Using ggplot2 and special characters - r

I am reading in data from a web site, with text identifying each row. I simply copied and pasted the data into Excel, and the file is then read by R. One of these rows contains the name of a German city, "Würzburg", which includes a lower case u with an umlaut. I have no problem seeing the special character on the web or on Excel. The problem is, when this word is passed to ggplot2, it is displayed in the plot as "WÃzburg", with tilde over the capital A. RStudio shows both forms depending on the area in which it is displayed. I would assume that ggplot2 uses a different language for interpreting the special characters.
Is there a way to tell ggplot how to read, interpret and display the special characters? I do not want to write specialized code just for this city, but to solve the problem in general. I am likely to encounter other characters as the data expands over time.

I encountered a similar error with ggplot2, when I used a hardcoded data.frame (i.e., I would write Großbritannien (Great Britain) and it would get encoded to some gibberish).
My solution was to include
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "German")
options(encoding = "UTF-8")
in the beginning of the script.

Read the file in as follows
fread('path_to_file', ..., encoding = 'UTF-8')

My solution to this problem is switching to cairo for pdf plotting. All special characters are shown properly by the ggplot2. It is enough to put this line of code among the knitr settings:


Standardise strings in cells of a dataframe in R that appear bold

Loading an Excel sheet into R, some strings in the cells of the dataframe appear to be bold and in a different format. For example, like so:
And when I copy paste this string into the R console, it appears like this:
Anyone know how to fix this (revert these strings into the standard format) in R?
Want to avoid going back into Excel to fix it.
These are actually UTF-8 encoded letters in the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols block in Unicode, and they don't map nicely back on to 'standard' ASCII letters in R unless you have a pre-existing mapping function such as utf8_normalize from the utf8 package:
utf8_normalize('𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐚', map_compat = TRUE)
#> [1] "Haidara"
However, I would strongly recommend that you fix your Excel file before importing to avoid having to do this; it works with the example you have given us here, but there may be unwelcome surprises in converting some of your other strings.

R version 4.2.0 and Swedish letters (ä ö å) not working in newest R release. Anyone found a solution?

I have updated to the latest R release (R version 4.2.0), but I am now facing the problem that all the Swedish special letters cannot be read anymore. I am working with a database that has many Swedish letters in its factor lables and even if I am reading them in as strings R doesn't recognise them, with the consequence that all summary tables that are based on these factors as groups are not calculated correctly anymore. The code has been working fine under the previous release (but I had issues with knitting Rmarkdown files, therefore the need for updating).
I have set the encoding to iso-5889-4 (which is nothern languages) after UTF-8 has not worked. Is there anything else I could try? Or has anyone come to a solution on how to fix this, other than to rename all lables before reading in the .csv files? (I would really like to avoid this fix, since I am often working with similar data)
I have used read.csv() and it produces cryptic outputs replacing the special letters with for example <d6> instead of ö and <c4> instead of ä.
I hope that someone has an idea for a fix. Thanks.
edit: I use windows.
[1] "Swedish_Sweden.utf8"
Use the encoding parameter
I have been able to detect failed loads by attempting to apply toupper to strings, which gives me errors such as
Error in toupper(dataset$column) :
invalid multibyte string 999751
This is resolved and expected outcomes obtained by using
read.csv(..., encoding = 'latin1')
data.table::fread(..., encoding = 'Latin-1')
I believe this solution should apply to Swedish characters as they are also covered by the Latin-1 encoding.
I have the same problem, what worked for me was like the answer above said but I used encoding ISO-8859-1 instead. It works for both reading from file and saving to file for Swedish characters å,ä,ö,Å,Ä,Ä, i.e:
read.csv("~/test.csv", fileEncoding = "ISO-8859-1")
write.csv2(x, file="test.csv", row.names = FALSE, na = "", fileEncoding = "ISO-8859-1")
It's tedious but it works right now. Another tip is if you use Rstudio is to go to Global options -> Code -> Saving and set your default text encoding to ISO-8859-1 and restart Rstudio. It will save and read your scripts in that encoding as default if I understand correctly. I had the problem when I opened my scripts with Swedish characters, they would display wrong characters. This solution fixed that.

Problem with encoding of character strings when loading json files to RStudio under Windows 10

I am trying to extract Tweets from json files and save them as RData under Windows 10 and using RStudio version 1.2.5033 and streamR. However, Windows (and RStudio and streamR subsequently) assumes that the input is Windows-1252 although it is UTF-8 which leads to serious encoding issues.
To replicate the problem, please use this json file with two fake Tweets since I could not replicate the structure of the original json files within R. But this structure leads to issues with the only solution I found for the encoding issue (see below).
The code I used is the following:
df <- streamR::parseTweets("test.json")
The output I get with df$text is: '[1] "RT #bkabka:Eikö tämä" "RT #bkabka:España"'.
The output should be: '[1] "RT #bkabka:Eikö tämä" "RT #bkabka:España"'.
My question is therefore: (How) can I tell R and streamR to interpret the text as being encoded using UTF-8 rather than Windows-1252?
Since all this happens because the function wrongly assumes that the text is encoded with Windows-1252, one solution would be to go through the whole corpus and replace all of these wrongly interpreted special characters with the correct one, for example using the table I found here. In my case however, the corpus is very very large making this a very suboptimal solution in the long run. Additionally, I would not have the possibility to check whether it actually replaced all special characters correctly.
Some additional information:
Using rjson and the following code somehow makes R interpret the encoding correctly, but has troubles with the structure of the json files since it only extracts the first line:
lt <- rjson::fromJSON(file="test.json")
I guess it cannot extract the subsequent line because it does not recognise the line break which is an actual line break and not \n or any other character combination. Unfortunately, I do not have the possibility to change the json files.
The json files were created by another person under macOS using streamR - if I am not mistaken.
The same problem appears using simple R instead of RStudio. The problem does not appear on macOS.
The problem is even more serious when using tweet2r, the only other package I am aware of that allows to extract Tweets from json files using R. Tweet2r deletes specific special characters such as "¶" and thus, the wrongly interpreted special characters cannot be replaced anymore with the correct ones.
Thanks to MrFlick (see his comment), here is a solution using jsonlite that results in a very similar data frame structure and reads the encoding correctly:
df <- jsonlite::stream_in(file("~/../Downloads/test.json"))
Just some further information for those being used to the luxury of streamR handling tweets that might encounter a similar issue in the future, there are two main differences in the data frames created by parseTweets and stream_in:
parseTweets does not extract data for broken Tweets. stream_in does. Hence, the data frame has more rows when using stream_in but contains the same Tweets.
stream_in creates fewer variables since some of the columns in the data frame are themselves data frames. This might lead to issues when using the data frame without further transforming the data frame created with stream_in. parseTweets does that for you.

R displaying unicode/utf-8 encoding rather the special characters

I have a dataframe in R which has one row of utf-8 encoded special characters and one integer row.
If I display both rows, or go into the view(), I do not see the characters displayed correctly.
However, if I only select the row with the special characters, it works. Any ideas?
This is the output (if I paste it, the encoding disappears):
This looks like a bug in R. I've worked around a number of these in the corpus package. Try the following
Alternatively, do
class(WW_mapping) <- c("corpus_frame", "data.frame")
Adding the "corpus_frame" class to the data frame changes the print and format methods; otherwise, it does not change the behavior of the object.
If that doesn't work, please report your sessionInfo() along with dput(WW_mapping). (Actually, even if this fix does work, please report this information so that we can let the R core developers know about the problem.)

How to use UTF-8 characters in dygraph title in R

Using Rstudio [Windows8], when I use the dygraph function to plot a time series, I have a problem when trying to use UTF-8 characters in the main title.
dygraph(AirPassengers, main = "Título")
This results in a title: "T?tulo"
I have tried to convert "Título" to the utf-8 enconding, but it doesn't work.
You can use enc2utf8.
dygraph(AirPassengers, main = enc2utf8("Título"))
You need to make sure your locale settings support the character that you want to use, and that the file is saved with the right encoding. Saving as UTF-8 worked for me.
I was able to replicate your situation in Windows 7 and tried a bunch of things. Embedded in Rmarkdown, here is a minimal working example.
#note that windows locale names are different from unix & mac, usually
#the name of nationality works here.
#also works with "Faroese", "Hungarian", and others who have this letter.
#the locale has to be set in a preceding block to take effect.
dygraph(AirPassengers, main = "Título")
You can try out the encoding given to the title to have with Encoding(). Languages like Faroese, Hungarian, and German encode "Título" as latin or unknown, both of which seem to cause no problems for dygraph's javascript. UTF-8 wrote it as <U+00ED> which was a problem for the javascript, as well as some, but not all other functions. With a matching locale, converting to utf-8 as #Michele recommended has the same result.
Also, if you don't have the title in many places, it is possible to just manually find and replace the title in the html/javascript file that is made. The problem occurs on conversion, but if the file is already made, the title variable can be successfully changed. The letter still has a question mark in Rstudio "Viewer" output, but I recommend making the entire file for javascript regularly, as I've seen other functions malfunction in the viewer window.
