BuddyPress: Modify Name field template in Register form - wordpress

The registration form in the Buddypress auto generates html for the dynamic fields (such as name). How can I modify the label text (for example replace "(required)" with an * (asterisk).

If you're looking to make that type of change to BuddyPress profile fields, you can use these filters:
add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_name', function ($field_name){
if($field_name === 'Name') {
return 'Your Name';
return $field_name;
add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_required_label', function($string, $id) {
return '*';
If you're looking to make changes to those account fields on the left, it looks like you'll need to use a template file copied from BuddyPress into your theme. A bit more intrusive, but will work.
Copy this: buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php
To here: /your-theme/buddypress/members/register.php
Hope this helps a bit! Customizing BuddyPress & WordPress markup can get stringy real fast, so I'd recommend tracing the code back to a filter or action if you can find one. If not, look for a template file you can bring into your own theme.

If I did not undestand you wrong, It depends if you want to do it in the client (with Javascript for example) or from the server (with the back-end languaje). But the common languajes have a replace() method that takes two arguments, usually strings with the text you want to replace and the one you want to replace it with.
This page explains the replace method:
Hope it help


How to POST to admin-post.php from Avada formbuilder form

Using the Avada theme's form builder functionality, I’m attempting to use the “Send to URL” option to POST the form and then run an api call in a plugin I’ve written.
I was thinking I could set the “Send to URL” value to /wp-admin/admin-post.php and add a hidden field to the form named “action” with a value of “make_api_call” to get it to run the code in my plugin set up like so:
add_action('admin_post_make_api_call', 'make_api_call');
function make_api_call()
//todo: make the api call
However, this does not work and returns this from the server: {"status":"error","info":"url_failed"}
What I want to do is to POST the form to admin-post.php, have my plugin run code when it POSTs, and then redirect to another page.
I've checked the documentation for the AVADA theme and it only says that you can specify a url to post to but doesn't give any additional details.
So I eventually got something to work, and I'm not knowledgeable or experienced enough with WordPress development to know if it is the "right" way, but it works well.
I realized that using the "Send to Url" option on the Avada form, it was POSTing the form to the admin-ajax.php file. There's plenty of documentation on that and I was able to partially make that work but I was not able to make it fit my use case b/c even though there is a way to configure the Avada form to redirect to a different URL on success I couldn't append parameters to that URL based on the return value from admin-ajax.php.
For future reference, here's what I was able to make work but not fit my use case by having the Avada form submission set to Send to Url. (I'm recreating this and some of it's from memory since I went with a different solution, so it may not be 100% runnable.)
The way admin-ajax works is all requests to admin-ajax.php are eventually handled by a WordPress action (filter?) like so:
add_action( 'wp_ajax_my_action', 'my_function' );
In the above, my_action is what you've set as the form's action by creating a hidden input element on your html form named action and setting it's value to "my_action". The my_function argument is the name of the function you want to run when the action happens.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_my_action', 'my_function' );
function my_function(){
//do stuff
Watching the request in Chrome's dev tools, I could see the action the form was setting was fusion_form_submit_form_to_url.
So ended up with this:
add_action( 'wp_ajax_fusion_form_submit_form_to_url', 'my_function' );
function my_function(){
//do stuff
You can see that the url you enter in the Form Submission URL field gets passed to admin-ajax as fusionAction. Whether the Avada theme does something additional with that - I don't know but you could use it to control the logic that gets executed in my_function. I suspect there's an action in the Avada form that works similar to the wp_ajax_ WordPress action but by the time I got this far I realized this wasn't going to work so I pivoted to the actual solution, below.
All of that worked okay but you can't redirect out of a call to admin-ajax.php unless you do it on the client side and I didn't want to dive into that.
What I was able to make work was configuring the Avada form to do a traditional HTTP POST. I added a hidden input element on the Avada form with a name of formName and the value set to the name of the form I wanted to handle.
In my plugin code, I hooked into the WordPress init action as in the code sample below, and then customized the logic to be executed based on which formName was sent in.
add_action('init', 'callback_function');
function callback_function()
if (isset($_POST['formName'])) {
$form = $_POST['formName']; //from the hidden input element "formName"
//there is a call to wp_redirect in each case
switch ($form) {
case 'form1':
case 'form2':
# code...
//without this "exit" you will get errors similar to "headers already sent"
This allowed me to run the code I needed to run based on what form was submitted, and redirect to the correct place afterward.

how to hide a page from being seen in wordpress backend and frontend

In my plugin i have created a custom template that prints a requested sidebar. and for running the code of this template i assigned a custom page to it (by calling update_metadata) .
Is it a good idea for getting content of a specific sidebar into Ajax call ?
Now my problem is that WORDPRESS shows it in the dashboard and front page , and after searching i have not found any easy to understand solution for Hiding a page completely so only can be accessed by its id .
Can any one tell me how to do that ?
you are going about this the wrong way. You can create a function that can create anything that can be created on a wordpress page.
But if you really must you can create a page outside of the database, etc:
add_action('init', 'add_rewrite_rule');
function add_rewrite_rule(){
// add_rewrite_rule(REGEX url, location, priority (i.e. top is before other rewrite rules)
// I created a custom post type for this plugin called market -- replace post_type with whatever you want
//basically tell wordress to add a query var if sidebar is added to url.
// register a query var
function market_set_query_var($vars) {
array_push($vars, 'is_sidebar_page');
return $vars;
// associate a template with your quer_var
add_filter('template_include', 'market_include_template', 1000, 1);
function market_include_template($template){
$new_template = (theme or plugin path).'/pages/yourpage.php'; // change this path to your file
$template = $new_template;
return $template;
This will not be a page that will be in the admin section or in any query that relates to pages but someone could of course navigate to this page. But as i said above you would be better to create a function to create your sidebar. If you want a seperate file to handle the "view" you use require_once 'filename'; a file and keep your functions area free of html.
If you are creating functions in a wordpress plugin dont forget many functions may not be available until later in the load process. Use add_action() if you run into any undefined functions
you are loading wordpress before you get to the template so you have all the functions. (google wp load for more info) + get_header() / get_footer() will also load a few things like css, etc. I had a small typo in the code above, fixed that but basically what you are doing is telling wordpress if someone lands on www.example.com/sidebar to apply a query_var (rewrite rule). Wordpress will look up its saved vars (final function) and return the template assoc. The 2nd function just registers the var.
You also have wp_functions in any file you create and include in a plugin, etc hence why you can create a file that does exactly the same as this page.

Drupal7: Trying to theme a specific page using a preprocess function, but...I get a blank screen instead

I've just discovered that if you want to alter a specific page (or group of pages) all you need is to add templates file to the core templates. For instance, I need to theme my /helloword page using a page--helloworld.tpl.php and node--helloworld.tpl.php template files.
Now all I get is a blank screen so I tried to write a preprocess function that adds support for custom theme files like:
* Adding or modifying variables before page render.
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
// Page change based on node->type
// Add a new page-TYPE template to the list of templates used
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
// Add template naming suggestion. It should alway use doublehyphens in Drupal7.
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page--'. str_replace('_', '-', $vars['node']->type);
I see no syntax error but I still get a blank screen. Still no luck
Is someone able to figure out what's wrong in the code/routine?
Drupal7 + Omega Sub-Theme
Kind Regards
I think there's a tiny bit of confusion here: a template file named node--type.tpl.php will automatically be called for any node which has the type type...you don't need to add the template suggestions in yourself.
There is one caveat to this, you have to copy the original node.tpl.php to your theme folder and clear your caches otherwise Drupal won't pick it up.
Also you don't want to use the phptemplate_ prefix...rather you want your function to be called MYTHEMENAME_preprocess_page.
Your code to add the page template based on the node type looks spot on, see if you still have the problem after you change your function name and clear the caches.
Hope that helps :)

Drupal 6: Theme Developer gives too common candidate name, nothing specific

I'm working on a restaurant directory site. I have restaurant details page that I need to implement gmap, slideshow, etc. So I need a specific page.tpl and Theme Developer gives the info as below
alt text http://img.skitch.com/20100708-b9af98fb8mpckai5wfpmktxwgf.jpg
but site's about us, contact us, faq, etc pages has same candidate name as page-node.tpl.php . So I can't use that :/
Why isnt there anything like page-restaurant.tpl.php
how can I solve this? Appreciate helps so much! thanks a lot!
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
window.onunload = function() {
If you are just wanting to add Javascript code, you can use the CSS class provided with most themes. For example, Zen will give you
<body class="not-front logged-in node-type-restaurant two-sidebars page-restaurant">...</body>
which you can detect with jQuery as
$(document).ready() { $('.page-restaurant').Myfunction(); }
Regarding slideshow, I've had good luck with Views Slideshow, which provides a block you can just place in a region on your page.
We had a similar question yesterday.
The logic of drupal is that the page should be for the common elements of a page accross all types of page and content types. Page is the top level template, if you are trying to change that per content type you may not have seperated your theme correctly. You have node theming for differentiating between the different types of node. The format is node-[NODE TYPE].tpl.php
Have you created a content type "restaurant"? If you do this, you may find modules like gmap will help you out.
Add the following function to your template.php file. Replace "themename" with the actual name of your theme. This assumes you've created a separate content type for "restaurant" - I gather you have from the previous answers and comments. You'll get an option to use page-restaurant.tpl.php once you upload the edited template.php file and refresh the theme registry.
function themename_preprocess(&$vars, $hook) {
switch ($hook){
case 'page':
// Add a content-type page template in second to last.
if ('node' == arg(0)) {
$node_template = array_pop($vars['template_files']);
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page-' . $vars['node']->type;
$vars['template_files'][] = $node_template;
return $vars;

Change size of user/password login box

I don't know how to change the size of the login username/password boxes on the drupal site that I'm trying to build. I'm stumbling through the theming, and don't know where to find the file that needs to be changed in order to have boxes that fits the aesthetic (so a file path would be very helpful).
I'm hoping it's a css solution. You can see the site first hand at innovatefortomorrow[dot]org and my firebug screenshot http://www.jonrwilson.com/user-login-form.png (I don't have enough reputation points to attach an image or two hyperlinks).
read this as well! This is an alternative answer!
Ok... you are about to enter one of the most exciting and complex features of Drupal: the form API or - for brevity - FAPI. Some theory first, and then the solution! :)
All forms in Drupal are built by the drupal_get_form() function, that accepts an array as parameter. Each field in the array is basically a field of your form, and each field has a number of proprieties, each of them define additional characteristics of the the field, like for example its default value, if it is required or optional and - yes - in the case of textfields... how large they have to be! You can find a detailed explanation of the structure of form arrays here on the drupal site.
The beauty of the form API is that the function that renders the form invokes a number of hooks at various moments during its building process, so you can implement these hooks in order to "alter" a form before it is finalised and sent to the browser.
The most commonly hooks for form alteration are hook_form_alter() and hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). The first is executed for any form processed by the drupal engine, the latter only for the specific form named "FORM_ID". I will not get into any more details on the internal working of the form API, but here you can read more.
As for your specific case, I assume you are using the standard "user block" shipping with Drupal. In this case I suggest you implement hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() in a form similar to this one:
mymodule_form_user_login_block_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
$form['pass']['#size'] = 43;
Hope this helps! :)
I think in this case you have to go to the your html ( or tpl), not your css file to edit it.
One quick way is to search the relevant string (i.e., size="43" name="name" etc) in order to find the correct part.
Here is the way to theme a user login form in drupal 6 with the preprocess function in a template file and not in a module.
in template.php put this code:
function yourThemename_preprocess_user_login(&$variables) {
$variables['form']['name']['#size'] = 15;
$variables['form']['pass']['#size'] = 15;
$variables['rendered'] = drupal_render($variables['form']);
create a new file user-login.tpl.php (if it's not already there) and just paste this:
<?php print $rendered; // this variable is defined in the preprocess function user_login and print the login form ?>
Don't forget to clear theme cache or system cache in the performance settings.
