Qt add points one by one with QThread or QTimer? - qt

I want to make a program in Qt to add points one by one, not all at once. To do that, I need to use QThread, or I can just use QTimer?

it can be done using QTimer and if it is time dependent (like every 1 second) then its the way to go. just create the timer, connect its timeout signal to your slot and it should work like a charm

You need create some class, inherited from QObject:
class QTimer;
class QList;
class Test_Timer : public QObject
explicit Test_Timer(QObject *parent = 0);
QList<QPoint> *lst;
QTimer *timer;
public slots:
void addPoint();
Ok, now we have timer variable for QTimer events, lst for store QPoint and addPoint() slot for handling your timer event.
At constructor we initialize members of class, connect timer's slot with current class slot and start timer with period 500ms:
Test_Timer::Test_Timer(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
lst = new QList<QPoint>;
timer = new QTimer;
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(addPoint()));
Slot for adding points may look something like this:
void Test_Timer::addPoint()
static int number = 0;
if (lst->size() < 10) {
lst->append(QPoint(0, number++));
qDebug() << lst->size();
} else {
After all don't remember free resources:
delete lst;
if (timer->isActive())
delete timer;
I think this example will be helpful for you.


signal points to slot in struct

I'd like a signal to be connected to a slot inside of a struct. My struct looks like:
//Header file
struct someStruct {
int index;
public slots:
void someSlot();
QList<someStruct*> mListOfStructs;
and then I create a button that should forward its clicked() signal to the someSlot function.
//Source file
QPushButton *cmd = new QPushButton();
grd->addWidget(cmd, 3, 2, Qt::AlignCenter);
//grd is a QGridLayout somewhere inside the gui. I can see it and also the button.
now connection the clicked() event with the slot inside a specific struct does not work.
connect(cmd, SIGNAL(clicked()), mListOfStructs[3], SLOT(someSlot()));
some sources tell me that I have to add a metaObject or sth. I tried but it didn't work out. Maybe you know better.
I might use How to connect in Qt signal and slot in dynamically added buttons to get in slot index of added button? as workaround though.
your structure need the Q_Object meta attributes in order to emit signals and recieve slot events...
struct testStruct : public QObject
int index;
public slots:
void someSlot()
qDebug() << "slot called!";
after that you can conected as usual:
testStruct *ts= new testStruct;
connect(this, SIGNAL(someSignal()), ts, SLOT(someSlot()));

QTimer activeChanged signal

In the documentation of QTimer there is a Properties-section, containing the active-property.
This made me believe, there might be something like a activeChanged-signal, I could connect to.
For IMHO unapparent reasons
QObject::connect(m_timer, &QTimer::activeChanged, this, &MyObject::mySlot);
failes, stating activeChanged is no member of QTimer.
Basically, I want to do something, when the timer gets initially started (so not on restart) or finally stopped. When the signal activeChanged does not exist, has anyone knowledge:
Why it is a property at all?
If there are some other signals to connect to, to do this?
Any way to hook in, and do something when the timer is started or stopped?
test in main.cpp
QTimer* tim = new QTimer;
QObject::connect(tim, &QTimer::activeChanged, qApp, [tim](){qDebug() << "Active changed" << tim->isActive(); });
tim->start(40000); // I want to get a signal
tim->start(100); // I don't want to get a signal
tim->stop(); // I want to get a signal
Create your own timer class and encapsulate QTimer:
class Timer : public QObject
QTimer m_timer;
Timer ()
connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Timer::timeout);
void start(int msec)
if (m_timer.isActive())
// Restart detected -> block signal
Since the class Timer has the full control and knowledge of the QTimer, you can have any apparent behavior you want.

Qt Passing signal from Item to a container

I have a QVector of pointers to type X, whose items, i.e. X's own QProcesses. These processes can terminate at arbitrary time. Now, I have constructed signal-slot connection inside class X when a process ends. However, I want to propagate it to the handler class which has a QVector of X* as a member. What is an elegant way for doing this?
You can connect a signal to a signal, hiding the source signal being an implementation detail:
class MyInterface : public QObject {
QProcess m_process;
Q_SIGNAL void processEnded();
MyInterface(QObject * parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {
connect(&QProcess, &QProcess::finished, this, &MyInterface::processEnded);
The handler class can listen to these signals and do something with them.
class Handler : public QObject {
QVector<MyInterface*> m_ifaces; // owned by QObject, not by the vector
void addInterface(MyInterface* ifc) {
connect(ifc, &MyInterface::processEnded, this, [this, ifc]{
void processEnded(MyInterface* ifc) {
// handle the ending of a process

Qt signal to specific object's slot

I would like to know which of the following is the proper way of doing thing with signal/slot in Qt.
I need a way to have multiple instance of a Dialog, i.e: A and B. And I need to tell A to print "A" and B to print "B" from a different thread. So I believe I need something like either:
OPTION 1) A->print("A") and B->print("B")
or is it better to do:
OPTION 2) emit print("A") and emit print("B") and use a way that I don't know so only A catch the "A" and only B catch the "B".
I got the option 1 working like this:
class myClass : public QMainWindow
myClass (QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0);
~myClass ();
void doPrint(char* text)
emit mySignal(text);
Ui::myClass ui;
public slots:
void newLog(char* msg);
void mySignal(char* msg);
myClass::myClass(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : QMainWindow(parent, flags)
connect(this, SIGNAL(mySignal(char*)), this, SLOT(newLog(char*)));
void myClass::newLog(char* msg)
and then all I have to do is:
myClass* instanceA = new myClass();
myClass* instanceB = new myClass();
is this right?
Since your slot is in another thread, you have to use the Meta-Object System to invoke the method asynchronously. The proper way to do this is to use QMetaObject::invokeMethod
DO NOT subclass QThread and override the run method. For details on this see: https://www.qt.io/blog/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong
void otherClass::printTo(myClass* instance, char* text)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(instance, // pointer to a QObject
"doPrint", // member name (no parameters here)
Qt::QueuedConnection, // connection type
Q_ARG(char*, text)); // parameters
void myClass::doPrint(char* text)
myClass* instanceA = new myClass();
myClass* instanceB = new myClass();
printTo(instanceA, "A");
printTo(instanceB, "B");
If the char* type hasn't been registered with the Meta-Object System yet, do so with
In this simplified example, I think you are on the correct path with option 1. However, it would be even better if you didn't need the doPrint() method, which would also eliminate the need for the mySignal signal (at least in myClass). Instead, I would suggest inheriting your threads from QThread if the aren't already, and doing something like this:
class myThread : public QThread
myThread (QWidget *parent = 0 ) : QThread(parent) {}
~myThread () {}
void run(char* text)
emit mySignal(text);
void mySignal(char* msg);
Then you need to do something like this:
myClass* instanceA = new myClass();
myThread* threadA = new myThread();
connect(threadA, SIGNAL(mySignal(char*)), instanceA, SLOT(newLog(char*)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
threadA->run( "A" );
Obviously, in most non-example code, you'd not pass the string into run, but rather generate strings to be run as threadA is running. The advantage is that this keeps the thread considerations out of myClass, and you only need to think about them where they are connected. On the flip side, you introduce fewer dependencies into the threads, since they don't need to know about myClass to be able to log.

Scientific Visualization with OpenGL and Qt

I am trying to write an OpenGL visualization program for some scientific data using Qt. I would like to be able to use my existing program unchanged and simply be able to call the glwidget and tell it to update the data at the end of each time step. However in order to run a Qt program it appears you have to use QApplication and then qt.run() which blocks the cpu.
Here is the pseudo code
..set up stuff
myVisualizer = new myGLWidget();
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
..do calculations
myVisualizer.update(new data)
I realize that I could put all of my existing code in to a QThread and have it send a signal whenever it is done to connect to an update. It would just be easier this way. Does anybody have an idea how to solve this?
If you really don't want to investigate the threaded solution, which would be nicer all around, you can use the special-case timeout with 0. Basically, when you run a timer with a timeout of 0, it runs the appropriate code after processing the events that are currently on the event queue. So, you could set up something like this:
class MyDialog : public QDialog
m_step = 0;
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( Process() ) );
public slots:
void Process()
// do calculations
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( Redraw() ) );
if ( m_step != 1000 )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( Process() ) );
void Redraw() { // do redrawing code here }
int m_steps;
And then combine it with the Qt-proper main code:
int main( int argc, char** argv )
QApplication app( argc, argv );
MyDialog dialog;
return ( app.exec() );
You can use QThread in your application and do the calculations in a seperate thread.
What you have to do is to subclass the QThread and implement the run() method.
You can create a calculator class and add some signals in that class and connect the signal to your display widget's update slot (in this case QGLWidget::updateGL()).
Here is a rough example: (All you have to is to create a thread and DisplayWidget in your main() function and set the thread's DisplayWidget.)
class Calculator: public QObject
void start();
void updateDisplayWidget(/* you can put the resulting data */);
class DisplayWidget(): public QGLWidget
// override paint methods here
public slots:
void slotUpdateDisplayWidget(/* you can receive the resulting data*/);
class MyThread : public QThread
void run();
void setDisplayWidget(DisplayWidget* displayWidget);
Calculator mCalculator;
void MyThread::run()
MyThread::setDisplayWidget(DisplayWidget* displayWidget)
connect(&mCalculator, SIGNAL(updateDisplayWidget()), displayWidget, SLOT(slotUpdateDisplayWidget()));
