QTimer activeChanged signal - qt

In the documentation of QTimer there is a Properties-section, containing the active-property.
This made me believe, there might be something like a activeChanged-signal, I could connect to.
For IMHO unapparent reasons
QObject::connect(m_timer, &QTimer::activeChanged, this, &MyObject::mySlot);
failes, stating activeChanged is no member of QTimer.
Basically, I want to do something, when the timer gets initially started (so not on restart) or finally stopped. When the signal activeChanged does not exist, has anyone knowledge:
Why it is a property at all?
If there are some other signals to connect to, to do this?
Any way to hook in, and do something when the timer is started or stopped?
test in main.cpp
QTimer* tim = new QTimer;
QObject::connect(tim, &QTimer::activeChanged, qApp, [tim](){qDebug() << "Active changed" << tim->isActive(); });
tim->start(40000); // I want to get a signal
tim->start(100); // I don't want to get a signal
tim->stop(); // I want to get a signal

Create your own timer class and encapsulate QTimer:
class Timer : public QObject
QTimer m_timer;
Timer ()
connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Timer::timeout);
void start(int msec)
if (m_timer.isActive())
// Restart detected -> block signal
Since the class Timer has the full control and knowledge of the QTimer, you can have any apparent behavior you want.


Qt: How to avoid deadlock when multiple queued signals invoke same slot

In following code I meet deadlock in someOperation:
class A : public QObject {
explicit A(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), data(0) {}
public slots:
void slot1() {
void slot2() {
void slot3() {
void someOperation() {
QMutexLocker lk(&mutex);
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "warning", "warning");
assert(data == 0);
int data;
QMutex mutex; //protect data
class Worker: public QThread {
explicit Worker(QObject* parent) : QThread(parent) {}
virtual void run() {
// some complicated data processing
emit signal1();
// other complicated data processing
emit signal2();
// much complicated data processing
emit signal3();
qDebug() << "end run";
void signal1();
void signal2();
void signal3();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
A* a = new A(&app);
Worker* w = new Worker(a);
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal1()), a, SLOT(slot1()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal2()), a, SLOT(slot2()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal3()), a, SLOT(slot3()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
return app.exec();
There is a thread that will emit three signals, all of them queued connected to an instance of class A, and all class A' slots will call to someOperation, and someOperation is protected by mutex and it will popup a message box.
Qt::QueuedConnection 2 The slot is invoked when control returns to the event loop of the receiver's thread. The slot is executed in the receiver's thread.
It seems slot2 is invoked when slot1's message box still doing modal, in main thread, but at that time slot1 has lock mutex, so deadlock.
How to change the code to avoid deadlock?
Update:(Jan.17, 2019)
What I want archive is that: slot2 not be execute before slot1 finished.
What should be kept are:
worker is a background thread to process data, cost long time; so, whatever, the three signals will emit from other thread.
worker should not blocked by emitting signals.
slots should execute in main thread, because they will update GUI.
someOperation is not reentrant.
The requirement that "someOperation is not reentrant" is an odd one. What should happen if reentrancy is attempted? Given that someOperation can only be called from the main thread I can only see two options...
Block completely with mutex/barrier etc. as you have tried.
Block based on a recursion level counter and spin the event loop until that counter decrements to zero.
1) Will block the thread's event loop completely preventing the current message dialog from functioning correctly.
2) Will allow all message dialogs simultaneously rather then serialising them.
Rather than trying to make someOperation non-reentrant I think you need to make sure you use in a way that won't result in reentrancy.
One option might be to make use of a separate QObject derived class instance on its own QThread. Consider the following...
class signal_serialiser: public QObject {
void signal1();
void signal2();
void signal3();
If an instance of signal_serialiser is moved to its own thread it can act as a queue to buffer and forward the various signals if suitable connection types are used. In your code you currently have...
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal1()), a, SLOT(slot1()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal2()), a, SLOT(slot2()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal3()), a, SLOT(slot3()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
Change that to...
signal_serialiser signal_serialiser;
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal1()), &signal_serialiser, SIGNAL(signal1()));
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal2()), &signal_serialiser, SIGNAL(signal2()));
QObject::connect(w, SIGNAL(signal3()), &signal_serialiser, SIGNAL(signal3()));
* Note the use of Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection for the
* signal_serialiser --> A connections.
QObject::connect(&signal_serialiser, SIGNAL(signal1()), a, SLOT(slot1()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
QObject::connect(&signal_serialiser, SIGNAL(signal2()), a, SLOT(slot2()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
QObject::connect(&signal_serialiser, SIGNAL(signal3()), a, SLOT(slot3()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
QThread signal_serialiser_thread;
I've only done basic testing but it appears to give the desired behaviour.
That's because your function void someOperation() is not reentrant.
The static functions of QMessageBox span their own event loop, which calls QCoreApplication::processEvents() repeatedly:
Execution of the first invocation of someOperation() gets stuck at QMessageBox::warning(...).
In there, exec() calls processEvents(), 3. which sees the second signal
and invokes someOperation() again
where trying to re-lock mutex fails.
How to resolve this depends on what you want to achieve...
About your general approach to QThread: You're doing it wrong.
(That link gives a good start into the topic, but not a complete solution.)
You create and start a background thread. But that thread will only emit the three signals and then finish.
The slots will be called inside the main (GUI) event loop, because that's the thread affinity of your A *a.
To make the slots be executed in the background, you need to:
create your A instance without a parent: A *a = new A();
create your Worker instance with the app as parent: Worker *w = new Worker(&app); (or with nothing, at least not with a)
change the thread affinity of your A instance: a->moveToThread(Worker);
don't override Worker::run(), or if you really want to (see point 5), call the base implementation: QThread::run();
emit the signals from main (you can emit them from run(), but that's not necessary).

Why does my asynchronous QProgressBar render black?

I want a QProgressBar to show in a modal dialog and update asynchronously as another thread does work.
struct ProgressThread : public QThread
QDialog m_dialog;
QProgressBar * m_bar;
ProgressThread (QWidget * parent, int range)
: m_dialog (parent)
, m_bar (new QProgressBar ())
auto l = new QGridLayout (& m_dialog);
l -> addWidget (m_bar, 0, 0);
m_bar -> setRange (0, range);
void run () override
m_dialog .exec ();
ProgressThread thread (this, range);
thread .start ();
int num = 0;
for (each job)
do_some_work ();
thread .m_bar -> setValue (++ num);
thread .m_dialog .accept ();
thread .wait (1000);
thread .quit ();
It basically works except the progress bar renders as a black block. Why is this happening?
This is a design problem. Neither Qt nor most of other UI frameworks designed to run multiple threads for UI though this innovative approach may take place. Most of UI classes just expect to be running on same main thread. Qt can never guarantee that it works the way you are attempting: running the dialog exec() on a worker thread.
How to convert the source code you have to Qt way? Your source code encapsulates QDialog and QProgressBar immediately in thread instance which is maybe not incorrect yet until you do moveToThread(uiObject). But still, it shows the wrong design. You can just follow normal pattern for the worker thread interacting with UI:
// make sure to place it in the header file
class ProgressThread : public QDialog
// if you ever need to access that from outside
// QProgressBar* bar() {return m_bar;}
public slots:
void moveProgress(int);
QProgressBar* m_bar;
class ProgressThread : public QThread
// add methods
You need to connect the slot to signal:
// for interthread communication a queued connection will be automatical
// figure out how to get the pointer to that dialog class (dialogPtr)
QObject::connect(&thread, SIGNAL(moveProgress(int)), dialogPtr(), SLOT(moveProgress(int));
And from the thread code you emit the signal to advance the progress bar on UI thread:
emit moveProgress(value);
The similar question/answers: QProgressBar not showing progress?
And make sure that UI thread starts from the application main() function!

Qt add points one by one with QThread or QTimer?

I want to make a program in Qt to add points one by one, not all at once. To do that, I need to use QThread, or I can just use QTimer?
it can be done using QTimer and if it is time dependent (like every 1 second) then its the way to go. just create the timer, connect its timeout signal to your slot and it should work like a charm
You need create some class, inherited from QObject:
class QTimer;
class QList;
class Test_Timer : public QObject
explicit Test_Timer(QObject *parent = 0);
QList<QPoint> *lst;
QTimer *timer;
public slots:
void addPoint();
Ok, now we have timer variable for QTimer events, lst for store QPoint and addPoint() slot for handling your timer event.
At constructor we initialize members of class, connect timer's slot with current class slot and start timer with period 500ms:
Test_Timer::Test_Timer(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
lst = new QList<QPoint>;
timer = new QTimer;
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(addPoint()));
Slot for adding points may look something like this:
void Test_Timer::addPoint()
static int number = 0;
if (lst->size() < 10) {
lst->append(QPoint(0, number++));
qDebug() << lst->size();
} else {
After all don't remember free resources:
delete lst;
if (timer->isActive())
delete timer;
I think this example will be helpful for you.

Qt widget element doesn't want to hide

In my Qt application after pressing button I want to hide that button and start quite long process. While this process is running PushButton shouldn't be visible but it seems to be waiting for process being executed and after that hide button. It looks like QWidget is refreshing after end of PushButton slot function. Here's my simplified code:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
while(x<1000000) x++; //e.g of my long time function
When that function (on_pushButton_clicked() -> generated by mouse->go to slot) ends up my "view" is updated and button dissappear.
Is there any function to refresh my widget or maybe I forgot about sth?
Thanks in advance
Changes to the gui aren't shown until the program has a chance to redraw itself which won't happen until you return.
you'll need to defer the execution of the code somehow:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &MainWindow::longFunction, Qt::QueuedConnection);
void MainWindow::longFunction()
while(x<1000000) x++; //e.g of my long time function
This returns to the event loop and then runs the longFunction but it will still block on and the progress bar won't show any updates until it is done.
To fix that you will either need to move the execution to a new thread or split the function up in shorter parts and invoke them in sequence with QMetaObject::invokeMethod and a QueuedConnection.
In order for the button to change state, it needs to return to process events in the event loop.
You could call QApplication::processEvents before the while loop in order to fix this, though it would be better to return to the event loop naturally, before you start the long-time function, by invoking the function as a QueuedConnection.
Alternatively, the better method would be to run the function in a separate thread, which will enable your GUI to remain active during the processing of the 'long function'
Start by creating an object to encapsulate the function that will do the work:-
class Worker : public QObject {
public slots:
void process(); // This is where your long function will process
void finished();
void error(QString err);
void Worker::process()
while(x<1000000) x++; //e.g of my long time function
emit finished();
Create a new thread and start it when the button is clicked
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
// change button visibility
// create the new thread and start the long function
QThread* thread = new QThread;
Worker* worker = new Worker();
connect(worker, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SLOT(errorString(QString)));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(process()));
//ensure the objects are cleared up when the work is done
connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
//start the thread and the long function processing

QT EventTransition implementation

I am trying to build an QT State Maschine. I have some States, and for those States i need Transition that alter the Graphics on my gui.
The Problem i having and the only reason i am asking, i am Stuck and Point 1.
The compiler cant identifie the QTEventTransition. I have QT 4.6 wroking with QT Creator on Windows.
The compiler does not find Header #include < QtEventTransition >
This is what i did i never did this bevor but i think it should be correct, I have A Header File where i have my Transitions Declareted like this:
class validateBoatTransition : public QtEventTransition
validateBoatTransition(Widget *widget,ServerSkeleton* server);
bool eventTest(QEvent *e);
void onTransition(QEvent *);
Chart* ourChart;
Message current;
BarelySocket* myBarelySocket;
Than i have my Cpp File where i have this:
validateBoatTransition::validateBoatTransition(Widget *widget,ServerSkeleton* server)
void validateBoatTransition::onTransition(QEvent *e)
My Logik should go here
What i want is that if the Transition is activated by an Button (clicked) it should fire this transition!
I searched the net, but cant find an solution. Can i do that? I should i think.
Yours Thomas
Maybe you should take a look to signals/slot mechanism. I think this is what you need to achieve what you want.
Make your onTransition function a slot instead of an event handler and connect it to the signal clicked of the button.
class validateBoatTransition : public QtEventTransition
public slots:
void onTransition();
Somewhere in your code, connect the button to the slot:
QObject::connect(myButton, signal(clicked()), myValidateBoatTransition, slot(onTransition());
Each time the button will be clicked the execution will go through the onTransition function.
I think you're trying to use wrong classes/mechanisms to achieve your goals. If I understand you correctly, you have some GUI and after clicking some button you want to validate some stuff and if this validation is successful the state machine should change it's state. I'd write it this way:
Create some class to handle validation:
class BoatValidator : public QObject
// boring stuff like constructor, etc.
public slots:
void validate()
if ( /*your validation logic goes here*/ ) {
emit boatTransition();
void boatTransition(); // emitted if validation is succesful
Then you connect your QPushButton::clicked() to BoatValidator::validate() and use BoatValidator::boatTransition() signal to drive the state machine:
QStateMachine machine;
QState *state1 = new QState(&machine);
QState *state2 = new QState(&machine);
// more state machine setup
// connect validator and button
QPushButton button;
BoatValidator validator;
connect(&button, SIGNAL(clicked()), &validator, SLOT(validate()));
// use validator to change states
state1->addTransition(&validator, SIGNAL(boatTransition()), state2);
Generally I'd use signal to drive state machine, unless some transitions are obviously event driven (for example some QEvent::Enter/QEvent::Leave on GUI widgets, etc.).
What i wanted to do is build a Qt State Machine. The Problem was that i could not trigger my own Transitions (let alone with my own Events). The answers given are good but would lead to a messy code. Why should i use a QT State Machine if i could not use the QT Transitions?
The First Problem above is solved, if you create a new Project. QT Creater is very annoying.
But here now my solution , may it help others.
First my State:
class ServerState : public QState
ServerState(QPushButton * pushButton);
public slots:
void buttonWasClicked();
void onEntry(QEvent *e);
void onExit(QEvent *e);
QPushButton * pushButton;
Normal, but you see i added an Slot. This slot enables me to connect a bottom signal or a Widget Mouse Press Signal to it !
Like this:
QStateMachine *machine = new QStateMachine(this);
ServerState *s1 = new ServerState(connectButton);
connect(connectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), s1, SLOT(buttonWasClicked()));
all i needed to to is now fire a declared Event like this one :
#define RegisterToServerEventIndex User+5
class ConnectToServerEvent : public QEvent
ConnectToServerEvent() : QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::ConnectToServerEventIndex))
when the slot was called:
void ServerState::buttonWasClicked()
this->machine()->postEvent(new ConnectToServerEvent());
The QT State Machine would now call all the Transitions , link with this state:
ConnectToServerTransition::ConnectToServerTransition(QPushButton * pushButtonB,ServerSkeleton* serverSkeleton)
this->pushButtonB = pushButtonB;
this->serverSkeleton = serverSkeleton;
bool ConnectToServerTransition::eventTest(QEvent *e)
return (e->type() == QEvent::ConnectToServerEventIndex);
void ConnectToServerTransition::onTransition(QEvent *e)
if (true == this->serverSkeleton->initalisieren())
qDebug("Conection to Server faild");
emit kill();
Whats so great that i dare to post?
Well first you can link a Qt SM to a widget where a mouse press event , or somthing else, is called and process the raw data to a an level you need later in your program. All you then need to do is, to emit the singal:
void Widget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event){
Coordinates current;
current.line = 0;
current.row = A;
current.row = (Row) (event->x() / 30); // 30 = breite von einen Feld
current.line = event->y() / 30; // 30 = länge von einen Feld
emit this->clicked(current);
Then this enhenced information (current) is passed to the slot at my state, where i chose to call the correct transition that does the work. You could link more transitions to it, if you need it.
But most importend you dont need to reprogramm the Transition, a think i realy disliked.
Thank you for your help , i could not done it alone.
