Google VR daydream how to do Constellation menu as elements sample showed? - google-vr

I am trying google vr daydream and working on constellation menu now. I tried the offical demo that there are lots sub menu under the root menu once controller hover on , but in the root menu script object I only see 3 main sub nodes in the inspector.
now I am trying to do my own sub menu tree , is there any fast coding way to do this or must I drag all sub menus to the inspector manually one by one?


Recommendation on contructing the left menu bar similar to show in FullCalander demo

In the FullCalendar demo,
you can see the left menu bar to try various features.
a. How can we create something similar. Basically we need to have menu with each sub menu containing like checkboxes and other specific components (somethings hyperlink, buttons, etc).
I guess we want to replicate the implementation in the demo
b. Is there a worked example of FullCalendar we can access? Especially source code of Demo or anything else that is available. That would speed up the implementation process.

Angular4 - Bootstrap Line Tabs
I'm new to Angular and so my work has set me a beginner's challenge to modify their basic navbar menu.
I've chosen the menu in the link provided. However, the difference with my menu is that the pages linked are separate HTML files which Angular displays
in the router-outlet below.
When you click a tab the correct page displays but the active tab does not change (the first tab remains highlighted.)
Is this problem caused by my lack of knowledge of Angular or CSS??
Is it possible to get the navbar properly working within this Angular environment?
All feedback much appreciated. Thanks.

How are, or should, non-working HTML menu items with only working submenus be identified?

A typical wordpress menu has one menu item with a top-level target of #, going nowhere, to allow for its multiple, working submenus which do go to targeted URLs.
Philosophically, is the onus on me to visually signify to users that this top level menu item is a dead menu item, with no target, so they don't select it and wait for a change that will never come?
What design feature can or needs to be used to signify a non-working menu item which has only working submenus?
Or is it worth pondering at all?
That's an interesting thought. You could change the cursor on hover to indicate text rather than the pointer for a link.
The onus is absolutely on the designer & developer to implement proper UX. An ideal design would effectively communicate the difference between a unlinked dropdown and traditional link.
Check out how Stripe does this with their main navigation. A prominent, eye-catching dropdown appears on hover. Clicking the main, parent link closes the dropdown. Clicking again re-opens the dropdown.

Drupal 6 - Menu disappearing issue

I am using Drupal6.
I have defined a menu in Site Building -> Menus called "sidebar link". Then I my code, I build that menu like "menu_tree('menu-sidebar-links');".
If I am on main page or sub page then I want that menu to expand. It WORKS.
HOWEVER, often it diappears. Menu stops expanding. And to fix that, I have to clear cache in Drupal and then it starts working again.
I found a potential fix at Drupal 6 fails to build menu router and links
But in this solution, that variable is only set when I run update. I tried it and it works. But on next load, it doesn't rebuild. So, somehow that variable is getting set to FALSE again. But I want it to rebuild every time, maybe just for one menu and not all (I have 3 menus and those are working fine as those just links and not child menus).
Can someone please suggest a fix?
PS: I am unable to provide a link because this code is being used in site redesign and its only accessible in internal network until it goes live.

Facebook custom tab for app

I developing a facebook app for my university's library, the problem is that I want 5 different tabs in my app and every tab, I have used command in index.php file but It show command error. I dun know how can I create tabs or menu in my own app. I have found many tutorials regarding adding tabs in facebook page. But i am unable to find any tutorial which guide me how to write code to create tabs in facebook app.
Someone please help me.
You will have to create an app, before you can add it as a tab to a Facebook page.
Perhaps there are some vocabulary / language issues here. Please clarify.
When you say "tab", do you mean five elements that would create five links to the left side FB menu inside a fanpage
do you mean a "menu" of five distinct "screenviews" inside one url that creates one link in the left side menu ?
Both can be done.
