I'm working on a restaurant directory site. I have restaurant details page that I need to implement gmap, slideshow, etc. So I need a specific page.tpl and Theme Developer gives the info as below
alt text http://img.skitch.com/20100708-b9af98fb8mpckai5wfpmktxwgf.jpg
but site's about us, contact us, faq, etc pages has same candidate name as page-node.tpl.php . So I can't use that :/
Why isnt there anything like page-restaurant.tpl.php
how can I solve this? Appreciate helps so much! thanks a lot!
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
window.onunload = function() {
If you are just wanting to add Javascript code, you can use the CSS class provided with most themes. For example, Zen will give you
<body class="not-front logged-in node-type-restaurant two-sidebars page-restaurant">...</body>
which you can detect with jQuery as
$(document).ready() { $('.page-restaurant').Myfunction(); }
Regarding slideshow, I've had good luck with Views Slideshow, which provides a block you can just place in a region on your page.
We had a similar question yesterday.
The logic of drupal is that the page should be for the common elements of a page accross all types of page and content types. Page is the top level template, if you are trying to change that per content type you may not have seperated your theme correctly. You have node theming for differentiating between the different types of node. The format is node-[NODE TYPE].tpl.php
Have you created a content type "restaurant"? If you do this, you may find modules like gmap will help you out.
Add the following function to your template.php file. Replace "themename" with the actual name of your theme. This assumes you've created a separate content type for "restaurant" - I gather you have from the previous answers and comments. You'll get an option to use page-restaurant.tpl.php once you upload the edited template.php file and refresh the theme registry.
function themename_preprocess(&$vars, $hook) {
switch ($hook){
case 'page':
// Add a content-type page template in second to last.
if ('node' == arg(0)) {
$node_template = array_pop($vars['template_files']);
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page-' . $vars['node']->type;
$vars['template_files'][] = $node_template;
return $vars;
The registration form in the Buddypress auto generates html for the dynamic fields (such as name). How can I modify the label text (for example replace "(required)" with an * (asterisk).
If you're looking to make that type of change to BuddyPress profile fields, you can use these filters:
add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_name', function ($field_name){
if($field_name === 'Name') {
return 'Your Name';
return $field_name;
add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_required_label', function($string, $id) {
return '*';
If you're looking to make changes to those account fields on the left, it looks like you'll need to use a template file copied from BuddyPress into your theme. A bit more intrusive, but will work.
Copy this: buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php
To here: /your-theme/buddypress/members/register.php
Hope this helps a bit! Customizing BuddyPress & WordPress markup can get stringy real fast, so I'd recommend tracing the code back to a filter or action if you can find one. If not, look for a template file you can bring into your own theme.
If I did not undestand you wrong, It depends if you want to do it in the client (with Javascript for example) or from the server (with the back-end languaje). But the common languajes have a replace() method that takes two arguments, usually strings with the text you want to replace and the one you want to replace it with.
This page explains the replace method:
Hope it help
I have been asked to do a quick edit in a drupal install as a side-side project and I don't know anyhing about Drupal. I found the view and in header section there is custom PHP code listed as follow
<div class="hit_us">
Hit Us
I want to know where can I find the content in node/add/pagename. I just need to change a line of text. I tried looking in content section but there are 1000's of published items and I was not able to find it there.
It is a very basic question but I tried a lot to find but comes up with something else always.
I found out that the pagename is a content type and I found the help text I was looking in manage fields section. So problem solved but thanks guys for taking interest in such a trivial question.
Try this:
Create a folder in the directory sites/all/modules called stackexample. Inside
that directory, create two files: stackexample.info and stackexample.module.
Place the following code inside stackexample.info:
name = Stack Example
description = Displays a message with form values on pagename nodes.
core = 7.x
Place the following code inside stackexample.module:
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function stackexample_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'pagename_node_form') {
// Trigger a message if arg(3) is set to "showtheform"
// e.g. node/add/pagename/showtheform
if (arg(3) == 'showtheform') {
drupal_set_message('<pre>' . check_plain(print_r($form, 1)) . '</pre>');
// This example will add a custom title to the revision info area if uncommented
// $form['revision_information']['#collapsed'] = FALSE;
// $form['revision_information']['#title'] = t('CUSTOM TITLE FOR REVISION AREA');
Go to admin/modules and enable the Stack Example module.
Go to node/add/pagename/showtheform to see all the possibilities, and adapt the example
lines as needed.
NOTE: it is not advised to enable this on a production site, because no security measures
are in place and the entirety of the pagename form will be exposed to anyone with the
the permission to create a pagename node (if they know to add showtheform to the url).
HTH.. :)
I'm trying to remove the title of a page node on Drupal. I have this page:
And I want it to look like this:
As you can see, I want the title to be removed, but only for taxonomy terms. If I try to erase it using CSS, I erase al page-titles, so I wanted to use this module, that allows administrators to auto-generate node titles and hide it.
I go to structure -> type content -> my type content, and edit it. I activate the module, and I want to auto-generate titles depending on the node category. I think it should look like this, but it doesn't work...
Any ideas why?
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to say: yes, when I activate the module, use it, and select the category as the auto-generated title, it works. But it doesn't hide the title...
It also launches this mistake:
Use Exclude Node Title module.
Setting for this module:
Click on Module->Exclude node title->configure
Home » Administration » Configuration » Content authoring
Select All nodes from Basic Page
Check Full Content for hide title from all cms page except home page
Check Teaser for hide title from home page.
If you want to remove the title, you should look into overriding the page and node templates.
page.tpl.php and node.tpl.php
All you need to do is click "View Source" on both of those and copy them to your theme folder. From there you can modify both as required.
From what I can gather, you'll want to remove the print $title from your node.tpl.php.
Have the similar issue before, as far as I remember, I just added some if statement to the code:
<?php if (blah-blah-blah): ?>
<h2> <?php echo $title; ?> </h2>
<?php endif; ?>
Hope, it'll give you a clue.
Some other thoughts: you can make an if statement or rewrite it not only in page.tpl.php but create some specific page-node-type.tpl.php file and overwrite only its $title, or you can try to customize page's output via Views/Panels modules as well.
Also, could you please make more clear, what title do you want to remove? Page title or node title? And it should be removed only when you are looking nodes associated with some taxonomy term (in other words, when you are on /taxonomy/term/n page), am I right?
By using the Context module, you can add classes to the body so you can target just the taxonomy pages in CSS.
Using Context module to set body classes
Sorry guys, it was as easy as hide title tag on "manage presentation"...
You are all right on your responses, but they were not exactly what I needed... thanks!
Use Exclude Node Title module.
another nice solution for specific nodes, is to use the standard $title_prefix/suffix vars, which should be implemented by every theme. using the standard class element-invisible in page preprocess ..
* Implements hook_preprocess_page().
function YOUR_THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
if (isset($variables['node']) && $variables['node']->nid == 1) {
$variables['title_prefix'] = array('#markup' => '<div class="element-invisible">');
$variables['title_suffix'] = array('#markup' => '</div>');
Every page should contain a heading.
You should always maintain a structured hierarchy of headings within any web page. You should never have a blank heading or even hide it with display:none;. Hiding any content which isn’t viewable by your visitors but is by search engines is against Google’s guidelines as your intention is to only manipulate search engine results by including it. Restyle a H1 so it fits into your design is the best option.
If you still have to hide it then a better option would be to either create a template for that node, content type or page and simply not print the heading.
Or if you want to use CSS then use position:absolute so the heading doesn’t use any space where it is located in the page and text-indent:-9999px; so the text is moved off the screen and no longer visible but at least can be read by screen readers and search engines.
This is how I did it, Switch statement
// Get the name of node
$node_name = node_type_get_name($node);
// Then just add the content types you wish to exclude by overwriting the // $title object with an empty string
switch ($node_name) {
case 'Home page':
$title = '' ;
case 'Event':
$title = '';
case 'Offer':
$title = '';
I've just discovered that if you want to alter a specific page (or group of pages) all you need is to add templates file to the core templates. For instance, I need to theme my /helloword page using a page--helloworld.tpl.php and node--helloworld.tpl.php template files.
Now all I get is a blank screen so I tried to write a preprocess function that adds support for custom theme files like:
* Adding or modifying variables before page render.
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
// Page change based on node->type
// Add a new page-TYPE template to the list of templates used
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
// Add template naming suggestion. It should alway use doublehyphens in Drupal7.
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page--'. str_replace('_', '-', $vars['node']->type);
I see no syntax error but I still get a blank screen. Still no luck
Is someone able to figure out what's wrong in the code/routine?
Drupal7 + Omega Sub-Theme
Kind Regards
I think there's a tiny bit of confusion here: a template file named node--type.tpl.php will automatically be called for any node which has the type type...you don't need to add the template suggestions in yourself.
There is one caveat to this, you have to copy the original node.tpl.php to your theme folder and clear your caches otherwise Drupal won't pick it up.
Also you don't want to use the phptemplate_ prefix...rather you want your function to be called MYTHEMENAME_preprocess_page.
Your code to add the page template based on the node type looks spot on, see if you still have the problem after you change your function name and clear the caches.
Hope that helps :)
Up to now, I've always hard coded what page template a certain page should use, either based on the URL, or what type of node it is.
What would be really useful is if there was a way to select which tpl file to use, right there in the node edit form. This would allow the user to flick between different page layouts at will.
Does anyone know a good way to approach this problem, or a flat out solution to it?
ThemeKey will let you load a theme based on a path or other criteria. You can use other methods like utilize preprocesser functions of template.php, and hook it in with hook_form_alter and come up with a way to switch files.
I ended up adding a new vocabulary for template files (the VID for this is 2 in my case) , and then rolled this into the page preprocessor in my template.php:
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if (count($vars[node]->taxonomy)>0)
foreach ($vars[node]->taxonomy as $term)
$template = $term->vid == 2 ? $term->name : NULL;
if ($template) $vars['template_files'][] = "template-".preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", strtolower($template));
Now if I have a node in a taxonomy term called: A Green Page! it will look for template-agreenpage.tpl.php as a template file.
I was wanting this functionality as well, so I made a module to do this very thing for node templates. You can find it here: http://drupal.org/project/template-picker