Run protractor through angular-cli without internet - webdriver

I need to run angular-cli e2e tests (ng e2e) on an offline development system (client restriction). However, an error occurs when Protractor tries to download chromedriver because of the connectivity issue. To manually copy the required files, I ran the command on an online system and then transferred the downloaded files from protractor node_module folder (protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\chromedriver_2.33 and a few other folders) to the offline system. The tests ran successfully a few times. However, the same error started again that the 'ng e2e' command causes to run webdriver-manager update although the driver file is there.
Below error appears on the console:
Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
Is there an option to turn off 'webdriver-manager update' and use a local copy of the required files?
Thanks for your help

There is a flag that you can add to your ng command
ng e2e --webdriver-update=false


Firebase Deployment Error "Error: Functions did not deploy properly."

I have deployed Firebase functions in the past many times. For some reasons, recently (around 2-3 days) I am frequently getting error while deployment. I am using windows to release the code. When I tried with setting up the same project in my Linux system and Mac system the deployment works correctly. What may be the issue for the release from Windows environment.
The following is the issues getting while deployment.
! functions[payment(us-central1)]: Deployment error.
Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in the user code. Error message: Error: please examine your function logs to see the error cause: Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at Please visit for in-depth troubleshooting documentation.
Functions deploy had errors with the following functions:
To try redeploying those functions, run:
firebase deploy --only "functions:admin,functions:cancellation,functions:cost,functions:createStripeCharge,functions:customer,functions:driver,functions:driverLiveTracking,functions:generalSettings,functions:notification,functions:order,functions:payment"
To continue deploying other features (such as database), run:
firebase deploy --except functions
Error: Functions did not deploy properly.
Following is the deployment command I am using for
"echo Deploying Functions && npm run lint && npm run build && firebase deploy --only functions"
Please share your knowledge over the issue.
I have resolved this issue. On building, I found that the node modules and lib functions are not replacing correctly with the new build. I have done a name changing previously and that are not reflecting in the new build.
Steps followed:
Removed node modules and lib files
Npm install
Npm run serve
And a new build is worked fine as well. I got the same issue using Jenkins build also. I just manually removed the same in server also.
You can find the issue by examining the actual logs. view them using this command
firebase functions:log
The specific issue will be visible there. I sometimes had error as simple as a missing packages in package.json

Meteor 1.7 bundler is broken

I am trying to deploy an app that has been upgraded to meteor 1.7 using the setup for passenger outlined at, however when I try and access the app I get an error in the console of
Error: The core-js npm package could not be found in your node_modules directory. Please run the following command to install it: meteor npm install --save core-js
Being shown on the web page (although the favercon is correct so its trying).
The app runs fine locally (as in on the dev machine).
Give its deployed, meteor doesn't exist on the machine.
I tried npm install --save core.js and it reported one package installed, but still no joy on the app front.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Any thoughts?
I just tried building the app without the --server-only flag with no change. Deployed the app the way I do with the v1.3 instances of the app and no change.
One thing that I did get when running npm intall from the /programs/server directory was
Binary is fine; exiting
npm WARN lifecycle meteor-dev-bundle#~install: cannot run in wd %s %s (wd=%s) meteor-dev-bundle# node npm-rebuild.js /opt/bundle/programs/server
added 131 packages in 13.857s
I'm not sure if the warning means anything in particular.

"The system cannot find the path specified" error in WebStorm and meteor.js

I am programming using Meteor.js and the IDE am using is WebStorm; whenever I hit run in WebStorm I get this kind of error:
The system cannot find the path specified.
I don't know how to fix it. I've tried to visit the paths that are in the WebStorm output, but I found meteor.bat & runnerw.exe
"C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\WebStorm 2016.3.4\bin\runnerw.exe" C:\Users\forland\AppData\Local\.meteor\meteor.bat
The system cannot find the path specified.
Process finished with exit code 3
Have you correctly followed the Running and debugging a Meteor application instructions in the WebStorm help guide? It sounds like WebStorm is not able to find the meteor executable.
Here are some other resources that could help.
Run/Debug Configuration: Meteor
Languages and Frameworks: Meteor
Also, try running your meteor project outside of WebStorm to make sure you don't have a meteor executable problem.
From the command line, browse to your meteor project's folder.
Run the project
meteor run
Update your question if you get an errors or have more information after trying these resources.

Running 'grunt' command on mean.js app just stalling

I am following the installation guidelines as described on Everything seemed to install fine. I have all prereqs installed. I ran npm install after cloning the github repo and then tried to run grunt and I didnt get any errors however It seems to just be stalling on the command line. Last message on the command line is the "debugger is running on port 5858" and then it just sits there.
After some time the message [nodemon] watching 51,839 files - this might cause high cpu usage. To reduce use "--watch" comes up. I am on windows 10 and have all the latest versions of node,npm,grunt and mean.js. I am running the command line as admin.
Mean.js should be running on localhost:3000 but it is not.
This is intended.
There is an application invoked by the grunt command and running in background, watching your files for changes. In default configuration: nodemon and grunt-watch.
This will execute specific tasks based on the files you edited, such as linting JS files or compiling LESS files.
The cmd will probably show something when you edit files in the projects directory.

Polymer grunt: Fatal error: spawn ENOENT

I'm trying to run the Polymer Docs locally, but I get an error when trying to serve the app with grunt:
Running "appengine:run:frontend" (appengine) task
executing: --port=3000 --host= .
Fatal error: spawn ENOENT
(Full output)
The only relevant info I could find was this on the polymer-dev forum, but in that case the issue was using the incorrect Google App Engine SDK. I am using the Python SDK and I'm running Python 2.7.9.
EDIT: If you're finding this now, it's much easier to avoid this issue and use Gulp instead, basing it off of the Polymer Starter Kit gulpfile.
I was having the same troubles on Ubuntu 14.04. The solution for me was to add the absolute path to the Google App Engine Python SDK directory to my $PATH environment variable.
Edit shell startup script (I'm assuming you're using bash):
vim ~/.bashrc
Add the absolute path to Google App Engine directory:
Save and close file.
Remember that the changes won't take effect until the next time your shell starts up, so close and re-open your terminal now.
If that doesn't help, keep in mind that the ENOENT error generally means that a script is trying to access a file or directory that doesn't exist. So, for some reason, the path that Grunt is using to access the Google App Engine is incorrect.
