Installation Issue Error 500 - 2sxc

I currently have DNN 7 installed and have been unable to get your module to work.
I do a typical module install of 2sic_2SexyContent_08.04.07_Install with apparently no issues.
When I drag the Content module to a pane there's an exception created in the log although the module does show up on the page.
I then click "Auto configure..." and then OK in the pop-up
It shows "installing Getting Started Templates" but then a pop-up shows error 500
The log shows:
"The given key was not present in the dictionary" and "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I checked github but couldn't find a resolution.
Is there an easy fix to this as I'd really like to get this installed. Heck, even if it's not easy, I still want to get it installed.

I created a short video for you so you see what you should get:
Here another guess
make sure your domain-names/paths are correct in DNN - these are portal settings and if something is wrong there, you will probably get funny redirects
Also: pls post some screenshots etc. - because that will help to understand which part is generating a 500
Note that it's also possible that whatever caused the initial error, did something which is hard to fix for inexperience users. So just to start, it's probably best to first create a new DNN, install 2sxc and when that works, figure out what is different in the two installs.


resource cannot be found error when launching an asp application

So I am just in utter disgust at what happened. i was working on an in TFS application and all of the sudden it literally just stopped working. Every time I tried to launch it in a browser it would display this error:
The entire DESCRIPTION states:
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make
sure that it is spelled correctly
I haven't the slightest clue what happened. I have not to my best recollection done anything to jeopardize it.
This is what I've done. since I have two different logins to my computer, I took the solution and tried to launch it in my 2nd login and it worked perfectly. I took that same solution file and tried to launch it in my current login and it's causing this issue.
I reset all my Visual studio settings and tried to launch the solution and again - get the same error.
It is showing the SERVIER ERROR in /HOME.aspx - but this error does not show up in my other login.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? I'm basically looking at creating a new user profile for myself to get this resolved. Any help will be much appreciated.
Could it be my user profile or would simply re-installing VS could resolve it?

2sxc: 404 Error after adding App module on the page. API is missing?

I have a problem when placing an App module(v 8.4.8) on a page. When I placed an App module on a page I got a pop up saying "Had an error talking to the server (status 404). if you are an advanced user you can learn more about what went wrong - discover how on".
This error happens on whatever action I try to do: trying to add and app, refresh page etc.
I checked a communication to the server using Firebug and seems that one of APIs are missing:
Referer: ~/desktopmodules/tosic_sexycontent/dist/dnn/ui.html?sxcver=
Did I missed something? Should I make some configuration after SexyContent module install (v 8.4.8)?
I just checked a video by Daniel Mettler where he showed how to install a module and seems that process is simple. Nothing to worry about.
Does anybody has any idea what might went wrong here?
The same actually happens when I install and Content module: Error about missing APIs:
Thanks a lot for your time
My best guess is that it's an issue with the dnn domain/path configuration. So basically my guess is that
you have multiple domains, and if this is configured incorrectly, the paths in the js-calls won't fully match the original one
you have sub-portal (with paths like /products/) or something, and this isn't configured correctly in dnn
languages in portal-paths are causing similar issues.
So please compare EXACTLY the full base path and see if that's the issue.

Drupal - White Screen of Death after updates (and login page returning 403 error)

I have just updated a site that is using Drupal and have now experienced the horrible WSOD.
I have searched through Google looking for any sort of solution/error log to help me find and fix the issue but nothing has worked. I have tried adding in the 'display errors' code in the index.php file and looked at the error_log file in the public directory and nothing.
I can not login to the admin page and check any modules as the login page for this is returning a 403 error.
Any suggestions?
Please go to Apache Error log. You will exact error messages there.
The log file's location is different for different OS and versions.
e.g httpd/log/error.log
Maybe your Drupal registry is broken.
Fix this using the registry_rebuild script (this is no module!)
There are times in Drupal 7 when the registry gets hopelessly hosed and you need to rebuild the registry (a list of PHP classes and the files they go with). Sometimes, though, you can't do this regular cache-clear activity because some class is required when the system is trying to bootstrap.
You might get something like:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'EntityAPIControllerExportable' not found in ...sites/all/modules/rules/includes/ on line 11
If this happens when you're trying to run update.php, and happens when you're trying to clear your cache, well, you have some trouble. That's what Registry Rebuild is for.
It also may happen that you've moved some module that Drupal requires to bootstrap, and you get a horrible error. Registry Rebuild will also rebuild the system table to get the modules in the right place so you can bootstrap.
You will need PHP-CLI or drush to run this.

Drupal 7 - after successful install, seemingly random action creates permanent server error

I am working with Drupal (7) for the first time. I have installed it multiple times using both an automated Simple Scripts method, and a manual method. I am using the MERCI module to create a reservation system. Every time, over the course of several installations, a seemingly simple action - such as creating a taxonomy term (most recent trigger) or activating a standard module (Views for instance) results in a permanent 500 Server Error, interspersed with a properly loaded home page that will not allow the user to proceed to further links.
Check out the site here:
On first load - you will either get a Server Error, or a properly loaded page. If the page loads properly, clicking to ANY link should result in a blank screen, server error, or some other redirect.
I honestly don't even know where to start diagnosing this. I can't tell where an error (if there was one) would be logged, and nor can I figure out how to manually step my MySQL database backwards to try and remove whatever is causing the issue.
Any leads, suggestions, or ideas would be REALLY helpful. Until now, I've just been creating a new installation, thinking that the issue stems from installation issues. However it has happened so many times now I can't just keep starting from scratch.
I'm not seeing any errors on your site, and in fact it let me register a new account.
Having said that, as should be obvious from the error message, 500 is an internal server error, and no one is going to be able to determine the cause just by going to the public url. It's an error with a configuration file on your server. Generally a syntax error would give you a consistent, not a sporadic 500.
While I have a good deal of experience with MERCI, the way you've described the issue, that wouldn't have anything to do with it.
If the problem persists you should check your Apache error log.

How to Fix Irreversible damage due to a module in Drupal

This has been extremely frustrating. I installed a module Finder in Drupal installation. I was tweaking some settings in it and then after changing some settings it started showing off some Ajax errors and then there was the White Screen, showing this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function views_include() in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/ on line 9
Using Drush, I disabled the Finder module and cleared the cache. But nothing happened. Then I disabled the Views module. The White Screen was now gone.
And now I am stuck. I had some pretty good work done in this site and when I re-enable the Views, White Screen reappears. It seems to me like the Finder module made some irreversible changes somewhere in Views. I mean how come my Views is not working when I've cleared the cache and Finder is disabled?
Has anybody ever come across such a thing in Drupal? How did you solve it?
I just found that the developer of the "Finder" module is claiming it to be a bug in Views. See here: As suggested, commenting out that particular line 9 in of Views module does work. However, I'm still skeptical to accept to be a bug in Views.
It's not Finder; it's either Drush botching an update or perhaps you relocating the module, causing the registry to become out-of-date. Check that views.module actually exists, Views is enabled in the system table and then rebuild the registry as nmc suggested.
That should fix it but, at worst, you can comment out the views_include('base'); call at the top of as a quick hack to recover your site.
I just got this error too. Funny enough it was also while playing around with settings in the finder module. Playing with the ajax settings to be precise.
Anyway, to get your site back when you get the error and white screen, close your browser and reopen it a a page other than your site and clear all the browser cache. You should then be able to see your site again.
It happen to me after setting 'Ajax' to 'yes' under the form heading on the edit finder page.
After you have reopened your browser and cleared the browser cache, go straight to the edit page for the finder that is the culprit and set 'ajax' to 'no'.
Perhaps the Registry Rebuild module may help you.
When would you need Registry Rebuild?
You might get something like:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'EntityAPIControllerExportable' not found in
...sites/all/modules/rules/includes/ on line 11
If this happens when you're trying to run update.php, and happens when
you're trying to clear your cache, well, you have some trouble. That's
what Registry Rebuild is for.
I've never used it myself so I recommend that you look into the code before running it but I hope it helps you.
See and
For me, rebuilding the registry with drush rr didn't work. Disabling the module, uninstalling ad reinstalling didn't help also. The only thing which worked was to clear the sessions table.
