeouts could be relevant.
The javascript runs in browser, and your controller runs on server. You cannot pass a complex object from the controller to the javascript without converting it to a textual format such as xml or json.
So you should :
choose a format (say json)
add a produces="application/json" in your RequestMapping annotation
do generate json in your controller method

ASP.NET DbSet Join

I have two classes, client and user. User is a field in client (there is a foreign key). I am trying to do a join, getting all the clients and the related user (it is one to one).
I am using Entity Framework and a web service that gives me my data.
I currently am getting all my clients like:
public DbSet<Client> getClients()
return context.Clients;
I need to also get the related object user. I found an example that tells me to do:
public DbSet<Client> getClients()
return context.Clients.include(x => x.User);
This throws an exception, I need to be working with IQueryable. If I change my function the connection to the web service does not work.
How do I do what I am trying to do?
The exception I get from the webservice is An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to http://localhost:60148/WebService.svc. This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being aborted by the server (possibly due to the service shutting down). See server logs for more details.
try these links:
Expose IQueryable Over WCF Service
and IQueryable problems using WCF you need to send something else back, like a List, as IQueryable is actually a query, which you can't send back. the links above provide alternative ways to do it, to get around the IQueryable restriction.

Isolating specific browser instance with SignalR

We are building an app which will send messages to the browser using SignalR. The user may have multiple browser instances open and we would like each message to be sent to the appropriate browser. Our understanding is that the ClientId ConnectionId would allow us to do this. The issue we're running into is accessing the ClientId ConnectionId, or SessionId, at the appropriate times in the codebase. Here's our scenario:
A MVC Action executes and, as part of that processing, a call to a Biztalk endpoint is made. The Biztalk execution is out of process (from the point of view of the MVC Action) and doesn't return when completed. This is by design. To notify the MVC application that it has completed, Biztalk sends a message to the MVC application's SignalR hub by calling the /myapp/signalr endpoint. The message is received by SignalR and then should be routed to the appropriate browser instance.
Since the message to SignalR is being sent by Biztalk, and not the MVC application, the ClientId of the connection to SignalR is not the one that identifies the browser instance that should receive the message. So what we are attempting to implement is somethign similar to the Return Address pattern by including the ClientId ConnectionId of the browser instance that initiates the Biztalk call in the message to Biztalk. When Biztalk sends its message to SignalR one of the contents is that original ClientId ConnectionId value. When SignalR processes the message from Biztalk it then can use the ClientId ConnectionId included in the message to route that message to the appropriate browser instance. (Yes we know that this won't work if the browser has been closed and re-opened and we're fine with that.)
The problem we face is that when initially sending the message to Biztalk from our MVC Action we cannot access the ClientId ConnectionId as it's only available in the Hub's Context. This is understandable since the MVC Action doesn't know which Hub context to look for.
What we have tried in it's place is to pass the SessionId through the Biztalk message and return it to SignalR. This solves the problem of including the browser instance identifier in the Biztalk message and returning it to SignalR. What it introduces is the fact that when a client connects to the Hub we cannot access the Session (and thus the SessionId) in the Hub's OnConnect method.
David Fowler posted a gist that reportedly shows how to make readonly SessionState accessible in a Hub but it doesn't work. (https://gist.github.com/davidfowl/4692934) As soon as we add this code into our application messages sent to SignalR cause a HTTP 500 error which is caused by SignalR throwing the following exception.
[ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: s]
System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s) +10688601
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Json.JsonNetSerializer.Parse(String json, Type targetType) +77
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Json.JsonSerializerExtensions.Parse(IJsonSerializer serializer, String json) +184
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.HubRequestParser.Parse(String data) +101
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.HubDispatcher.OnReceived(IRequest request, String connectionId, String data) +143
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.<>c__DisplayClassc.<ProcessRequest>b__7() +96
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.<>c__DisplayClass3c.<FromMethod>b__3b() +41
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.TaskAsyncHelper.FromMethod(Func`1 func) +67
No matter the mode that we set SessionStateBehavior (as shown by David Fowler's gist) we either get this exception when sending a message to the Hub or SessionState is null when we are in the Hub's OnConnect.
So, after all that pre-amble, what we are asking is how do people update the appropriate client when working with this type of disconnected messaging in SignalR?
If you're looking to send data to clients outside of a normal request to a hub then I'd recommend having a static Concurrent Dictionary on your hub that manages your users and maps them to corresponding connection Id's.
With this approach you can send to any user at any point based on their mapped Connection Id. Therefore when sending your data to Biztalk all you need to do is send your user id (created by you) and then when the data flows back to SignalR you can lookup the ConnectionId (if one exists) for that given user id.
Lastly, you can manage your user mappings by adding users to your concurrent dictionary in OnConnected, adding only if they are not there in OnReconnected, and removing in OnDisconnected.
