resource cannot be found error when launching an asp application -

So I am just in utter disgust at what happened. i was working on an in TFS application and all of the sudden it literally just stopped working. Every time I tried to launch it in a browser it would display this error:
The entire DESCRIPTION states:
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make
sure that it is spelled correctly
I haven't the slightest clue what happened. I have not to my best recollection done anything to jeopardize it.
This is what I've done. since I have two different logins to my computer, I took the solution and tried to launch it in my 2nd login and it worked perfectly. I took that same solution file and tried to launch it in my current login and it's causing this issue.
I reset all my Visual studio settings and tried to launch the solution and again - get the same error.
It is showing the SERVIER ERROR in /HOME.aspx - but this error does not show up in my other login.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? I'm basically looking at creating a new user profile for myself to get this resolved. Any help will be much appreciated.
Could it be my user profile or would simply re-installing VS could resolve it?


New website won't load with error message HTTP 500.0 and urlscan failed

I am getting following error on a new website created on IIS. I am able to see URL Rewrite deployed on this IIS instance. But the new website is not configured to use it. Please find the screen shot of the error message also attached. I searched across numerous forums and no find. I vaguely remember somehow fixed this issue previously, may be 1 year back or so . Since there is no log of the solution traced anywhere, I am in the same bad situation once gain. Please help me if anybody solved this kind of problem.
Thanks in advance
Finally I was able to make out what is going wrong. IIS is adding dependency on URLScan by default when a new website is created, but not sure why. I was able to see this in ISAPI Filters (Please refer attached screen shot). Everything worked fine once I removed URLScan from ISAPI filters.

Installation Issue Error 500

I currently have DNN 7 installed and have been unable to get your module to work.
I do a typical module install of 2sic_2SexyContent_08.04.07_Install with apparently no issues.
When I drag the Content module to a pane there's an exception created in the log although the module does show up on the page.
I then click "Auto configure..." and then OK in the pop-up
It shows "installing Getting Started Templates" but then a pop-up shows error 500
The log shows:
"The given key was not present in the dictionary" and "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I checked github but couldn't find a resolution.
Is there an easy fix to this as I'd really like to get this installed. Heck, even if it's not easy, I still want to get it installed.
I created a short video for you so you see what you should get:
Here another guess
make sure your domain-names/paths are correct in DNN - these are portal settings and if something is wrong there, you will probably get funny redirects
Also: pls post some screenshots etc. - because that will help to understand which part is generating a 500
Note that it's also possible that whatever caused the initial error, did something which is hard to fix for inexperience users. So just to start, it's probably best to first create a new DNN, install 2sxc and when that works, figure out what is different in the two installs.

HTTP 404.0 Error Local IIS Site

I have several IIS sites running on my local machine running IIS 8. 3 of the sites work perfectly fine, the 4th returns a 404.0 Error:
"HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly. "
I have tried everything I can think of but nothing will work. To save people some time I will list some of the things I tried:
Adding UrlRoutingModule to my Web.config
Removing the WebDAVModule
Adding ExtentionlessURLHandlers
I have also confirmed that the path is correct and the site is in the correct application pool. I am running out of things to try everything I see on the web seems to say one of these things I tried will fixed it but it hasn't. My IIS local web server seems to be installed corrected as my other sites work fine, please help!!
After a very frustrating day I solved my issue, and it was really due to my last of MVC routing knowledge. I was attempting to navigate to "localhost/example" which had not controller routing associated with it because I had no home controller. I either needed to map a home controller to it, change the default controller to map to one of my existing controllers, or the easiest fix was to navigate to "localhost/example/controllername" where "controllername" is the name of the controller that I wanted to start at. I hope this can save someone else hours of time.

IIS express suddenly not displaying web page

Perhaps someone can help me figure out what's going on.
I'm running VS 2013 and working on a Web Forms application (not an MVC app). I'm using the templates that came down, including all the cool FriendlyUrls functionality. I've been working on this website for several weeks without any problem.
Today, for no apparent reason, one of my pages stopped working. When I attempted to view it, I got an error message that the server was not configured to list directories. My web page does not attempt to list the contents of any directory. It just has some images and some relatively simple Javascript (which does not attempt to enumerate anything).
The error message suggested I run the following command in the IIS Express directory:
appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled:true
Just for the sake of experimenting, I ran that command. Now when I attempt to view the page, I get something that looks like this (the page is named Menus.aspx)
localhost - /Menus/
[To Parent Directory]
Clicking on "To Parent Directory" takes me to the home page, as one might expect.
I created a new page, Menus2.aspx, and copied all of the code from Menus.aspx into Menus2.aspx, and Menus2 runs fine. In addition, when I upload the site to Azure, Menus works correctly (as does Menus2). So I think my code is innocent of any wrongdoing.
I then deleted Menus.aspx and renamed Menus2.aspx to Menus.aspx, and I'm back to the same problem.
I was working in a git branch, and reverted back to master to see if at least my original configuration would work, but now even in master I can't get the page to come up.
So it looks like the problem is that something got jacked up in my local configuration, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. I have exited VS and rebooted the machine in hopes that the problem will disappear as mysteriously as it started, but no luck.
Every other page in the site (6 so far) works fine. It's just this one, with this name.
So my options at this point are to simply not have a page named Menus.aspx in my project because the name has somehow become cursed, or do all of my testing by uploading to the server and seeing how it works up there, which is a pain and should not be necessary.
Can someone suggest how and where I should start looking for what happened here? This isn't the problem I expected to be working on today.
Thanks in advance.

Problems with Publish Web giving blank page

I have written my first website and I'm ready to deploy. I've followed this tutorial to the letter in order to test first and all seems to proceed without any hitches or errors. However, the webpage gives a blank page with nothing rendered, only
<html><head><style type="text/css"></style></head><body></body></html>
All the files seem to have deployed correctly and I can see them in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Test Webpage and if I attempt to run using inetmgr I get the same.
Can anyone advise what the problem(s) might be? Below are some screenshots of IIS if it helps but will post up more info if needed.
