How can I acquire a server session from a Lotus Domino OSGI servlet - servlets

From a Domino OSGi Servlet I can acquire a user session using:
However, as part of the execution of the servlet I need to access a database to retrieve configuration settings. This database is only accessible to Admins and the server so I need, ideally, a signer or server session as well.
Is this possible?

You can create a server session with NotesFactory.createSession().
The class must be imported by import lotus.domino.NotesFactory;

There are unsupported methods available in the lotus.domino code that can do this, which are used in org.openntf.domino.session.NativeSession ( and
If you want that and more, OpenNTF Domino API Starter Servlet uses ODA to provide a starter OSGi servlet that brings all the benefits of ODA plus examples of JSON handling from IBM packages and an optional HTTP Service. There is an introductory video on NotesIn9.


ServiceClient Caching Resutls

I am using ServiceClient to access data in dataverse from a c# application. The application is a worker service and the service client is injected into the application using dependency injection as a singleton. I am seeing the service client cache results. Is there a work around for this. If I update the record in dataverse my application continues to pull the old data.
It appears since my context was a singleton I needed to detatch any records that I may have already queried.

Axon Distributed Command Bus+getting 404 while Posting the command

I am using axon distributed command bus autoconfiguration using spring cloud and eureka
I observed all the required beans are getting created./member-capabilities is also exchanging the command information with other services and it is I can see this mapping exists in request mappings as well. Now when the command is being sent from another service by internally making a post-call to /spring-command-bus-connector/command endpoint
I am getting 404.
I checked that SpringHttpCommandBusConnector's bean is loaded in application context
I tried adding a component scan as well
Also tried registering this mapping manually with dispatcher servlet still no luck

Spring Cloud Contract Debugging

Im new to Spring Cloud contract. I have written the groovy contract but the wiremock tests are failing. All I see in the console is
org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<[2]00> but was:<[4]00>
Can anyone please guide me how to enable more debugging ad also is there a way to print the request and response sent by wiremock?
I have set the in my spring boot app but no luck
If you use one of the latest version of sc-contract, WireMock should print exactly what wasn't matched. You can also read the documentation over here where we answer your questions in more depth. Let me copy that part for you
86.8 How can I debug the request/response being sent by the generated tests client? The generated tests all boil down to RestAssured in some
form or fashion which relies on Apache HttpClient. HttpClient has a
facility called wire logging which logs the entire request and
response to HttpClient. Spring Boot has a logging common application
property for doing this sort of thing, just add this to your
application properties
86.8.1 How can I debug the mapping/request/response being sent by WireMock? Starting from version 1.2.0 we turn on WireMock logging to
info and the WireMock notifier to being verbose. Now you will exactly
know what request was received by WireMock server and which matching
response definition was picked.
To turn off this feature just bump WireMock logging to ERROR
86.8.2 How can I see what got registered in the HTTP server stub? You can use the mappingsOutputFolder property on #AutoConfigureStubRunner
or StubRunnerRule to dump all mappings per artifact id. Also the port
at which the given stub server was started will be attached.
86.8.3 Can I reference text from file? Yes! With version 1.2.0 we’ve added such a possibility. It’s enough to call file(…​) method in the
DSL and provide a path relative to where the contract lays. If you’re
using YAML just use the bodyFromFile property.

WCF service architecture query

I have an application that consists of a web application, and mutliple windows services, only one windows service is installed depending on what version of the backend sofware is used.
Currently, Data is saved by the web app in a database, then the relevant service is installed and this picks up the data and posts it in to the backend system that is installed.
I want to change this to use WCF services so the resulting data is returned directly to the web app.
I have not used WCF services before but Im assuming I can do something like this.
WebApp.Objects.Dll - contains Database objects, eg PurchaseOrder object
WebApp.Service.Contracts.dll - here I can describe the service methods, this will reference the WebApp.Objects.dll so I can take a PurchaseOrder object as a parameter
WebApp.Service.2011.dll - This will be the actual service for the 2011 version of the backend system, this will reference the WebApp.Service.Contracts dll
WebApp.Service.2012.dll - This will be the actual service for the 2012 version of the backend system, this will reference the WebApp.Service.Contracts dll
So, my question is, does the web app need to know the specifics about what backend WCF service is used? I just want to call a service with the specified Interface and not care about how its implemented or what it does internally, but just to return the purchase order that was created in the backend system (whether it return an interface or a concrete class)
Will i be able to create a service client without needing to know whether its the 2011, or 2012 WCF service being used?
As long as you are able to use the exact same contract for all the versions the web application does not need to know which version of the WCF service it is accessing.
In the configuration of the web application, you specify the URL and the contract. However, besides the contract there might be other differences between the services. In an extreme example this might mean that v2011 uses a different binding as v2012 of the backend - which is not very likely from your description. But also subtle differences in the configuration or the behavior of the services should be addressed in the configuration files. E.g. if v2012 needs longer for an action as v2011 does, the timeouts need to be configured so that the longer time of v2012 does not lead to an expiration.

Is there any JMX - REST bridge available?

Hi I would like to monitor a Java application using the browser but at the same time utilising the existing JMX infrastructure.
I know that JMX provides a HTTP interface but I think it provides a standard web gui and its not possible to mashup its functionality with an existing system.
Are you aware of any REST interface for JMX?
My research on google currently shows that there is one project which does something similar. Is this the only option?
Jolokia is a new (at this time) JMX Agent you can install in your JVM and exposes the MBeanServer over HTTP in JSON format.
Tomcat provides a JMX Proxy Servlet in its Manager Application. I don't think it's exactly REST, but it's stateless and is built from simple HTTP requests, so it should be close enough.
For posterity, I've recently added a little web server to my SimpleJMX package. It exposes beans from the platform MBeanServer to HTTP via Jetty if in the classpath. There is also text versions of all pages that make it easy to scrape.
// create a new JMX server listening on a specific port
JmxServer jmxServer = new JmxServer(8000);
// register any beans to jmx as necessary
// create a web server publisher listening on a specific port
JmxWebServer jmxWebServer = new JmxWebServer(8080);
There's a little test program which shows it in operation. Here's an image of java.lang:type=Memory accessed from a browser. As you can see the output is very basic HTML.
You might want to have a look at jmx4perl. It comes with an agent servlet which proxies REST request to local JMX calls and returns a JSON structure with the answers. It supports read, write, exec, list (list of mbeans) and search operations and knows how to dive into complex data structures via an XPath like expression. Look at the protocol description for more details.
The forthcoming release can deal with bulk (== multiple at once) requests as well and adds the possibility to post a JSON request as alternative to a pure REST GET-request.
In one of the next releases there will support a proxy mode so that no agent servlet needs to be deployed on the target platform, but only on an intermediate, proxy server.
MX4J is another alternative., quoting below from the it's home page -
MX4J is a project to build an Open Source implementation of the Java(TM) Management Extensions (JMX) and of the JMX Remote API (JSR 160) specifications, and to build tools relating to JMX.
