How to find what's ovverrding CSS element? - css

I am trying to find what is overriding my CSS element using chromes element selector but am unable too.
This answer seems outdated I can't find how to access "computed styles":
Chrome Developer Tools: How to find out what is overriding a CSS rule?
I don't know why this color is overridden with gray:
How can I find whats doing it with google chrome?

If you look at the image, it will tell you that the property is changed in the
In other words, the change is not applied using a selector such as class or id, but rather to the element itself.
This can be done in two ways, as far as I am aware.
1) In HTML, writing the properties directly within the element:
<div style="color:gray;"></div>
2) In Jquery, referencing the specific object (for example, using the id property) and then using the css property:
With regard to finding what is causing the issue:
1) Finding out if the change has been made in HTML should be fairly straightforward, as you would just need to have a look at the HTML file.
2) If the change has been made through Jquery, things get a little more complicated: a ghetto method would be to search your script files for the "gray" string. Don't forget that scripts can also be embedded into HTML, however, looking for the property the HTML file would be a good way to proceed :)


How do I know which CSS is overriding my background image?

I want a background image on my page (background.png), but some rogue CSS is thwarting me.
I can see that my style.css from line 39 is being overwritten. I would think this is being done by something like style.css. I search and do not find anything but my original desired specification in that file. I can not find out what css is doing the overriding.
I have searched all the css files I can think of for the specified image (bg_p2_28.jpg). I have searched all the css files for background, nothing seems to come up. It is not being specified in the main HTML
I am barely struggling through as a reasonably competent programmer that has not used HTML since the mid 1990's. I am just trying to modify a template I bought.
What techniques can I use, or how do I interpret what I have here shown here to figure out what CSS override is ultimately being pushed into the page?
Adding the !important; works. It feels very dirty for some reason. I do not know why. I have tried following the javascript in, but the debugger is confusing to the uninitiated. Is the Important! a terrible thing to do, or reasonable? I think it would be useful to understand where these are being set in the java code, but when I search the code, I think the values are stored in variable, so can only be caught at run time.
That's coming from the inline style="" attribute.
If you don't see it in the HTML source, it's probably being set by Javascript.
You can right-click the element in the inspector and click Break on Attribute Modifications to find out where.
You could try background: url(src) !important;, not the perfect solution, but i think it will work for you in this case.
The grey means that it's a style attribute directly on the element itself. Any style on an element will override styles from style sheets unless the sytlesheet style is marked with !important

gwt how to use setStyleName(String style, boolean add) - for a gwt standard widget

I want to style/mark a MenuItem in GWT MenuBar. So i have some logic that adds a style name to a menu item (the logic is working properly).
mItem.setStyleName("menuItemMarked", true);
with this set getStyleName yields "gwt-MenuItem menuItemMarked" as expected.
But how to use/apply this style in css (at the moment i put css in uibinder.xml)? (as you may see i am not a css expert)
update: what i tried is that.
.menuItemMarked{background-color: yellow}
this is not working. if i call "inspect element"(chrome) i can see "class="gwt-MenuItem menuItemMarked" but i can not find the style "menuItemMarked" in the list of applied styles?!
Where are you specifying your CSS?
If your code is located within your code packages, it is likely being obfuscated by the GWT compiler. This applies to <ui:style> blocks in .ui.xml files, and .css files included in ClientBundles.
In this case, you will want to check out Programmatic Access to Inline Styles from the GWT docs. This will allow you to change your code to:
mItem.setStyleName(style.menuItemMarked(), true);
Alternatively, you can tell GWT to not obfuscate certain CSS classes. Here is a detailed answer to a similar question
Finally, if GWT does not touch your CSS file (it is being served from your server like other files), then you will need to make sure that your file is being included in your page properly. Your browser's dev tools should be able to help with that.
Make sure you specify correct selector name in your css. In this case you need to have following:
.gwt-MenuItem.menuItemMarked {
background-color: yellow;
Since gwt-MenuItem remains the first class name in the list it takes precedence over any styles (incl. background-color) defined in the subsequent classes. The only way to overrule this is to define styles with more specific selector like above. Check this link out for more detailed explanation.

Webkit (Chrome/Safari) not detecting attribute changes

As usual I developed it in Firefox. Usually it works without modification in Chrome/Safari, and also IE8.
But when I tested on Chrome and Safari, I was surprised to see that it does not work.
My CSS is valid (validated on w3c). The JavaScript (using jQuery) seems to be valid too.
The affected elements are not redrawn after an attribute value is modified through jQuery, so the CSS rules for the new attribute value are not applied, not until I go into the Chrome inspector and deselect/select them manually...
Update: I do not have a working link for this problem anymore.
The problem was that Webkit was not "redrawing" when attributes were changed, but only when classes where changed, so CSS blocks with selectors such as div[attr=value] would not apply when attribute attr was changed to value through JavaScript.
One workaround is to use classes instead of attributes (.className) in selectors. Performing a class change after changing an attribute would also trigger a redraw also fix the problem.
This post is more than 5 years old, I believe the problem has been fixed in Chrome now.
The issues seems to come from the fact you are using attributes (selected attribute on DIVs) to control the state of your images; it seems like the webkit engine doesn't update the graphics until something actually changes - like a class or a style property.
In general, you should know that using a custom attribute like that isn't best practice. You can use a class to indicate when it's on, and .addClass("selected"),.removeClass("selected") when needed.
Also, you can display the images as background image of an element and control it directly from CSS, with:
.item div.caption { background-image: url('bras/B/btn.png'); }
.item.selected div.caption { background-image: url('bras/B/btn_selected.png'); }
this will simply change the image according to the div.item selected class.
For a simple work-around, you could add at the bottom of your .click handler something like $("body").toggleClass("somethingrandom");, but I really recommend to change your code to work with CSS, background-images and classes.
Do you need to modify the attribute value only? Could quite easily add a 'selected' class to the <div class="item" /> instead/as well. Using this alone/as well as your attribute targeted css will automatically update the images display.
Have you opened the error console within Safari yet?
In mine, I'm getting 404 errors on two files...
You also have a </head> tag at the very end of your document instead of a </html> tag.

Real Nested CSS? (Not Selector)

I am first time poster. A question. How do a make a css declaration that only works within one DIV, but, not overwriting the global css? I want to jQuery loading a page into a DIV, however, the page's CSS changed my own site's CSS. I don't want that. Also I can't just take out CSS because I want them looked as intended from the source.
Basically we are going to load an external HTML with its CSS style applied locally ONLY without it changing the style elsewhere. The external HTML is not using inline CSS since we don't have control over it. They are applied to class values or even all element type. We don't want their CSS declaration modifying our own existing CSS outside of the DIV container.
Is this even possible?
Thank You?
If I understand your question correct you would place an id in the div <div id="mystyle"> content </div>. In your CSS you would write #mystyle p { color:red; }. which have no effect on global paragraphs outside the "mystyle" div.
I guess you are asking how to apply an external stylesheet to just one div. There is no way to do this using just CSS. You might be able to emulate this using JavaScript, but it's going to take quite a bit of work. Here's an outline of how you might go about doing this:
Grab the stylesheet filename from the loaded HTML and then get the contents of the CSS file via AJAX.
Somehow parse the CSS and prefix your div ID to each CSS rule, so that it applies only within your div.
Inject the modified stylesheet as inline text into the loaded HTML.
Steps 1 and 3 are relatively simple, step 2 requires a CSS parser written in JavaScript. (There seems to be one available here although there is no documentation.)

How to check if two CSS files for same classes existence

How to check if two CSS files for same classes existence, automatically.
You can use a css/html/js debugger as Firebug for Firefox.
When inspecting a specific element of a html page, the debugger shows all style properties applied to the element, why they're applied (class, id, tag, inherited) and from which css file the properties are coming.
There is no automatic way to do that as far as I know, but I would suggest that you use some kind of comparing tool, like BeyondCompare. It gives you a great insight of differences between two files.
