How do I find the silent install parameters for SceneBuilder? - scenebuilder

I want to create a Chocolatey package to install Scene Builder, so I'm looking for a way to install Scene Builder silently in command line.
I downloaded a installer (SceneBuilder-8.4.1.exe) and try to install like below.
> SceneBuilder-8.4.1.exe /silent
However, it launches a install dialog similarly in the case when I double click a installer.
Does Scene Builder installer has a capability to install silently?

You could try to find out what kind of installer is used and look up the silent installation flags or you can try experimentally. The Chocolatey documentation says something like this
If you pass a "help" parameter to the installer it indicates some silent switches and some documentation.
PS> ./SceneBuilder-9.0.1.exe /?
The Setup program accepts optional command line parameters.
/HELP, /?
Shows this information.
Disables the This will install... Do you wish to continue? prompt at the beginning of Setup.
Instructs Setup to be silent or very silent.
Instructs Setup to suppress message boxes.
Causes Setup to create a log file in the user's TEMP directory.
Same as /LOG, except it allows you to specify a fixed path/filename to use for the log file.
Prevents the user from cancelling during the installation process.
Prevents Setup from restarting the system following a successful installation, or after a Preparing to Install failure that requests a restart.
Specifies a custom exit code that Setup is to return when the system needs to be restarted.
Instructs Setup to close applications using files that need to be updated.
Prevents Setup from closing applications using files that need to be updated.
Instructs Setup to restart applications.
Prevents Setup from restarting applications.
Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line.
Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file.
Specifies the internal name of the language to use.
Overrides the default directory name.
/GROUP="folder name"
Overrides the default folder name.
Instructs Setup to initially check the Don't create a Start Menu folder check box.
/TYPE=type name
Overrides the default setup type.
/COMPONENTS="comma separated list of component names"
Overrides the default component settings.
/TASKS="comma separated list of task names"
Specifies a list of tasks that should be initially selected.
/MERGETASKS="comma separated list of task names"
Like the /TASKS parameter, except the specified tasks will be merged with the set of tasks that would have otherwise been selected by default.
Specifies the password to use.
For more detailed information, please visit
The Universal Silent Switch Finder says this is an Inno Setup installer and suggests some switches.


Meson / Ninja build system - How to run custom script at Uninstall?

Meson/Ninja provide an easy method to run a script at install time.
For example, this line will tell Meson to run the glib-compile-schemas command to compile the GSettings on Linux (system configuration options).
meson.add_install_script('glib-compile-schemas', schemas_dir)
(this command will be automatically run when the user executes ninja install)
How can I tell Meson to run a custom command at uninstall?
In this specific case I would like to delete (or at least reset to default) the key-value pairs in GSettings. To reset them, I have found that the command is gsettings reset-recursively <path> (successfully tested in terminal).
Adding custom uninstall script is still being discussed, it's proposed quite some time ago but not yet implemented. It looks this task is typically left for package manager (and therefore to corresponding packaged scripts).
But I agree, there is some illogical asymmetry in case of meson install command. As a workaround, you can create your own target:
run_target('my-uninstall', command : ['scripts/'])
The drawbacks, of course, are that it should be invoked explicitly, cannot override, append or rename internal uninstall target and script should have executable permissions.
The internal, reserved uninstall target, however, does revert all explicit install operations:
Meson allows you to uninstall an install step by invoking the
uninstall target. This will remove all files installed as part of
install. Note that this does not restore the original files. This also
does not undo changes done by custom install scripts (because they can
do arbitrary install operations).

Why running go env in GoLand's terminal is different from system terminal

The output in GoLand's terminal:
The output of go env in the OS terminal:
GoLand manages some of the environment variables and settings and overrides what's configured in the system so that it can create a reproducible environment between running code in the builtin terminal or when using the editor itself.
From what I can see in the images, I see that there are some differences around the GOFLAGS, GOPROXY, and GOMOD.
If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, then you need to enable the Go Modules support via Preferences | Go | Go Modules (vgo) and enable the Go Modules integration. Once you do this, you'll see that the GOFLAGS value will change.
There you can also set the Proxy field value to configure the GOPROXY environment variable.
The GOMOD difference comes from the directory where you invoked the go env command, as in this case they seem to be different directories. Invoke the command in the same directory in both IDE terminal and OS terminal and you'll see the same value. It indicates which, if any, go.mod file is used in the current command.
Finally, I recommend upgrading to GoLand 2019.3 as it will automatically enable Go Modules support when it detects that the project is created in a directory with a go.mod file present.

Sitecore 9.1 Installation SitecoreInstallFramework

I am trying to install Sitecore 9.1 on my PC for development. I followed this short tutorial and also referenced it against the Sitecore 9.1 Quick Installation Guide. Slor seems to have installed without issue. The following error occurs when executing the XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1 script which is one of the last steps of the tutorial. This is the first ever Sitecore instance ever installed on this machine.
The error seems to be occurring within the SitecoreInstallFramework\2.0.0\Private\JsonConfiguration.ps1 file. I used the Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework – Force & Update-Module SitecoreInstallFramework powershell commands multiple times to ensure my SitecoreInstallFramework is up to date. Any ideas on how to resolve this? Thanks.
The Error is about the Identity Server Package, Check you have the package on disk in $SCInstallRoot.
For 9.1 on premise:
Sitecore.IdentityServer 2.0.0 rev. * (OnPrem)
You need to unzip the Sitecore download to found the WDP and JSON files,
In your PowerShell script check this lines:
# The path to the Identity Server Package to Deploy.
$IdentityServerPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore.IdentityServer 2.0.0 rev. * (OnPrem)").FullName
Make sure you set the root folder for the WDP files, something like C:\ResourceFiles or this:
# The root folder with the license file and WDP files.
$SCInstallRoot = "C:\Sitecore\910"
Check your WDP files are not blocked after download, To "unblock" a file, right-click it in Windows Explorer, choose Properties from the context menu, click the Unblock button in the lower right-hand corner of the resulting dialog, and hit OK or Apply

How do I enable python35 from Software Collections at login?

I followed the Software Collections Quick Start and I now have Python 3.5 installed. How can I make it always enabled in my ~/.bashrc, so that I do not have to enable it manually with scl enable rh-python35 bash?
Use the scl_source feature.
Create a new file in /etc/profile.d/ to enable your collection automatically on start up:
$ cat /etc/profile.d/
source scl_source enable python35
See How can I make a Red Hat Software Collection persist after a reboot/logout? for background and details.
This answer would be helpful to those who have limited auth access on the server.
I had a similar problem for python3.5 in HostGator's shared hosting. Python3.5 had to be enabled every single damn time after login. Here are my 10 steps for the resolution:
Enable the python through scl script python_enable_3.5 or scl enable rh-python35 bash.
Verify that it's enabled by executing python3.5 --version. This should give you your python version.
Execute which python3.5 to get its path. In my case, it was /opt/rh/rh-python35/root/usr/bin/python3.5. You can use this path to get the version again (just to verify that this path is working for you.)
Awesome, now please exit out of the current shell of scl.
Now, lets get the version again through this complete python3.5 path /opt/rh/rh-python35/root/usr/bin/python3.5 --version.
It won't give you the version but an error. In my case, it was
/opt/rh/rh-python35/root/usr/bin/python3.5: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
As mentioned in Tamas' answer, we gotta find that so file. locate doesn't work in shared hosting and you can't install that too.
Use the following command to find where that file is located:
find /opt/rh/rh-python35 -name ""
Above command would print the complete path (second line) of the file once located. In my case, output was
find: `/opt/rh/rh-python35/root/root': Permission denied
Here is the complete command for the python3.5 to work in such shared hosting which would give the version,
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rh/rh-python35/root/usr/lib64 /opt/rh/rh-python35/root/usr/bin/python3.5 --version
Finally, for shorthand, append the following alias in your ~/.bashrc
alias python351='LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rh/rh-python35/root/usr/lib64 /opt/rh/rh-python35/root/usr/bin/python3.5'
For verification, reload the .bashrc by source ~/.bashrc and execute python351 --version.
Well, there you go, now whenever you login again, you have got python351 to welcome you.
This is not just limited to python3.5, but can be helpful in case of other scl installed softwares.

What command-line to use in Symfony2 framework in windows

I'm creating a website using Symfony2 framework but I can't get proceed to the creation of the website because I don't know where to type like these
$ php symfony configure:database "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=jobeet" root mYsEcret,
$ php symfony doctrine:build-schema.
It seems an Linux command and it doesn't work on windows command-prompt.
What commandLine should I used for this ?
You need to add your PHP installation directory to the %PATH% environment variable, or work from the PHP installation directory.
To add it to path (The best approach - Edited for Windows 7):
Right-click on a My Computer icon
Click Properties
Click Advanced system settings from the left nav
Click Advanced tab
Click Environment Variables button
In the System Variables section, select Path (case-insensitive) and click Edit button
Add a semi-colon (;) to the end of the string, then add the full file system path of your PHP installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\PHP)
Keep clicking OK etc until all dialog boxes have disappeared
Close your command prompt and open it again
Alternatively, you can run cd <PHP installation path> before you try and run you command, or call your script like <FULL file system path of php.exe> <path to script>
Then you open the CMD and you write the Symfony commands
I would suggest you to use Easyphp, it has phpreg.exe (or something like that) that will put php in %PATH% variable. It also allows you to create virtual hosts from browser, and easyphp will take care of everything else.
Instead of Sublime, use Phpstorm. It has by far the best Symfony2 plugin of all editors. If you are still learning S2, you will definatelly need autocompletion for forms, services, doctrine... Just amazing!
