Firebase Read and Write Speed - firebase

Suppose I am creating a transaction app.
How will I store transactions?
I know I need to denormalize.
Would I save the transaction within a transaction node at the first
db level? Or would i save the transaction node under each user's node? Or would i save it in both the transaction node on the first level and the
transaction node under each user's node?
What if the user changed their name, how would I reflect these
changes in both the transaction history of the user and the business?
I feel like the best way is to put it in just the first level of the database and have the user's query the entire list to see their transaction history.
But, If i have a lot of users wouldn't this be extremely slow?
Or is firebase smart enough and fast enough to handle such queries.
Does the user's internet speed affect this querying, especially on a
mobile device?
Can you display the transaction on the screen as it is being loaded?
Would firebase indexing allow me to do these very large dataset queries easily? Perhaps indexing a user's username that is contained inside each transaction?

First, rather than filtering history of transaction data using username I would suggest using userId which will never changed and always unique.
Second, I think saving the transaction globally (without using '/userId') is better. Because :
We need to able to summarize all transactions for accounting reason
If you think the query will be slow even after using index, you can consider loading part of query result using limitToFirst() just like pagination in web (infinite scroll in android). There is great tutorial here


Delete items in Cosmos DB with spare RUs

We use Cosmos DB to track all our devices and also data that is related to the device (and not stored in the device document itself) is stored in the same container with the same partition ID.
Both the device document and the related documents have /deviceId as the partition key. When a device is removed, then I remove the device document. I actually want to remove the entire partition, but this doesn't seem to be possible. So I revert to a query that queries for all items with this partition key and remove them from the database.
This works fine, but may consume a lot of RUs if there is a lot of related data (which may be true in some cases). I would rather just remove the device and schedule all related data for removal later (it doesn't hurt to have them in the database for a while). When RU utilization is low, then I start removing these items. Is there a standard solution to do this?
The best solution would be to schedule this and that Cosmos DB would process these commands when it has spare RUs, just like with the TTL deletion. Is this even possible?
A feature is now in preview to delete all items by partition key using fire and forget background processing model with a limited amount of available throughput. There's a signup link in the feature request page to get access to preview.
Currently, the API looks like a new DeleteAllItemsByPartitionKey method in the SDK.
It definitely is possible to set a TTL and then let Cosmos handle expiring data out of the container when it is idle. However, the cost to update the document in the first place is about what it costs to delete it anyway so you're not gaining much.
An approach as you suggest, may be to have a separate container (or even a queue) where you insert a new item with the deviceId to retire. Then in the evenings or during a time when you know the system is idle. Run a job that reads the next deviceId in the queue, queries for all the items with that partition key, then deletes the data or sets the TTL to expire the data.
There is a feature to delete an entire partition in the works that would be perfect for this scenario (in fact, it's designed for it) but no ETA on availability.

Downside of using transactions in google firestore

I'm developing a Flutter App and I'm using the Firebase services. I'd like to stick only to using transactions as I prefer consistency over simplicity.
await Firestore.instance.collection('user').document(id).updateData({'name': 'new name'});
await Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
transaction.update(Firestore.instance.collection('user').document(id), {'name': 'new name'});
Are there any (major) downsides to transactions? For example, are they more expensive (Firebase billing, not computationally)? After all there might be changes to the data on the Firestore database which will result in up to 5 retries.
For reference:
"You can also make atomic changes to data using transactions. While
this is a bit heavy-handed for incrementing a vote total, it is the
right approach for more complex changes."
With the specific code samples you're showing, there is little advantage to using a transaction. If your document update makes a static change to a document, without regard to its existing data, a transaction doesn't make sense. The transaction you're proposing is actually just a slower version of the update, since it has to round-trip with the server twice in order to make the change. A plain update just uses a single round trip.
For example, if you want to append data to a string, two clients might overwrite each other's changes, depending on when they each read the document. Using a transaction, you can be sure that each append is going to take effect, no matter when the append was executed, since the transaction will be retried with updated data in the face of concurrency.
Typically, you should strive to get your work done without transactions if possible. For example, prefer to use FieldValue.increment() outside of a transaction instead of manually incrementing within a transaction.
Transactions are intended to be used when you have changes to make to a document (or, typically, multiple documents) that must take the current values of its fields into account before making the final write. This prevents two clients from clobbering each others' changes when they should actually work in tandem.
Please read more about transactions in the documentation to better understand how they work. It is not quite like SQL transactions.
Are there any (major) downsides to transactions?
I don't know any downsides.
For example, are they more expensive (Firebase billing, not computationally)?
No, a transaction costs like any other write operaton. For example, if you create a transaction to increase a counter, you'll be charged with only one write operation.
I'm not sure I understand your last question completely but if a transaction fails, Cloud Firestore retries the transaction for sure.

Use transaction to update value at two different nodes

I have two different nodes in database.
all posts
As per the fan-out model when a user adds a post , it gets updated at both all posts and users/uid/posts.
Each post consists of a like button which displays the number of likes.
When a user clicks on it the like should increase by +1.
According to the docs, we use transactionfor this kind of process.
But the problem with using transaction is that it updates only one node as far as i know
But my problem is how shall i update this transaction in both the nodes as mentioned above
Shall i use update method
What is the way to use transaction that gets updated at both the nodes
You can push all your logic for updating the database onto the server side with Cloud Functions for Firebase. Use can use a database trigger to respond to data being written in the database, then execute some JavaScript to make sure the fan-out finishes correctly. It will have the advantage of making sure all the changes happen without depending on the client.
Transactions can't modify data at two different locations at once, but you will still probably want to use them in your client and Cloud Functions to make sure concurrent writes will not have problems.

'Assigning a player in multiplayer game' firebase example is not very scalable or is it?

In the firebase example (, to add an user to the game, we attach the transaction method to playerListRef. Now, every time firebase attempts to update data, it will call the callback passed to the transaction method with the list of userid of all players. If my game supports thousands of users to join at a time, every instance this method executes, the entire user list will be downloaded and passed which will be bad.
If this is true, what is the recommended way to assign users then?
This is specifically what Firebase was designed to handle. If your application needs to actually assign player numbers, this example is the way to go. Otherwise, if the players just need to be in the same "game" or "room" without any notion of ordering you could remove the transaction code to speed things up a bit. The snippet as well as the backend have handled the number of concurrent connections you've mentioned—if you're seeing any specific problems with your code or behavior with Firebase that appears to be a bug, please contact us at and we can dig into it.

How to lock a record when two members are trying to access it?

I have the scenario like this,
My environment is .Net2.0, VS 2008, Web Application
I need to lock a record when two members are trying to access at the same time.
We can do it in two ways,
By Front end (putting the sessionID and record unique number in the dictionary and keeping it as a static or application variable), we will release when the response is go out of that page, client is not connected, after the post button is clicked and session is out.
By backend (record locking in the DB itself - need to study - my team member is looking ).
Is there any others to ways to do and do I need to look at other ways in each and every steps?
Am I missing any conditions?
You do not lock records for clients, because locking a record for anything more than a few milliseconds is just about the most damaging thing one can do in a database. You should use instead Optimistic Concurrency: you detect if the record was changed since the last read and re-attempt the transaction (eg you re-display the screen to the user). How that is actually implemented, will depend on what DB technology you use (ADO.Net, DataSets, Linq, EF etc).
If the business domain requires lock-like behavior, those are always implemented as reservation logic in the database: when a record is displayed, it is 'reserved' so that no other users can attempt to make the same transaction. The reservation completes or times out or is canceled. But a 'reservation' is never done using locks, is always an explicit update of state from 'available' to 'reserved', or something similar.
This pattern is also describe din P of EAA: Optimistic Offline Lock.
If your talking about only reading data from a record from SQL server database, you don't need to do anything!!! SQL server will do everything about managing multi access to records. but if you want to manipulate data, you have to use Transactions.
I agree with Ramus. But still if u need it. Create a column with name like IsInUse as bit type and set it true if one is accessing. Since other guys will also need same data at same time then u need to save your app from crash .. so at every place from where the data is retrieved you have to put a check if IsInUse is False or not.
