How to open openFrameworks examples on QtCreator - qt

I successfully set up oF on Qt creator.
However, I don't know how to open oF's "examples" on Qt.
I can find .qbs file only in 3DprimitivesExample.
Please let me know the way to open other examples.
OS:macOS Sierra

Install the qt creator plugin by running the following script found in the distribution: openFrameworks/scripts/qtcreator/
Once you do, you can import any existing project.
Please also see the tutorial video here:


how to not open project github with qt creator

I am learning qt creator, anyone can tell me how to open this example project (link below) and run it on qtcreator? Normally, when you create a project, it will have a .pro extension. But with this example I don't see it. Please guide me how to open this ! thank you!

QML Box2D Install

Following advice on a question I asked previously, I am trying to use Box2D with my QML app.
I have downloaded Box2D for QML here:
I have followed the instructions :
Extracted the files to my Import folder (Qt/5.4/android_armv7/imports/)
Opened in Qt and built it.
The file was created as per the instructions I was following.
I have tried using Box2D in my QML project. First with my android app, then with a desktop app.
On each occasion I am getting an error:
module "Box2D" is not installed
I'm stuck with this, can someone help me?
You need to run make install (nmake install on Windows) so that the Box2D files are installed to e.g. Qt/5.4/android_armv7/qml, in your case. To use nmake, you need to have your development environment set up correctly. This is explained here, although that's specifically aimed at building Qt itself. If you're using MSVC, it is enough to open MSVC's developer command prompt and run nmake from there.

Is there any basic tutorial on how to compile software from source under windows

I'm a beginner on open source world.
I can compile my own C++ code in VS 2015. but, I have little knowledge about compiling open source code. I can't even find a project file of that.
Anyway, I'd like to compile Sigil 0.9.4 version from source. My system is Windows 10 64 bit, and Qt 5.6.0 is installed. I've been looking for any basic guide for that but I haven't found yet.
I have downloaded a source code zip file from the link
And I have no idea what's the difference between and Source code (zip).
Which one should I download to compile?
Intuitively, I used 'importing project' in Qt but I get message 'no rule to make target all. stop'
Any instructions for that?
Thank you in advance!!!
For compilation you will need to use CMake. I recommend going through their web-site and read about it.
If you look at the source repository of the software you are trying to build (Sigil), you will see the root folder contains CMakeLists.txt. This is the file that will tell cmake program how to build and configure the software.
If you are planning to use Qt as your IDE, I recommend to download and install cmake first. Then make sure, Qt's toolchain is set up properly with the cmake. Then all you have to do is to open that CMakeLists.txt in Qt (see more details in the aforementioned link). Also, you can find plenty other tutorials on how to use cmake to compile your projects.
Hope this will help you get started.

Qt5 reference documentation: qch files

I want to view Qt reference documentation inside QtAssistant, but the installation of Qt5 did not come with .qch documentation files for Qt libraries.
I have tried to find them on the but could not find them anywhere.
How do I get the Qt5 documentation files ?
I am using Ubuntu 12.10, I have installed the new qt-library sdk from the qt-project website.
Open Assistant (5.0.1/gcc/bin/assistant) and then go to Edit -> Preferences menu.
There's a Documentation tab. If the list is empty, add the .qch files found in the 5.0.1/gcc/doc/ directory.
This is how it looks. This is Ubuntu 12.10 as well.
Qt 5.0.1 installed with the package (388Mb).
Yes, the official Ubuntu-documentation for Qt5 is very incomplete. You don't have information about nearly any class.
If you want to use the QtCreator/QtAssistant build from Ubuntu you have to acquire the docs yourself. I did and uploaded these on my personal Mega-account. Here are the docs. I installed the Qt framework with the installer from, grabbed the documentation and inserted it into the software-center-version.
I don't use QtAssistant as a stand-alone program but integrated in QtCreator. To add the docs to QtCreator go to Tools>Options>Help>Documentation and click add. Then select all .qch files, click apply and enjoy. Maybe try the way as mentioned above.
After all, you can just download the necessary *.deb file from the store of the Ubuntu packages, and install it on your system. As they wrote here, this package will install the *.qch files in /usr/share/qt5/doc. The pitfall is that you will have to remember that you have done that, since your Ubuntu will not take any records for you.

No qmlviewer installed

I've installed Qt SDK 5.0.0 beta 2 and Qt Creator 2.6.0. It detects the package but gives a warning that "No qmlviewer installed". I've looked for it and it is in the SDK bin folder. What can I do? I use ubuntu 12.04 and I've added the SDK binaries to the PATH. I can view the QML files through the terminal.
It is not a solution but maybe it will be helpful.
I can see this warning too, but I think it is not a big problem. I have started to move my existing Quick1 code to new Qt version and I have not seen Qt5 Kit in the drop down list. But when I have created new Quick2 application I found it. And everything seems to work without QMLviewer.
Btw, I found forum post about Qt5 and qmlveiwer. Guy says that it was very difficult to support viewer in the actual state because API of declarative modules are changing very quickly. So they have dropped qmlviewer from Qt5.
