Spring MVC Returns Response Before Completion of Controller Method - spring-mvc

I have the following method which is returning an incorrect response to the browser before the method is even complete. This is in Spring 3.2.
#RequestMapping(value="/process1/createEditContract/validate", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody StatusResponse validateProcess1(#ModelAttribute("contractEditForm") #Valid Process1CreateEditContractDTO dto, BindingResult bindingResult) {
StatusResponse response = new StatusResponse();
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
log.debug("Errors found. Processing status response");
List<FieldError> fieldErrors = bindingResult.getFieldErrors();
for (FieldError fe: fieldErrors) {
response.getMessages().add(messageSource.getMessage(fe, null));
return response;
StatusResponse is a simple object that a javascript function in the JSP reads to generate a Javascript alert stating whether the action was successful or errors occurred. The method makes it all the way through, but as soon as it tries to write the response, I get this:
java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
I've been stuck for a day now, any help would be appreciated.
I rolled back from Spring 3.2 to Spring 3.1, and the wording of the error message changed enough to give me more information.
Basically, I'm getting now seeing this:
IllegalStateException: Response already committed
What I don't see is what is causing the response to commit so quickly. Maybe a conflict with the OpenSessionInViewFilter?

This error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection, such as when WinSock closes an established connection after data retransmission fails (receiver never acknowledges data sent on a datastream socket).". See this MSDN article. See also Some information about 'Software caused connection abort.
To prove which component fails I would monitor the TCP/IP communication using wireshark and look who is actaully closing the port, also timeouts could be relevant.

The javascript runs in browser, and your controller runs on server. You cannot pass a complex object from the controller to the javascript without converting it to a textual format such as xml or json.
So you should :
choose a format (say json)
add a produces="application/json" in your RequestMapping annotation
do generate json in your controller method


Spring Webflux Mono<Void> always responds with successful response

I have a endpoint that takes id parameter and send delete product api to delete.
productService.delete also returns Mono. The problem is when productService.delete method returns mono error, the endpoint always responds with http 200. And I can see error log about this mono error but my handler method responds http 200.
I have a AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler to handler exception in my api. But error handler can't handle this problem because of Mono. When exceptions occurs in downstream, Spring webflux should aware of this error and does not respond with http 200.
public Mono<ServerResponse> deleteProduct(ServerRequest request) {
String id = request.pathVariable("id");
Mono<Product> productMono = this.repository.findById(id);
return productMono
.flatMap(existingProduct ->
Btw in the source code, it says the response will be committed when given publisher completes. But how about error complete ? I think Spring webflux does not check it is error signal or not. Just check for mono completes or not.
* Build the response entity with no body.
* The response will be committed when the given {#code voidPublisher} completes.
* #param voidPublisher publisher publisher to indicate when the response should be committed
* #return the built response
Mono<ServerResponse> build(Publisher<Void> voidPublisher);
Thank you in advance.
The problem is caused by using voidPublisher. If you create ServerResponse with void publisher, it simply will return http 200 even your downstream complete with error signal. It just does not care how your stream finish, it just care about completion of downstream.
And if you want handle downstream error when you build your response just simple use
.body(productService.delete(existingProduct), Void.class)
Now whenever any error occurred in downstream, server will respond with error.

Spring WebFlux Broken Stream Error Handling

I'm struggling to find any good examples on how to implement error handling with Spring WebFlux.
The use case I want to handle is notifying HTTP clients that a stream has terminated unexpectedly. What I have found it that with the out of the box behaviour, when a stream is terminated, for example by raising a RuntimeException after x items have been processed, is handled too gracefully! The client is flushed all items up until the exception is raised, and then the connection is closed. As far as the client is concerned the request was successful. The following code shows how this has been setup:
public Mono<ServerResponse> getItems(ServerRequest request) {
Counter counter = new Counter(0);
return ServerResponse
.body(operations.find(query, Document.class, "myCollection")
.map(it -> {
if(counter.getCount() > 500) {
throw new RuntimeException("an error has occurred");
return it;
}), Document.class);
What is the recommended way to handle the error and notify the HTTP client that the stream terminated unexpectedly?
It really depends on how you'd like to communicate that failure to the client. Should the client display some specific error message? Should the client reconnect automatically?
If this is a "business error" that doesn't prevent you from writing to the stream, you could communicate that failure using a specific event type (look at the Server Sent Events spec).
Spring WebFlux supports ServerSentEvent<T>, which allows you to control various fields such as event, id, comment and data (the actual data). Using an Flux::onErrorMap operator, you could write a specific ServerSentEvent that has an "error" event type (look at the ServerSentEvent.builder() for more).
But this is not transparent to the client, as you'd have to subscribe to specific events and change your JavaScript code otherwise you may display error messages as regular messages.

Request Flow in Asynchronous Controller Spring MVC

I was trying to understand Asynchronous Controller implementation from one of links:
I was puzzled on point that Controller thread received request and exists. Then service method received the request for further processing.
public Callable<String> sayHelloAsync() {
logger.info("Entering controller");
Callable<String> asyncTask = new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return helloService.doSlowWork();
logger.info("Leaving controller");
return asyncTask;
Since, Controller exists it and pass the control to appropriate handler mapping/ jsp. What will be seen on the browser for the user ?
Browser waits for the response to process it.
Asynchronous process takes place only at the server end and it has nothing to do with the browser. Browser sends the request and waits for the server to write the response back.
Since you returned Callable doesnt mean that controller exists the flow. Spring`s response handlers will wait for async task to get executed to write the response back.
Please go through AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler which handles Asynchronous response returned from the controller.
if you return callable then it will be handled by CallableHandlerMethodReturnvaluehandler :
public void handleReturnValue(Object returnValue, MethodParameter returnType,
ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, NativeWebRequest webRequest) throws Exception {
if (returnValue == null) {
Callable<?> callable = (Callable<?>) returnValue;
WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(webRequest).startCallableProcessing(callable, mavContainer);
I had cleared my doubt from this link:
However, they used different way to accomplish the asynchronous processing but the core concept should be the same for every approach.
Some important part of the article:
The idea behind asynchronous processing model is to separate
connection accepting and request processing operations. Technically
speaking it means to allocate two different threads, one to accept the
client connection and the other to handle heavy and time consuming
operations. In this model, the container dispatched a thread to accept
client connection (acceptor), hand over the request to processing
(worker) thread and releases the acceptor one. The result is sent back
to the client by the worker thread. In this mechanism client’s
connection remains open. May not impact on performance so much, such
processing model impacts on server’s THROUGHPUT and SCALABILITY a lot.

IllegalStateException:STREAM when calling response.getWriter

This is a method that's used for handle ajax request. So the output is written to the response
public ModelAndView myAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, BindException errors) throws Exception
//call other methods and send the response as arg
//call getWriter on the response
According to this doc, I would definitely have an IllegalStateException if I call getWriter having already called getOutputStream(), so I suspect the methods I passed the response to did this although I don't really see them doing so...
The only thing for sure is that at some point, one of the methods may do response.sendError().
Does this some how call getOutputStream()?
HttpServletResponse#sendError() commits the response and send an error status code. The javadoc states
If the response has already been committed, this method throws an
IllegalStateException. After using this method, the response should be
considered to be committed and should not be written to.
In other words, after you call that method, the HTTP response has basically been sent. It makes no sense to call any of the getOutputStream() or getWriter() methods. Your Servlet container further makes it foolproof by throwing an Exception if you attempt to.
I had similar issues but I had not called sendError(), just setContentType() before that. As per this source, it can trigger the same behaviour:
I am guessing its because you have already opened the stream by
calling the resp.setContentType("text/plain"); method, and are then
trying to get a Writer object. You can either use Stream based
classes, or Writer based classes - not both.
Either remove the setContentType(), or send the response using
response.getOutputStream() method. That should solve the problem.
And indeed, it resolved the similar error for me.

jetty webSocket : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Committed

I am using Jetty Websockets in my Web Application .
When i am trying to redirect to a logoff jsp , i am getting this error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Committed
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response.resetBuffer(Response.java:1069)
at javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper.resetBuffer(ServletResponseWrapper.java:232)
at org.eclipse.jetty.http.gzip.GzipResponseWrapper.resetBuffer(GzipResponseWrapper.java:273)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Dispatcher.forward(Dispatcher.java:199)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Dispatcher.forward(Dispatcher.java:98)
This is the way i am redirecting
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("logoff.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);
This error is not reproduceble , but could you please tell me when it may occur??
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Committed
I thought I'd provide a more general explanation of what the exception means. First off, Jetty should be ashamed by the exception message. It provides little to no help to the developer unless they already know what it actually means. The exception should be something like:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response headers have already been sent. Are you trying to return a result after sending content?
Typically this exception happens when you go and call:
resp.getOutputStream(); // or getWriter()
and then later try to do a redirect or something:
// or
return new ModelAndView("redirect:/someOtherUrl");
Once you get the OutputStream or Writer so you can write body bytes to the client, Jetty has to commit the response and send the HTTP 200 and associated headers, so it can start returning the body bytes. Once that happens, you then can't do a redirect nor make any other changes to the status code or headers.
The proper thing to do, once you return body bytes, is to return null from the handler instead of a ModelAndView(...) or just change the handler to return void.
You also get this exception when you call the super method in your own method implementation.
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
super.doPost(req, resp); // <-- THIS IS THE PROBLEM
This occurs because your response has already processed a redirect request, you are trying to modify a committed response.
There are two general ways to solve this:
find out where the first redirect is and try to modify the logic to prevent the "two redirect" scenario from happening.
put a "return" after each of your redirect (personally I recommend this solution).
The reason on my side is using jetty with wrong url:
right: http://localhost:8080
wrong: http://localhost:8080/test
Consider you are running javax.servlet.Filter on Jetty server, and you face the same exception. The issue here can be described exactly as Gray's description (Thanks Gray). Typically this exception happens when you go and call:
resp.getOutputStream(); // or getWriter()
chain.doFilter(request, response);
If you called resp.getOutputStream();, make sure you are not using chain.doFilter(request, response); on the same request.
In my case I had some repository in my #Service and I declared it as RepositoryFoo repositoryFoo;, in the beginning of my class
I forgot to add #Autowired or even make it private, so it compiled fine and then when running I had this java.lang.IllegalStateException: Committed ... I wasted some time before figuring out the reason !
