R displaying unicode/utf-8 encoding rather the special characters - r

I have a dataframe in R which has one row of utf-8 encoded special characters and one integer row.
If I display both rows, or go into the view(), I do not see the characters displayed correctly.
However, if I only select the row with the special characters, it works. Any ideas?
This is the output (if I paste it, the encoding disappears):

This looks like a bug in R. I've worked around a number of these in the corpus package. Try the following
Alternatively, do
class(WW_mapping) <- c("corpus_frame", "data.frame")
Adding the "corpus_frame" class to the data frame changes the print and format methods; otherwise, it does not change the behavior of the object.
If that doesn't work, please report your sessionInfo() along with dput(WW_mapping). (Actually, even if this fix does work, please report this information so that we can let the R core developers know about the problem.)


Standardise strings in cells of a dataframe in R that appear bold

Loading an Excel sheet into R, some strings in the cells of the dataframe appear to be bold and in a different format. For example, like so:
And when I copy paste this string into the R console, it appears like this:
Anyone know how to fix this (revert these strings into the standard format) in R?
Want to avoid going back into Excel to fix it.
These are actually UTF-8 encoded letters in the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols block in Unicode, and they don't map nicely back on to 'standard' ASCII letters in R unless you have a pre-existing mapping function such as utf8_normalize from the utf8 package:
utf8_normalize('๐‡๐š๐ข๐๐š๐ซ๐š', map_compat = TRUE)
#> [1] "Haidara"
However, I would strongly recommend that you fix your Excel file before importing to avoid having to do this; it works with the example you have given us here, but there may be unwelcome surprises in converting some of your other strings.

How do I get EXCEL to interpret character variable without scientific notation in R using fwrite?

I have a relatively simple issue when writing out in R with fwrite from the data.table package I am getting a character vector interpreted as scientific notation by Excel. You can run the following code to create the data issue:
#create example
samp = data.table(id = c("7E39", "7G32","5D99999"))
fwrite(samp,"test.csv",row.names = F)
When you read this back into R you get values back no problem if you have scinote disable. My less code capable colleagues work with the csv directly in excel and they see this:
They can attempt to change the variable to text but excel then interprets all the zeros. I want them to see the original "7E39" from the data table created. Any ideas how to avoid this issue?
PS: I'm working with millions of rows so write.csv is not really an option
One workaround I've found is to just create a mock variable with quotes:
samp = data.table(id = c("7E39", "7G32","5D99999"))[,id2:=shQuote(id)]
I prefer a tidyr solution (pun intended), as I hate unnecessary columns
Following R2Evan's solution I adapted it to data table with the following (factoring another numerical column, to see if any changes occured):
#create example
samp = data.table(id = c("7E39", "7G32","5D99999"))[,second_var:=c(1,2,3)]
fwrite(samp[,id:=sprintf("=%s", shQuote(id))],
"foo.csv", row.names=FALSE)
It's a kludge, and dang-it for Excel to force this (I've dealt with it before).
write.csv(data.frame(id=sprintf("=%s", shQuote(c("7E39", "7G32","5D99999")))),
"foo.csv", row.names=FALSE)
This is forcing Excel to consider that column a formula, and interpret it as such. You'll see that in Excel, it is a literal formula that assigns a static string.
This is obviously not portable and prone to all sorts of problems, but that is Excel's way in this regard.
(BTW: I used write.csv here, but frankly it doesn't matter which function you use, as long as it passes the string through.)
Another option, but one that your consumers will need to do, not you.
If you export the file "as is", meaning the cell content is just "7E39", then an auto-import within Excel will always try to be smart about that cell's content. However, you can manually import the data.
Using Excel 2016 (32bit, on win10_64bit, if it matters):
Open Excel (first), have an (optionally empty) worksheet already open
On the ribbon: Data > Get External Data > From Text
Navigate to the appropriate file (CSV)
Select "Delimited" (file type), click Next, select "Comma" (and optionally deselect any others that may default to selected), Next
Click on the specific column(s) and set the "Default data format" to "Text" (this will need to be done for any/all columns where this is a problem). Multiple columns can be Shift-selected (for a range of columns), but not Ctrl-selected. Finish.
Choose the top-left cell to import/paste the data (or a new worksheet)
Select Properties..., and deselect "Save query definition". Without this step, the data is considered a query into an external data source, which may not be a problem but makes some things a little annoying. (For example, try to highlight all data and delete it ... Excel really wants to make sure you know what you're doing there.)
This method provides a portable solution. It "punishes" the Excel users, but anybody/anything else will still be able to consume the files directly without change. The biggest disadvantage with this method is that you won't know if somebody loads it incorrectly unless/until they get odd results when the try to use the data and some fields are silently converted.

The R package XLSX is converting entire column to string or boolean when one cell is not numeric

I am using a shiney interface under R to read in a CSV file and load it into one sheet of an excel xlsm file. The file then allows user input and preforms calculations based on VBA macros.
The R xlsx package is working well for preserving the VBA and formatting in the original excel sheet. However some of the data is being converted to a different data type than intended. For example a cell containing the string "F" is causing the column containing it to be converted to type boolean, or a miss-entered number in one cell is causing the entire column to be converted to string.
Can this behavior be controlled so that, for example, cells with valid numbers are not converted to string type? Is there a work-around? Or can someone just help me to understand what is happening in the guts of the package to cause this effect so I can try to find a way around it?
Here are the calls in question:
#excelType() points to an excel xlsm template
data = read.csv("results.csv")
excelForm = loadWorkbook(excelType())
sheets = getSheets(excelForm)
addDataFrame(data, sheets[[1]], col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow=2, colStyle = NULL)
saveWorkbook(excelForm, "results.xlsm")
I hope this is the correct protocol for explaining the outcome which worked for me. I hope it will be of help to others if they end up doing something similar, though the solution is not very elegant!
I tried r2evans's suggestion of forcing column types I could not get that to work in this case. Using readxls gave the same problem, and also broke my VBA. Given lebelionz's comment suggesting that this is an R thing and not a package thing I followed his advice to deal with it after the fact. (I do not see how to credit a comment rather than an answer, but for the record this was very helpful, as were the others).
I therefore altered the program producing the CSV that was being loaded through R. I appended "::" to each cell produced, so that R saw all cells as strings, regardless of the original content. Thus "F" was stored as "::F", and therefore was not altered by R.
I added an autorun macro to the excel sheet thus created, so that when opened it automatically performed a global search and replace to remove the prefix "::" from the whole of the data. This forces Excel to choose a data type for each cell after it was restored, resulting in the types being detected cell by cell and in the correct format for my purposes.
It feels kludgy, but it works and is relatively transparent to the user. One hazard is that if the user data intentionally contained the string "::" it would be lost (I am confident this cannot arise in my particular application, but if someone would like to suggest a better prefix I would be interested). I still hope for an eventual solution rather than a work-around.
And here I thought it was only the movie industry that had to "fix it in post"!

Using ggplot2 and special characters

I am reading in data from a web site, with text identifying each row. I simply copied and pasted the data into Excel, and the file is then read by R. One of these rows contains the name of a German city, "Wรผrzburg", which includes a lower case u with an umlaut. I have no problem seeing the special character on the web or on Excel. The problem is, when this word is passed to ggplot2, it is displayed in the plot as "Wรƒzburg", with tilde over the capital A. RStudio shows both forms depending on the area in which it is displayed. I would assume that ggplot2 uses a different language for interpreting the special characters.
Is there a way to tell ggplot how to read, interpret and display the special characters? I do not want to write specialized code just for this city, but to solve the problem in general. I am likely to encounter other characters as the data expands over time.
I encountered a similar error with ggplot2, when I used a hardcoded data.frame (i.e., I would write GroรŸbritannien (Great Britain) and it would get encoded to some gibberish).
My solution was to include
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "German")
options(encoding = "UTF-8")
in the beginning of the script.
Read the file in as follows
fread('path_to_file', ..., encoding = 'UTF-8')
My solution to this problem is switching to cairo for pdf plotting. All special characters are shown properly by the ggplot2. It is enough to put this line of code among the knitr settings:

characters converted to dates when using write.csv

my data frame has a column A with strings in character form
> df$A
[1] "2-60", "2-61", "2-62", "2-63" etc
I saved the table using write.csv, but when I open it with Excel column A appears formatted as date:
Anyone knows what can I do to avoid this?
I tweaked the arguments of write.csv but nothing worked, and I can't seem to find an example in Stack Overflow that helps solve this problem.
As said in the comments, this is an excel behaviour, not R's. And that can't be deactivated:
Microsoft Excel is preprogrammed to make it easier to enter dates. For
example, 12/2 changes to 2-Dec. This is very frustrating when you
enter something that you don't want changed to a date. Unfortunately
there is no way to turn this off. But there are ways to get around it.
Microsoft Office Article
The first suggested way around it according to the article is not helpful, because it relies on changing the cell formatting, but that's too late when you open the .csv file in excel (it's already converted to an integer representing the date).
There is, however, a useful tip:
If you only have a few numbers to enter, you can stop Excel from
changing them into dates by entering:
An apostrophe (โ€˜) before you enter a number, such as โ€™11-53 or โ€˜1/47. The apostrophe isnโ€™t displayed in the cell after you press
So you can make the data display as original by using
vec <- c("2-60", "2-61", "2-62", "2-63")
vec <- paste0("'", vec)
Just remember the values will still have the apostrophe if you read them again in R, so you might have to use
vec <- sub("'", "", vec)
This might not be ideal but at least it works.
One alternative is enclosing the text in =" ", as an excel formula, but that has the same end result and uses more characters.
Another solution - a bit tedious, Use Import Text File in Excel, click thru the dialog boxes and in Step 3 of 3 of the Text Import Wizard, you will have an option of setting the column data format, use "Text" for the column that has "2-60", "2-61", "2-62", "2-63". If you use General (the default), Excel tries to be smart and converts the answer for you.
I solved the problem by saving the file using the .xlsx format by using the function
from the package xlsx (https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/xlsx/versions/0.6.5)
