Query string not retrieving data values - asp.net

Hope you guys could give me some help.
I have a asp.net web form which gets data from SQL database and displays it on webpage via product code number or product description.
Searching by description will display a list of similar products where each list will have a button with the product code when clicked will open another site with extra product information,
The problem is all the codes that start from 1 upwards will show more details, but when I click on product codes that start with 0 such as 00010, 08890 will show no data when in fact there should be data.
Any help would be appreciated.
code I have below,
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Val(Request.QueryString("Stock_code")) <> 0 Then
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable
Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT STKCODE as [Stock_Code], STKNAME as [Stock_Description], STK_BASEPRICE as [Retail_Price], STK_SORT_KEY2 as [Pack_Size], STK_NOTES as [Notes], STK_P_WEIGHT as [Net_Weight], STK_S_WEIGHT as [Gross_Weight] FROM dbo.STK_STOCK WHERE STKCODE = '" & Val(Request.QueryString("Stock_code")) & "'"
Dim strQUery2 As String = "SELECT LOC_CODE as [Location_Code], LOC_NAME as [Location], LOC_PHYSICAL as [Physical_Stock] FROM dbo.STK_LOCATION WHERE LOC_CODE IN ('WH01','WH03','WH04','WH08','WH11')" & _
"AND LOC_STOCK_CODE = '" & Val(Request.QueryString("Stock_code")) & "'"
Dim strQuery3 As String = "SELECT STKLANG_STOCKNAME as [Chinese_Description] FROM dbo.STK_STOCK_LANG WHERE STKLANG_STOCKCODE ='" & Val(Request.QueryString("stock_code")) & "'"
Dim strQuery4 = "SELECT STK_SELLPRICE1 as [Retail_Price], STK_SELLPRICE5 as [Retail_Rest_Split] FROM dbo.STK_STOCK_2 WHERE STKCODE2 = '" & Val(Request.QueryString("stock_code")) & "'"
Using cmd4 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strQuery4)
Dim da3 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dt4 As New DataTable
cmd4.Connection = cnn : cnn.Open()
da3.SelectCommand = cmd4
For i = 0 To dt4.Rows.Count - 1
Label8.Text = dt4.Rows(i).Item("Retail_Rest_Split")
End Using
Using cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strQuery)
Dim sda As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
cmd.Connection = cnn : cnn.Open()
sda.SelectCommand = cmd
For i = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
Label7.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Stock_Code")
Label1.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Notes")
Label3.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Retail_Price")
Label4.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Pack_Size")
Label5.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Stock_Description")
'Label8.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Pack_Size")
Label9.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Net_Weight")
Label10.Text = dt.Rows(i).Item("Gross_Weight")
GridView1.DataSource = dt
End Using
Dim dt3 As DataTable = New DataTable
Using cmd3 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strQuery3)
Dim da2 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
cmd3.Connection = cnn : cnn.Open()
da2.SelectCommand = cmd3
End Using
For i = 0 To dt3.Rows.Count - 1
Label6.Text = dt3.Rows(i).Item("Chinese_Description")
Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand
Dim dt2 As New DataTable
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
With cmd2
.Connection = cnn
.CommandText = strQUery2
End With
da.SelectCommand = cmd2
GridView1.DataSource = dt2
End If
End Sub

You want to use a paramaterized query like this (I'm going to fold that query string to make it more readable without having to scroll horizontally):
Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT STKCODE as [Stock_Code], STKNAME as [Stock_Description],
STK_BASEPRICE as [Retail_Price], STK_SORT_KEY2 as
[Pack_Size], STK_NOTES as [Notes], STK_P_WEIGHT as
[Net_Weight], STK_S_WEIGHT as [Gross_Weight] FROM
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(strQuery)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#StockCode", Request.QueryString("Stock_code"))
' Do your other stuff here.
End Using
Note, that you don't want to just use string concatenation to insert your query parameter. That opens you up to SQL injection attacks.
Instead, you use a placeholder in your query like #StockCode. Then you call AddWithValue on the command to give it the value of that parameter.
You can also explicitly specify the parameter type if you need to:
' Add CustomerID parameter for WHERE clause.
command.Parameters.Add("#ID", SqlDbType.Int)
command.Parameters("#ID").Value = customerID

Assuming they are all 5 digit codes, this will make sure the stock code is numeric.
String.Format("{0:00000}", Integer.Parse(Request.QueryString("Stock_code")))
Will raise an exception if Request.QueryString("Stock_code") is not parsed as integer, which prevents against malicious injection.
For example:
Dim stockCode = String.Format("{0:00000}", Integer.Parse(Request.QueryString("Stock_code")))
Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT STKCODE as [Stock_Code], STKNAME as [Stock_Description], STK_BASEPRICE as [Retail_Price], STK_SORT_KEY2 as [Pack_Size], STK_NOTES as [Notes], STK_P_WEIGHT as [Net_Weight], STK_S_WEIGHT as [Gross_Weight] FROM dbo.STK_STOCK WHERE STKCODE = '" & stockCode & "'"
Dim strQUery2 As String = "SELECT LOC_CODE as [Location_Code], LOC_NAME as [Location], LOC_PHYSICAL as [Physical_Stock] FROM dbo.STK_LOCATION WHERE LOC_CODE IN ('WH01','WH03','WH04','WH08','WH11')" & "AND LOC_STOCK_CODE = '" & stockCode & "'"
Dim strQuery3 As String = "SELECT STKLANG_STOCKNAME as [Chinese_Description] FROM dbo.STK_STOCK_LANG WHERE STKLANG_STOCKCODE ='" & stockCode & "'"
Dim strQuery4 = "SELECT STK_SELLPRICE1 as [Retail_Price], STK_SELLPRICE5 as [Retail_Rest_Split] FROM dbo.STK_STOCK_2 WHERE STKCODE2 = '" & stockCode & "'"
#dwilliss has just answered the question using parameters, which is probably better than my method. Posting this anyway


Make a for each using SqlDataReader vb.net

i need store the value "IdMaterial" from table 1 ( imagine that have more that 40 records) into a array save all that reacord into table 2 on the code i will show you only save me the first record and not all.
i will apreceate your help i a noobie in proraming
Code :
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Dim mater As String
Dim planta As String
Dim almacen As String
Dim lot As String
Dim cantidad As String
Dim cantadiat As String
Dim undad As String
Dim Cantidadc As String
Dim CantidadB As String
Dim Session1 As String
Dim fecha As String
Dim Con34 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Con34.ConnectionString = C.GetAppConfiguracion("Inventario", "ConnInventario")
Dim editCustQuery As String = "select * from dbo.s_RptInventarioSAP"
Using CustCommand As New SqlCommand(editCustQuery, Con34)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = CustCommand.ExecuteReader()
mater = dr.GetString(0)
planta = dr.GetString(1)
almacen = dr.GetString(2)
lot = dr.GetString(3)
cantidad = dr.GetString(4)
cantadiat = dr.GetString(5)
undad = dr.GetString(6)
Cantidadc = dr.GetString(7)
CantidadB = dr.GetString(8)
Session1 = dr.GetString(9)
fecha = dr.GetDateTime(10)
end using
Dim Con As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim StrSQL As String
Con.ConnectionString = C.GetAppConfiguracion("Inventario", "ConnInventario")
StrSQL = ""
StrSQL = "EXEC P_AsigDupla '" & Txtfecha.Text & "','" & cboPlanta0.SelectedValue & "', '" & cboPlanta0.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & cboAlmacen.SelectedValue & "', '" & cboAlmacen.SelectedItem.Text & "', '" & mater & "', '" & lot & "'"
Dim CmdAd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(StrSQL, Con)
i = i + 1
Catch ex As Exception
lbError0.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If
End Sub
First of all if I understand correctly, you want to put the information of those 40 rows and multiple columns into multiple arrays. If that is true then you are missing () when declaring the arrays.
Dim mater() As String
Dim planta() As String
Dim almacen() As String
Dim lot() As String
Dim cantidad() As String
Dim cantadiat() As String
Dim undad() As String
Dim Cantidadc() As String
Dim CantidadB() As String
Dim Session1() As String
Dim fecha() As String
Dim RowCounter as Integer = 0
Second I will approach this different. I will run the query and put the result into a DataTable. Then with a For go through each row and start filling the arrays.
Dim MySQLExecute As New MySqlCommand(MySQLCommand, MySQLConnection)
Dim MySQLAdapter As MySqlDataAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(MySQLExecute)
Dim TableResult As New DataTable("QueryResult")
For each tablerow as DataRow in TableResult.Rows
mater(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(0)
planta(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(1)
almacen(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(2)
lot(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(3)
cantidad(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(4)
cantadiat(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(5)
undad(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(6)
Cantidadc(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(7)
CantidadB(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(8)
Session1(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(9)
fecha(RowCounter) = TableResult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(10)
The comment did not have enough characters for the answer for the second issue so here it goes.
Ok, I see you are using values from the array mater, and lot, but you have to define which one of the values inside the array.
mater() and lot() are as long as the amount of rows of the of the table in the database. So if you have 20 rows on that table, the array lot will have 20 elements going from lot(0) to lot(19) and the same for the others.
If you need to get resultado for each row, then you have to define resultado() as an array and use the same FOR to fill it.
resultado(RowCounter)=GM.AsigDupla(Txtfecha.Text, cboPlanta0.SelectedValue, cboPlanta0.SelectedItem.Text, cboAlmacen.SelectedValue, cboAlmacen.SelectedItem.Text, mater(RowCounter), lot(RowCounter)
I hope this solve your issue.

Using ViewState to apply filters on Listview

I have used ListView Control to gets list of products from database. I also stores result in viewstate . Now to apply filter from checkbox to get refined data I want to know how can I use viewState values?
e.g. If 10 Products found in Music category when page loads. Now if user apply filter(Bluetooth) then only that products should be shown which are in Music & has bluetooth..
Now It is working Like on page load Music category gets fetched Then if I check Bluetooth filter then all bluetooth products comes which are not related to music.
Private Sub shop_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim pageName As String = Me.Page.RouteData.Values("category").ToString()
if not Me.isPostback Then
query = select * from products where category = '"+pageName+"'
Dim conString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("conio").ConnectionString
Dim con As New MySqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(query)
Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter()
cmd.Connection = con
da.SelectCommand = cmd
Dim dt As New DataTable()
ViewState("Data") = dt
products.DataSource = dt
catHeading.Text = pageName
itemCount.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Filter Apply code
Private Sub priceFilter_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles priceFilter.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim price As String = priceFilter.SelectedValue.ToString()
Dim dt As DataTable = DirectCast(ViewState("Data"), DataTable)
Dim dr As DataRow() = dt.[Select]((Convert.ToString("category='") & price) + "'")
products.DataSource = dt
itemCount.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString
End Sub
I just want when user apply any filter then it should check from viewstate(Data) rather to entire table.
Save your category in viewstate & on Checked get that category in string & join that string in your query. something like this
Dim constr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connectionstring").ConnectionString
Dim query As String = "select * from table"
Dim joiner As String = ""
Dim condition As String = String.Empty
Dim whereClause As String = String.Empty
Dim priceCondition As String = String.Empty
Dim category As String = ViewState("Data")
condition = String.Concat(condition, joiner, String.Format("{0}", category))
If joiner = "" Then joiner = ""
joiner = " where "
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(condition) Then
whereClause = String.Concat(whereClause, joiner, String.Format("category Like '%{0}%'", condition))
joiner = " and "
End If
'Same way you can apply multiple filters as you want & then get that in one string like below
Dim masterClause As String = String.Empty
masterClause = (query & whereClause)
Using con As New MySqlConnection(constr)
Using cmd As New MySqlCommand(masterClause)
Using sda As New MySqlDataAdapter(cmd)
cmd.Connection = con
Using dt As New DataTable()
products.DataSource = dt
itemCount.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Using
For your filter you could use :
Dim dt As DataTable = DirectCast(ViewState("Data"), DataTable)
Dim dr As DataRow() = dt.Select("category='" & category & "'")
products.DataSource = dr
itemCount.Text = dr.Length

vb.net OleDbDataAdapter not working with Select From Where

If I Debug this I just get a Invalid Columnname Error("Name of the Object"). I am using a SQL database.
Protected Sub ddlKunden_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlKunden.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim strSql As String
Dim kontakt As String = ddlKunden.SelectedItem.Value
Dim dtbP As DataTable
Using connection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConnection)
connection.ConnectionString = strConnection
'Kontaktpersonen laden
strSql = "SELECT * FROM Kontaktpersonen WHERE Nr =" & Chr(34) & kontakt & Chr(34)
dtbP = New DataTable()
Using dad As New OleDbDataAdapter(strSql, connection)
End Using
ddlKontaktperson.DataSource = dtbP
ddlKontaktperson.DataTextField = "AP_Nam"
ddlKontaktperson.DataValueField = "ID"
End Using
ddlKontaktperson.Visible = True
End Sub
The Error pops at
It should select all rows Where Nr="SELECTED VALUE" and you select it in a dropdownlist. And all these rows should be saved in a Datatable then and are used in another dropdownlist.
It works when I try the exact same thing without the where.
'Kunden laden
strSql = "SELECT * FROM Kontakte"
dtbK = New DataTable()
Using dad As New OleDbDataAdapter(strSql, connection)
End Using
ddlKunden.DataSource = dtbK
ddlKunden.DataTextField = "Nr"
ddlKunden.DataValueField = "Nr"
Please try following code
You do not need to use "'" around parameters
Just add these values as a parameter to the oledbcommand with its value and type
Otherwise, your sql command will be vulnerable to sql injection
Dim strConnection As String = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=(local);" &
"Initial Catalog=kodyaz;" &
"User Id=sa;Password=sa"
Dim kontakt As Int32 = 1
Dim dtbP As DataTable
Using connection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConnection)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand()
cmd.Connection = connection
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Kontaktpersonen WHERE Nr = ?"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Nr", kontakt)
dtbP = New DataTable()
Using dad As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
End Using
End Using

GridViewUpdateEventArgs not working with update to sql table

I'm not getting my GridViewUpdateEventArgs to work for some reason.
I'm trying to update my gridview(table in sql) but it´s not working.
And i don´t know how to write the the Where clause in the sql to match.
Public Sub GridView1_RowUpdating(sender As Object, e As GridViewUpdateEventArgs)
Dim SelectRow As GridViewRow = Gridview1.Rows(e.RowIndex)
Dim RowID As HiddenField = Gridview1.FindControl("ID")
Dim Report As String = SelectRow.Cells(1).Text
Dim BusinessArea As String = SelectRow.Cells(2).Text
Dim Salesdepartment As String = SelectRow.Cells(3).Text
Using SqlConnection As New SqlConnection(SqlConnectionString)
Dim SqlCommand As New SqlCommand("UPDATE TEST SET Report = ('" & Report & "'), [Business Area] = ('" & BusinessArea & "'), Salesdepartment = ('" & Salesdepartment & "') WHERE ID = #RowID ", SqlConnection)
Dim SqlDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(SqlCommand)
Dim dataSet As New DataSet()
Gridview1.EditIndex = -1
End Using
The "ID" column is my PK in the table and is in a (ItemTemplate) (Hidden)
In this Way SqlDataAdapter can't update database record, see here how to update record using SqlDataAdapter .
or you can try like this:
Dim row As GridViewRow = Gridview1.Rows(e.RowIndex)
Dim hf As HiddenField = TryCast(row.FindControl("ID"), HiddenField)
Dim Report As [String] = row.Cell(1).Text
Dim BusinessArea As [String] = row.Cell(2).Text
Dim Salesdepartment As [String] = row.Cell(3).Text
Using SqlConnection As New SqlConnection(SqlConnectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE TEST SET Report = #Report,[Business Area] =#BusinessArea, Salesdepartment=#Salesdepartment WHERE ID = #RowID ", SqlConnection)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Report", Report)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#BusinessArea", BusinessArea)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Salesdepartment", Salesdepartment)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#RowID", hf.Value)
Gridview1.EditIndex = -1
End Using

ASP.NET variable not getting assigned values

Im having problem with this asp.net code.
the variables qty and itname are not getting valid values ...can anyone find out the problem ?
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class consolidate
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public lastreq_no As Int32
Protected Sub btnconsolidate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnconsolidate.Click
Dim qtypen As Integer
Dim qtypencil As Integer
Dim qtygbag As Integer
Dim qtysugar As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim req As Integer
Dim qty As Integer
Dim itname As String = ""
Dim sqlcon As New SqlConnection("Data Source=user-hp\sqlexpress;initial catalog=campco;integrated security=true;")
If sqlcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim str As String
str = "Select Req_no from Requirements "
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(str, sqlcon)
Dim sdr As SqlDataReader
sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
lastreq_no = sdr.GetInt32(sdr.VisibleFieldCount - 1)
For i = 0 To sdr.VisibleFieldCount - 1
req = sdr.GetInt32(i)
While req > lastreq_no
Dim selcomnd1 As String
Dim selcomnd2 As String
selcomnd1 = "Select #itname=It_name from Requirements where Req_no= #req"
selcomnd2 = "Select #qty= Quantity from Requirements where Req_no= #req"
Dim sqlcomnd1 As New SqlCommand(selcomnd1, sqlcon)
Dim sqlcomnd2 As New SqlCommand(selcomnd2, sqlcon)
sqlcomnd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#itname", itname)
sqlcomnd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#qty", qty)
TextBox1.Text = itname
TextBox2.Text = qty
Select Case (itname)
Case "Pen"
qtypen += qty
lastreq_no = req
Case "Pencil"
qtypencil += qty
lastreq_no = req
Case "Gunny bag"
qtygbag += qty
lastreq_no = req
Case "Sugar"
qtysugar += qty
lastreq_no = req
End Select
End While
If sqlcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim comm As String
comm = "Insert into Consolidate (lastr_no,qtypen,qtypencil,qtygunnybag,qtysugar)values('" + lastreq_no.ToString + "','" + qtypen.ToString + "','" + qtypencil.ToString + "','" + qtygbag.ToString + "','" + qtysugar.ToString + "')"
Dim sqlcomm As New SqlCommand(comm, sqlcon)
Dim s As String
s = sqlcomm.ExecuteNonQuery()
End Sub
End Class
To start with, neither scalar statement is valid. Have you attempted to run those statements in SQL Management Studio or similar program to test the statements themselves? They should be something like:
selcomnd1 = "Select It_name from Requirements where Req_no=#req"
selcomnd2 = "Select Quantity from Requirements where Req_no=#req"
And then you would assign them in this manner:
itname = CType(sqlcmnd1.ExecuteScalar(), String) ' .ToString() would probably work here as well
qty = Convert.Int32(sqlcmnd2.ExecuteScalar())
Or you could use .TryParse for the qty:
Integer.TryParse(sqlcmnd2.ExecuteScalar(), qty)
The line
sqlcomnd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#itname", itname)
provides an input parameter with the value itname. No value has been assigned to this variable.
You need to add an output parameter: see here for how to do this.
Get output parameter value in ADO.NET
