doesn't contain a definition for button and Layout - button

I created an Android project on Xamarin and added a button in the layout but I'm having this error of Resource.Id doesn't contain a definition for Button when i create the button using FindViewById in the Activity. Despite giving the an id to the button and layout using (android:id="#+id/btnShow"), I'm still having the error. I checked the Resource.Designer but could not find the aapt for the button.
Another issue that I faced is when I created a layout, gave it and defined it in an activity but the Resource.layout doesn't contain a definition for the layout.
However, other buttons and layouts can be defined in my activities

Actually this problem occurs when your ResourceDesigner.cs file has not yet mapped the file that you added to your resource directory(Xamarin Bug). The easiest way i would suggest to handle this situation is you comment the code you are trying to write and clean build your project and it will work like a charm. Good luck!


Mageno module idea

I'm working on Magento modules.
After few guides I managed to create module that says "hellow world".
Also I have made some of css code that add simple image border around whole page.
So the problem is: how to combine them together?
I want that when I install my module, image border appears around page.
What should I be looking for? Any tips? I need right path to look for answers
You need to to
Create a module
That modifies the global layout such that your CSS is added to the page
Re: number two, there's multiple ways to go about doing this. These days I favor the event/observer method
Add an observer for the controller_action_layout_generate_blocks_after event
Fetch the head block from the layout in your observer method
If you find a head block, add your CSS file to it programtically
The more traditional way is
Configure you module to include an additional layout update XML file
In the default handle of your new layout update XML file, add XML that tells Magento to add your CSS file
That should give you enough to google on and come back with more specific questions. Good luck!

Drupal - Load CKeditor with Simplified Toolbar on dynamically created page element

Drupal 6 ckeditor 3.6.4
I have page that loads the text area dynamically, so I am using
Which works, but it is bringing in the full toolbar. I would prefer that the simplified toolbar is used, but it would also be acceptable to use the toolbar I have defined if loading the simplified is not possible. Least desirable would be to hard-code the toolbar, but I consider that a last resort. How do I accomplish this?
I have tried
toolbar : 'myprofile'
Which throws js error: Type x is undefined , I think related to the fact that it cant load the profile. Suggestions?
For better or worse, this is how I did it:

Could not resolve * to a component implementation

I'm a wee bit stuck on this, and was hoping you might have some input to help me.
I'm getting the "Could not resolve * to a component implementation." error message. However, everything I've read about this via Google hasn't helped my case in the slightest. I presume I'm just missing something obvious, but maybe its something more serious.
So, to solve this problem, I've tried two things, and both work, as far as they take me. First, I added a new component, of the exact same variety, and then copied the contents of the erroring component into it. I replace the viewstack 'page' with the new component (which as near as I can tell is IDENTICAL, but with a different name), and the compiler error goes away.
I can also solve this by simply renaming the original component & letting FB4 refactor for me. The error goes away again. But if I then re-rename back to the original name, I get the compiler error again.
I've tried to clean the project several times, and that doesn't help. Neither does deleting the workspace, and re-importing the project.
I'd really like to understand what I've done wrong here. What am I missing?
Thanks much!
Try the following:
Right-click on your project in the
Package Explorer.
Select "Properties" in the pop-up
menu (last item).
Click "Flex Library Build Path"
Click the "Classes" tab
Try to find the name of your new component in there. If you do, see if it is checked or not. If it is not, check it. That should solve the problem right there, but you may have to clean and (sometimes) quit FB4 and relaunch.
Usually errors like this means you have two components named similarly and the compiler couldn't tell which one you wanted to use.
Do you have another component with the same, even in a different package? Or do you have a variable in your component the same name as the component? Be sure to check your SWCs and/or Library projects.
I'm assuming this is a compile time error; is that correct?
In my case the problem was solved by changing the SDK version of the Flex Compiler to 4.5
You can try with different SDK versions, until you get your component to compile or until the error changes to something related to a theme related error.
After changin this I got an error related to a propertie that is not supported by the current theme, so I open the component in design view and in the Properties View selected the Appearance tab and changed the theme from SPARK to HALO
Hope this is usefull for somebody else
One cause of this error is that the default xml namespace for the component is not the same as the the package in which the component resides.
Check to make sure that the default xmlns entry in the component definition is the same as the package.
For example:
If you have an component MyControl.mxml located in the package
The mxml opening tag might look something like this:
<MyControl xmlns:mx=""
Note how the default xmlns entry points to the same package.
Why this happens:
What often happens is that after you refactor an MXML class by moving it to a new package you will end up with a an valid but not correct mxml definition.
For example say I refactor and move the MyControl.mxml from the package to the package. The xmlns definitions will not be updated so they will look like this:
<controls:MyControl xmlns:mx=""
Note how the default namespace still points to the package and the mxml tag MyControl has to be prefixed by the namespace controls this is an indication of the issue.
Now here is the catch; This is technically valid and will often work. The reason is that it is valid and the components can all be found in their defined xmlns locations.
The problem comes when you try to use a component that is expected to be found, by the framework or parent component, in the default namespace. A good example of this is and other subcomponents of the parent mxml component you might be extending.
To fix this you should modify the mxml tag and namespaces so that the default namespace is the same as the current package. (As in the first example)
Might be I am very late to answer this question, but this might be because the package name which is associating with your class is not the exact and appropriate.

Drupal views add form to add record

I have some view which lists my module table entries.
What is the most elegant way to attach a form below the view to add record?
Waht I am trying to do know is:
I created dedicated form in my module:
function my_module_form_add_record($form_state) {
form fields.....
I added to the view theme file:
$add_form = drupal_get_form('my_module_form_add_record');
print $add_form;
But I do not like this solution for at least 2 reasons:
I does not work ...
2. Even if it worked - it is depended on the theme file! So if I change the theme - functionality is crashed.
I would like to find more elegant solution to attach form from custom module to the view.
I know of the existence of the "Views Attach" module but it has no option of adding custom forms.
I know also of the existence of the Views Embedded form (and I am usig it) but it is only useful if you want to add form to the every row.
Seems the must be some solution to add record from the view page!
Thanks you for help.
you could use hook_views_pre_render:
This hook is called right before the render process. The query has been executed, and the pre_render() phase has already happened for handlers, so all data should be available.
Adding output to the view can be accomplished by placing text on $view->attachment_before and $view->attachment_after. Altering the content can be achieved by editing the items of $view->result.

seam-gen and flex

I have integrated seam and flex with FlamingoDS
I got html file from mxml file and I stored it in WebContent folder it's fine
then I want to create link named as 'Plan' in menu.xhtml
My aim is to get that html file when i clicked on this button I don't know what to do for that
so, I have created some test.xhtml in that top element is the
for the template attribute this element I have given the template.html
and I used
then for 'Plan' link I gave the view="/test.xhtml"
It's fine when I clicked on that link I am getting the test.seam file which includes our html file but this html file is coming in some fixed area with scroll bars only eventhough there is a lot of space to fit
Please help...... me
First of all, it is very difficult to read your post. Please format it more readable.
Secondly, we can only guess what's wrong when we cannot see any code. But my hunch is that you are using s:decorate that includes some formating you are not aware of. This comes in standard seam-gen. Try removing that s:decorate stuff or point to another style you wish to use.
