How to use Pact Broker badges - pact

It seems I'm missing something vital but I cannot see that the badges are available for my pacts at the URI's given in the examples here:
Namely: https://your-broker/pacts/provider/PROVIDER/consumer/CONSUMER/latest/badge.svg
(PROVIDER/CONSUMER are replaced with existing values)
I simply get a 404 response when trying to access.
I'm using pact-jvm v3.5.7 and pactbroker v2.6.0.
What I'm I not understanding?

I think 2.6.0 had the badges turned off by default for privacy reasons. I've recently enabled them by default as I think the benefits outweigh the negatives. Upgrade to the latest version of the broker, or set enable_badge_resources = true in the Pact Broker configuration (
While you're at it, check out the badges config section in the wiki.

Setting the property enable_badge_resources = true as suggested did the trick. Thanks!


Woocommerce Rest API 401 for NGINX

I have seen many references to this issue spanning several years but 95% of it relates to Apache. I'm on NGINX hence can't try solutions involving the .htaccess file.
{"code":"woocommerce_rest_cannot_view","message":"Sorry, you cannot list resources.","data":{"status":401}}
Since nothing really covers NGINX for this problem I thought of starting a new thread
The first time it happened was when I tried to link Woobotify who automatically generates its own keys. While the keys were created it says it doesn't have read/write error (despite having the right permissions setup)
So I created a new set of keys from within WP and made a direct call (while logged in as admin of course)
as in :// to see if it was on the server-side or Woobotify's and still got the error
If you refer me to
I am too much of a newbie to make use of this information. I either need a step by step or I am willing to hire someone to make it work for me.
LEMP Stack on self-manage VPS
Here is example how I solve it
require "woocommerce_api"
woocommerce =
wp_json: true,
version: "wc/v3",
query_string_auth: true
OR simply For POSTMAN{{csk}}&consumer_secret={{cs}}
The key is query_string_auth: true you need to force basic authentication as query string true under HTTPS

Recommended way to get payment methods/configurations in Intershop 7.10

Intershop 7.10, I am trying to understand what is a recommended way to retrieve payment methods/configurations for a domain.
I have examined ViewPaymentMethodList_52-ListAll pipeline in sld_ch_consumer_plugin cartridge and I see that it is using a deprecated pipelet GetPaymentConfigurationsByDomain, and when I examine that pipelet I see that it is using PaymentServiceMgr which is also deprecated.
What would be non-deprecated way to do that.
I am trying to access whether the payment method is enabled or disabled for a given application:
Haven't tested it, but the information you're trying to get should become available when calling:
PaymentConfiguration config = paymentServiceBO.
// retrieve the list of activated application ids

nginx redis\memcached modules gzip_flag

both plugin seems to use the same code for redis_gzip_flag and memcached_gzip_flag not provide any instructions about this flag and how to set it, as redis string doesn't have any flag support
so what is this flag?
where I set it in redis?
what number should I choose in the nginx config?
Hadn't heard of this but I found an example here, looks like you add it manually to your location block when you know the data you're going to be requesting from redis is gzipped.

Error:1411809D:SSL routines - When trying to make https call from inside R module in AzureML

I have an experiment in AzureML which has a R module at its core. Additionally, I have some .RData files stored in Azure blob storage. The blob container is set as private (no anonymous access).
Now, I am trying to make a https call from inside the R script to the azure blob storage container in order to download some files. I am using the httr package's GET() function and properly set up the url, authentication etc...The code works in R on my local machine but the same code gives me the following error when called from inside the R module in the experiment
error:1411809D:SSL routines:SSL_CHECK_SERVERHELLO_TLSEXT:tls invalid ecpointformat list
Apparently this is an error from the underlying OpenSSL library (which got fixed a while ago). Some suggested workarounds I found here were to set sslversion = 3 and ssl_verifypeer = 1, or turn off verification ssl_verifypeer = 0. Both of these approaches returned the same error.
I am guessing that this has something to do with the internal Azure certificate / validation...? Or maybe I am missing or overseeing something?
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
After a while, an answer came back from the support team, so I am going to post the relevant part as an answer here for anyone who lands here with the same problem.
"This is a known issue. The container (a sandbox technology known as "drawbridge" running on top of Azure PaaS VM) executing the Execute R module doesn't support outbound HTTPS traffic. Please try to switch to HTTP and that should work."
As well as that a solution is on the way :
"We are actively looking at how to fix this bug. "
Here is the original link as a reference.

Setup public rule in keystone policy file

I am trying to create roles for my openstack installation. One of the first things I've tried is to allow all users to access a resource in my policy file, "identity:list_roles" for example. But no matter what I tried it will always say:
You are not authorized to perform the requested action, admin_required. (HTTP 403)
I've tried the following:
not is_admin:1
and match more... is it even possible?
Well, after lots of testing and googling the answer is no, it is not possible.
To list roles, you mast be an admin in keystone v2 api and also within the same scope in v3.
Also I was testing on the v2 api while posting this question. V2 ignores the policy file, it has it's policies hard coded.
