QML Box2D Install - qt

Following advice on a question I asked previously, I am trying to use Box2D with my QML app.
I have downloaded Box2D for QML here: https://github.com/qml-box2d/qml-box2d
I have followed the instructions :
Extracted the files to my Import folder (Qt/5.4/android_armv7/imports/)
Opened Box2D.pro in Qt and built it.
The libBox2D.so file was created as per the instructions I was following.
I have tried using Box2D in my QML project. First with my android app, then with a desktop app.
On each occasion I am getting an error:
module "Box2D" is not installed
I'm stuck with this, can someone help me?

You need to run make install (nmake install on Windows) so that the Box2D files are installed to e.g. Qt/5.4/android_armv7/qml, in your case. To use nmake, you need to have your development environment set up correctly. This is explained here, although that's specifically aimed at building Qt itself. If you're using MSVC, it is enough to open MSVC's developer command prompt and run nmake from there.


How to open openFrameworks examples on QtCreator

I successfully set up oF on Qt creator.
However, I don't know how to open oF's "examples" on Qt.
I can find .qbs file only in 3DprimitivesExample.
Please let me know the way to open other examples.
OS:macOS Sierra
Install the qt creator plugin by running the following script found in the distribution: openFrameworks/scripts/qtcreator/install_template.sh?
Once you do, you can import any existing project.
Please also see the tutorial video here:

Deploying pyqt application to Windows using pyqtdeploy

I would like to deploy for the first time my first app made with PyQt5. I found pyqtdeploy (link) to be probably what I need to do this for Windows and other platforms.
Anyway, I am following this tutorial, but, as I am completely new to deploying applications, I am not sure on one thing: do I need to download Qt for the target specific platform I need to deploy my app to? If so, am I supposed to use qmake from that Qt installation against the result of pyqtdeploy? For example: if I want to deploy to Windows, do I have to download Qt from here (and which version???)?
From the same tutorial page, this is not so clear, maybe it's obvious, but as I am a newbie in this, not for me.
No you don't need to download Qt.
When building your 'sysroot.toml' file, pyqtdeploy will download qt-everywhere-src and builds it from source.
In the built sysroot directory you can find qmake executable in "...\Qt\bin" (qmake.exe) depends on where your project files (sysroot.toml file) are.
For example if your host machine is Windows and C:\Users\username\Desktop\My_PyQtDeploy_Proj is your project folder which contains sysroot.toml, after building sysroot you can find qmake in "C:\Users\username\Desktop\My_PyQtDeploy_Proj\sysroot-win-64\Qt\bin\qmake.exe"

Is there any basic tutorial on how to compile software from source under windows

I'm a beginner on open source world.
I can compile my own C++ code in VS 2015. but, I have little knowledge about compiling open source code. I can't even find a project file of that.
Anyway, I'd like to compile Sigil 0.9.4 version from source. My system is Windows 10 64 bit, and Qt 5.6.0 is installed. I've been looking for any basic guide for that but I haven't found yet.
I have downloaded a source code zip file from the link
And I have no idea what's the difference between Sigil-0.9.4-Code.zip and Source code (zip).
Which one should I download to compile?
Intuitively, I used 'importing project' in Qt but I get message 'no rule to make target all. stop'
Any instructions for that?
Thank you in advance!!!
For compilation you will need to use CMake. I recommend going through their web-site and read about it.
If you look at the source repository of the software you are trying to build (Sigil), you will see the root folder contains CMakeLists.txt. This is the file that will tell cmake program how to build and configure the software.
If you are planning to use Qt as your IDE, I recommend to download and install cmake first. Then make sure, Qt's toolchain is set up properly with the cmake. Then all you have to do is to open that CMakeLists.txt in Qt (see more details in the aforementioned link). Also, you can find plenty other tutorials on how to use cmake to compile your projects.
Hope this will help you get started.

Problems with QT 5 deployment

I've attempted to follow the instructions on deploying Qt to Windows, but I am stuck on step number 1. In it, it tells you to:
cd C:\path\to\Qt
configure -static any other options you need
Unfortunately, I can't get the Qt DOS prompt to recognize the "configure" command despite attempting to use it in virtually every folder under my Qt installation. Does anyone know where this command is store? Everything else about my project is working great with Visual Studio, but I just can't seem to figure out the deployment.
I've Googled the crap out of this and tried both the Qt and the regular Windows command prompts. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: For clarity, I have tried dragging all of the .dlls needed to run my program (by running it and finding the ones I get errors on), but all that happens is I stop getting errors when trying to run my app. If I double click it with the .dlls in the same folder, nothing happens at all.
Are you sure you need the static Qt build? Note that you must static build the actual Qt framework for that, and only after that you can build your application.
If yes, make sure you have the Qt source code, because configure is part of the source code of Qt, it's a tool that configure the Qt build.
The step refers to path of Qt Source directory e.g. C:\QtSDK\QtSources\\
As you can see in qt5 source tree there is a file configure.bat
You need to run that with static option, so it will configure Qt for static linking.
Then you need to re-build Qt to make your new configuration to take effect.

How to install a Qt application on a customers system?

I've got a Qt app that I need installed on a customers computer, which I can't assume has Qt installed on it. I'm on a Mac OSX and the computer I will be installing it on some Unix based system. I will be installing it myself so I don't need a GUI installation wizard or anything like that. Ideally I'd like to end up with a script or makefile, along with a folder of all the sources and necessary libraries, I just don't know where to start. References would be much appreciated, I haven't found anything useful after many google searches.
My question lies somewhere between these two:
Can you create a setup.exe in qt to install your app on a client computer?
Create Linux install for Qt application?
I don't need a full-blown install wizard (question 1), but I also won't have my machine at the installation site to just keep copying libraries until all dependencies are met (question 2). Basically I need to have everything on a CD ready to install when I get there. Thanks in advance.
There are two ways to install a Qt application on a system:
1 - You can compile Qt statically. This will allow you to deploy you app without any qt dependencies.
2 - You need to deploy your app with Qt librairy files you need (like qtcore.dll on Windows)
You will find all explications for each platform in the Qt documentation : http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/deployment.html.
To create installer you can use InstallJammer for Windows and Unix.
For MacOSX you need to create a dmg image. This is very simple. Read the following web page for help : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-DMG-File-on-a-Mac. By using apple script you can customize dmg (like an Application folder link into the dmg).
My preference for Win32 installer is NSIS.
Hope that helps!
Not sure why you want to avoid the install wizard. It can also help you create Uninstaller, desktop and start menu shortcuts, etc. As mentioned in the posts you refer to, you could use BitRock InstallBuilder (Nokia uses it for Qt Creator)
If you do not want to use a wizard and don't want to compile statically, then you can bundle Qt libraries in the same folder as the app and setup a shell script that sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to that directory
