Webkit (Chrome/Safari) not detecting attribute changes - css

As usual I developed it in Firefox. Usually it works without modification in Chrome/Safari, and also IE8.
But when I tested on Chrome and Safari, I was surprised to see that it does not work.
My CSS is valid (validated on w3c). The JavaScript (using jQuery) seems to be valid too.
The affected elements are not redrawn after an attribute value is modified through jQuery, so the CSS rules for the new attribute value are not applied, not until I go into the Chrome inspector and deselect/select them manually...
Update: I do not have a working link for this problem anymore.
The problem was that Webkit was not "redrawing" when attributes were changed, but only when classes where changed, so CSS blocks with selectors such as div[attr=value] would not apply when attribute attr was changed to value through JavaScript.
One workaround is to use classes instead of attributes (.className) in selectors. Performing a class change after changing an attribute would also trigger a redraw also fix the problem.
This post is more than 5 years old, I believe the problem has been fixed in Chrome now.

The issues seems to come from the fact you are using attributes (selected attribute on DIVs) to control the state of your images; it seems like the webkit engine doesn't update the graphics until something actually changes - like a class or a style property.
In general, you should know that using a custom attribute like that isn't best practice. You can use a class to indicate when it's on, and .addClass("selected"),.removeClass("selected") when needed.
Also, you can display the images as background image of an element and control it directly from CSS, with:
.item div.caption { background-image: url('bras/B/btn.png'); }
.item.selected div.caption { background-image: url('bras/B/btn_selected.png'); }
this will simply change the image according to the div.item selected class.
For a simple work-around, you could add at the bottom of your .click handler something like $("body").toggleClass("somethingrandom");, but I really recommend to change your code to work with CSS, background-images and classes.

Do you need to modify the attribute value only? Could quite easily add a 'selected' class to the <div class="item" /> instead/as well. Using this alone/as well as your attribute targeted css will automatically update the images display.

Have you opened the error console within Safari yet?
In mine, I'm getting 404 errors on two files...
You also have a </head> tag at the very end of your document instead of a </html> tag.


Are css errors recorded anywhere?

I understand that if a sytle is overridden then it is crossed out in Google Chrome tools and then you can go to the Computed tab to see, which element has overridden the style.
Say I have some css like this:
top: 20px;
This is clearly wrong because the top attribute does not work with positions that are static. When I load the webpage in Google Chrome and press F12; the style appears under the styles tab as if it was applied to the webpage, which I find a little confusing.
Does Google Chrome (or any other browser/tool) tell you what the error is e.g. "cannot apply top to statically applied element" (like you get in Visual Studio when there is an error in your code e.g. NullPointerException).
A CSS class is a set of rules applicable to any element on your page that also can change during the live time of the page. As mentioned in Dais comment, properties are inherited and cascade down.
There is no reliable way to validate a set of CSS rules, because they all interplay each other and are about to change. Especially if you ask for a feature in your IDE like the NullPointerException hint this won't work, because CSS classes are composable and are JIT compiled. An IDE could not know beforehand which class are combined with other classes assigned to which elements in regards to the DOM tree at a specific app time state.
Mozilla Firefox has such a feature. It tells you why a rule isn't applied directly in the Inspector.

How to find what's ovverrding CSS element?

I am trying to find what is overriding my CSS element using chromes element selector but am unable too.
This answer seems outdated I can't find how to access "computed styles":
Chrome Developer Tools: How to find out what is overriding a CSS rule?
I don't know why this color is overridden with gray:
How can I find whats doing it with google chrome?
If you look at the image, it will tell you that the property is changed in the element.style.
In other words, the change is not applied using a selector such as class or id, but rather to the element itself.
This can be done in two ways, as far as I am aware.
1) In HTML, writing the properties directly within the element:
<div style="color:gray;"></div>
2) In Jquery, referencing the specific object (for example, using the id property) and then using the css property:
With regard to finding what is causing the issue:
1) Finding out if the change has been made in HTML should be fairly straightforward, as you would just need to have a look at the HTML file.
2) If the change has been made through Jquery, things get a little more complicated: a ghetto method would be to search your script files for the "gray" string. Don't forget that scripts can also be embedded into HTML, however, looking for the property the HTML file would be a good way to proceed :)

How to reset all styles of a div and decedents back to Chrome defaults

I'm not sure this is possible, but id like to set all user styles back to chrome defaults for div and descendants.
I'm building a Chrome plugin that creates a popup on any web page, however due to the fact every page has a plethora of custom styles, trying to track down every inconsistency and overwrite it with my divs (and descendants) custom style, it is becoming a nightmare.
Every time I think I've covered all bases another site implements something else that needs to be overridden.
What would be the easiest approach to standardize my popup in this situation?
One approach I can think of is to (bite the bullet) and get a hold of the the default Chrome CSS styles and implement them into a series of catch all descendant selectors, however surely there is a better way.
If you want to be absolutely sure that the styling of your elements is not affected by the web-page's CSS, there are 2 possible solutions:
Use an iframe to implement your popup. (This solution is "safe" and simple enough, but based on the kind of interaction between the popup and the web-page it might become cumbersome.)
Utilize the Shadow DOM. (This is probably the "proper" solution, but the implementation might be a little more complicated.)
Some resources regarding the 2nd solution:
An introductory tutorial.
An actual example of incorporating the "Shadow DOM" concept into a Chrome extension:
RobW's Display Anchors extension
There is a third option worth discussing and rejecting, which is to reset all the style properties of the div and its descendents to its default value. Pseudo-code:
#my-div, #my-div * {
#for-every-css-property {
%propertyName: initial !important;
This answer shows an attempt at such a solution. It uses specific values instead of initial which will work in older browsers without the initial keyword, but will not correctly reset elements which have a different default from the base (e.g. user566245 mentions that textarea elements should have a border).
Unfortunately initial is not actually the browser's default value.
If we don't use !important above then there is a risk that the page might have provided a rule with a more specific elector which overrides our own. For example if the page specified properties for table > tr > td then this would be applied over our rule because that selector is more specific than #my-div *.
Since we do use !important, any custom styling we want to do after the reset must also use !important on every property.
If the page happens to inject any additional CSS styles after ours that uses !important then these can override our reset.
It is rather inefficient. We are asking the browser to apply a huge bunch of CSS rules to every element under our div.
Vendor-specific properties should also be reset. (E.g. -webkit-animation-name.)
If new CSS properties come into existence in future, you will need to update your list.
Whilst this solution can be applied to current browsers, it is rather horrible, so roll on Shadow DOM! I would recommend the <iframe> solution in the meantime.
I don't know if anyone has tried this, but a more efficient solution might be to use Javascript to detect what site-defined CSS properties could be problematic, and reset only those.

find out what class is affecting a particular element

Is there a way to see exactly which declaration is affecting an element. Rather than looking at a million properties in the Firebug inspector, where depending on how many classes something is assigned may contain a lot of declarations that are lower precedence and therefore not applied. It can get lengthy to find which particular declaration is in fact affecting your element. I see long ignored declarations like this:
ul {
color: green;
"Computed style" will show you the end result of all the hierarchies, but not where the style derives from. Maybe I'm missing something simple. Thanks much!
I've heard that I should be able to expand attributes in the Computed tag, however I don't see where that option is available. I can see that the font-size is 13.333px, but no option to see where that's coming from.
Yes, in Firebug select the element and then click on the 'Computed' tab (when viewing the HTML frame). Here you will see a list of CSS properties than can be expanded to show the location of the relevant CSS.
The Computed side panel can give you this info.
Note that it just shows the CSS trace - i.e. the styles that are affecting a specific CSS property - for those properties, which are actually changed by the CSS rules of your stylesheet. Though it can display all computed values for an element. To hide the unchanged ones you can uncheck the option Show User Agent CSS.
Also please ensure that you have a current version of Firefox installed (current stable is 20.0.1). Firebug internally uses some APIs for the style tracing, which are just available on newer versions of Firefox.
In Chrome DevTools there is 'computed style' panel which shows you the list of styles for an element property and their locations. For example see the screenshot for text-decoration property.

CSS Attribute selector overriding Existing styles

We are dealing with browser compatability issue for IE8. Borders for text box does not appear to be in blue. We are using attribute selector
border: solid 1px #7F9DB9;
Which is applied only to IE8 And not IE6.
However the problem is some text box already has border defined in it. Which are being overwritten. I tried using expression but it seems to work only when DocType is not present.
The other option left for us is to make each of the textbox classes in css for border with !important, Which is very tedious indeed for the big project.
Second solution is to use jquery which mgmt is aganist.
Can any one guide as how to target this.
Are you sure you've defined property at the appropriate level, and not again somewhere that would override it?
IE6 does not support attribute selectors, you will have to target it another way. I would suggest adding a CSS class -- the default styles are going to be different in every browser.
You could also try being more specific, as littlefoot mentioned. Try adding more of the cascade to reference that element and you might be able to override it. Avoid using !important wherever possible.
