if (conta1) and (15) = 15 then
conta = conta - 6
end if
I don't understand the function of: (15)?
The mikroBasic "and" operator is a bitwise AND operation.
Decimal 15 is binary 0b00001111, the least significant four bits are set. Bitwise anding a variable with decimal 15 effectively masks off everything except the least significant four bits of the value. Then testing if that result is equal to 15 means you are testing whether the least significant bits are all set.
This if statement will be true if the least significant four bits of conta1 are set. The more significant bits are ignored and it doesn't matter whether they are set or not.
I'm facing a problem. when we want to subtract a number from another using 2's complement we can do that. I don't know how to subtract fractional number using 2's complement.
5 is in binary form 101 and 2 is 10. if we want to subtract 2 from 5 we need to find out 2's complement of 2
2's complement of 2-> 11111110
so if we now add with binary of 5 we can get the subtraction result. If I want to get the result of 5.5-2.125. what would be the procedure.
Fixed point numbers can be used and it is still common to find them in embedded code or hardware.
Their use is identical to integers, but you need to specify where your "point" is. For instance, assume that you want 3 bits after after the point and that your data is 8 bits, bits 7..3 are the integer part (left of "point") and bits 2..0 the fractional part. The interpretation of integer part is as usual the binary decomposition of this integer: bits 3 correspond to 20, bits 4 to 21, etc.
For the fractional part, the decomposition is in negative powers or two. bits 2 correspond to 2-1, bits 1 to 2-2 and bit 0 to 2-3.
So for you problem, 5.5=4+1+1/2=22+20+2-1 and its code is 00101(.)100. Similarly 2.125=2+1/8 and its code is 00010(.)001 (note (.) is just an help to understand the coding).
Indeed they are just integers, but you must take into account that all your numbers are multiplied by 2-3. This will have no impact for addition, but results of multiplication and division must be adjusted. Taking into account the position of point and managing over and underflows is the difficulty of arithmetic with fixed point, but it allows to do fractional computations even if your hardware does not provide floating point support (for instance with low end microcontrollers or FPGA systems).
Two complement is similar to integers and its computation is identical. If code of 2.125 is 00010(.)001, than -2.125==11101(.)111. Operations are as usual.
+5 00101(.)100
-2.125 11101(.)111
and 00011(.)011=2+1+1/4+1/8=3,375
For the record, two complement first use was for fixed point fractional numbers and two complement name comes from that. If a fractional number if represented by, say 0(.)1100000 (0.75), its negative counter part will be 1(.)0100000 (-0.75 or 1.25 if interpreted as unsigned) and we always have x+(unsigned)-x=2. For this coding, the negative value of a fractional number x is the number y that must be added to x to get a 2, hence the name that y is 2's complement of x.
How do I represent integers numbers, for example, 23647 in two bytes, where one byte contains the last two digits (47) and the other contains the rest of the digits(236)?
There are several ways do to this.
One way is to try to use Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). This codes decimal digits, rather than the number as a whole into binary. The packed form puts two decimal digits into a byte. However, your example value 23647 has five decimal digits and will not fit into two bytes in BCD. This method will fit values up to 9999.
Another way is to put each of your two parts in binary and place each part into a byte. You can do integer division by 100 to get the upper part, so in Python you could use
upperbyte = 23647 // 100
Then the lower part can be gotten by the modulus operation:
lowerbyte = 23647 % 100
Python will directly convert the results into binary and store them that way. You can do all this in one step in Python and many other languages:
upperbyte, lowerbyte = divmod(23647, 100)
You are guaranteed that the lowerbyte value fits, but if the given value is too large the upperbyte value many not actually fit into a byte. All this assumes that the value is positive, since negative values would complicate things.
(This following answer was for a previous version of the question, which was to fit a floating-point number like 36.47 into two bytes, one byte for the integer part and another byte for the fractional part.)
One way to do that is to "shift" the number so you consider those two bytes to be a single integer.
Take your value (36.47), multiply it by 256 (the number of values that fit into one byte), round it to the nearest integer, convert that to binary. The bottom 8 bits of that value are the "decimal numbers" and the next 8 bits are the "integer value." If there are any other bits still remaining, your number was too large and there is an overflow condition.
This assumes you want to handle only non-negative values. Handling negatives complicates things somewhat. The final result is only an approximation to your starting value, but that is the best you can do.
Doing those calculations on 36.47 gives the binary integer
So the "decimal byte" is 01111000 and the "integer byte" is 100100 or 00100100 when filled out to 8 bits. This represents the float number 36.46875 exactly and your desired value 36.47 approximately.
I understand how binary works and I can calculate binary to decimal, but I'm lost around signed numbers.
I have found a calculator that does the conversion. But I'm not sure how to find the maximum and the minumum number or convert if a binary number is not given, and question in StackO seems to be about converting specific numbers or doesn't include signed numbers to a specific bit.
The specific question is:
We have only 5 bits for representing signed numbers in two's complement:
What is the highest signed integer?
Write its decimal value (including the sign only if negative).
What is the lowest signed integer?
Write its decimal value (including the sign only if negative).
Seems like I'll have to go heavier on binary concepts, I just have 2 months in programming and I thought i knew about binary conversion.
From a logical point of view:
Bounds in signed representation
You have 5 bits, so there are 32 different combinations. It means that you can make 32 different numbers with 5 bits. On unsigned integers, it makes sense to store integers from 0 to 31 (inclusive) on 5 bits.
However, this is about unsigned integers. Meaning: we have to find a way to represent negative numbers too. Meaning: we have to store the number's value, but also its sign (+ or -). The representation used is 2's complement, and it is the one that's learned everywhere (maybe other exist but I don't know them). In this representation, the sign is given by the first bit. That is, in 2's complement representation a positive number starts with a 0 and a negative number starts with an 1.
And here the problem rises: Is 0 a positive number or a negative number ? It can't be both, because it would mean that 0 can be represented in two manners for a given number a bits (for 5: 00000 and 10000), that is we lose the space to put one more number. I have no idea how they decided, but fact is 0 is a positive number. For any number of bits, signed or unsigned, a 0 is represented with only 0.
Great. This gives us the answer to the first question: what is the upper bound for a decimal number represented in 2's complement ? We know that the first bit is for the sign, so all of the numbers we can represent must be composed of 4 bits. We can have 16 different values of 4-bits strings, and 0 is one of them, so the upper bound is 15.
Now, for the negative numbers, this becomes easy. We have already filled 16 values out of the 32 we can make on 5 bits. 16 left. We also know that 0 has already been represented, so we don't need to include it. Then we start at the number right before 0: -1. As we have 16 numbers to represent, starting from -1, the lowest signed integer we can represent on 5 bits is -16.
More generally, with n bits we can represent 2^n numbers. With signed integers, half of them are positive, and half of them are negative. That is, we have 2^(n-1) positive numbers and 2^(n-1) negative numbers. As we know 0 is considered as positive, the greatest signed integer we can represent on n bits is 2^(n-1) - 1 and the lowest is -2^(n-1)
2's complement representation
Now that we know which numbers can be represented on 5 bits, the question is to know how we represent them.
We already saw the sign is represented on the first bit, and that 0 is considered as positive. For positive numbers, it works the same way as it does for unsigned integers: 00000 is 0, 00001 is 1, 00010 is 2, etc until 01111 which is 15. This is where we stop for positive signed integers because we have occupied all the 16 values we had.
For negative signed integers, this is different. If we keep the same representation (10001 is -1, 10010 is -2, ...) then we end up with 11111 being -15 and 10000 not being attributed. We could decide to say it's -16 but we would have to check for this particular case each time we work with negative integers. Plus, this messes up all of the binary operations. We could also decide that 10000 is -1, 10001 is -2, 10010 is -3 etc. But it also messes up all of the binary operations.
2's complement works the following way. Let's say you have the signed integer 10011, you want to know what decimal is is.
Flip all the bits: 10011 --> 01100
Add 1: 01100 --> 01101
Read it as an unsigned integer: 01101 = 0*2^4 + 1*2^3 + 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^0 = 13.
10011 represents -13. This representation is very handy because it works both ways. How to represent -7 as a binary signed integer ? Start with the binary representation of 7 which is 00111.
Flip all the bits: 00111 --> 11000
Add 1: 11000 --> 11001
And that's it ! On 5 bits, -7 is represented by 11001.
I won't cover it, but another great advantage with 2's complement is that the addition works the same way. That is, When adding two binary numbers you do not have to care if they are signed or unsigned, this is the same algorithm behind.
With this, you should be able to answer the questions, but more importantly to understand the answers.
This topic is great for understanding 2's complement: Why is two's complement used to represent negative numbers?
I'm implementing an Math equation in verilog, in a combinational scheme (assigns = ...) to the moment Synthesis tool (Quartus II) has been able to do add, sub and mul easly 32 bit unsigned absolute numbers by using the operators "+,- and *" respectively.
However, one of the final steps of the equation is to divide two 64 bits unsigned fixed point variables, the reason why is such of large 64 bit capacity is because I'm destinating 16 bits for integers and 48 bits for fractions (although, computer does everything in binary and doesn't care about fractions, I would be able to check the number to separate fraction from integer in the end).
Problem is that the operator "/" is useless since it auto-invokes a so-called "LPM_divide" library which output only gives me the integer, disregarding fractions, plus in a wrong position (the less significant bit).
For example:
b1000111010000001_000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 / b1000111010000001_000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
should be 1, it gives me
So, how can I make this division for synthesizable verilog? What methods or algorithms should I follow, I'd like it to be faster, maybe a full combinational?
I'd like it to keep the 16 integers - 24 fractions user point of view. Thanks in advance.
First assume you multiply two fixed-point numbers.
Let's call them X and Y, first containing Xf fractional bits, and second Yf fractional bits accordingly.
If you multiply those numbers as integers, the LSB Xf+Yf bits of the integer result could be treated as fractional bits of resulting fixed-point number (and you still multiply them as integers).
Similarly, if you divide number of Sf fractional bits by number of Df fractional bits, the resulting integer could be treated as fixed-point number having Sf-Df fractional bits -- therefore your example with resulting integer 1.
Thus, if you need to get 48 fractional bits from your division of 16.48 number by another 16.48 number, append divident with another 48 zeroed fractional bits, then divide the resulting 64+48=112-bit number by another 64-bit number, treating both as integers (and using LPM_divide). The result's LSB 48 bits will then be what you need -- the resulting fixed-point number's 48 fractional bits.
The original question was edited (shortened) to focus on a problem of precision, not range.
Single, or double precision, every representation of real number is limited to (-range,+range). Within this range lie some integer numbers (1, 2, 3, 4..., and so on; the same goes with negative numbers).
Is there a guarantee that a IEEE 754 real number (float, double, etc) can "cover" all integers within its range? By "cover" I mean the real number will represent the integer number exactly, not as (for example) "5.000001".
Just as reminder: http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/DataRepresentation.html nice explanation of various number representation formats.
Because the question is for "can" I am also looking for the fact this cannot be done -- for it quoting a number is enough. For example "no it cannot be done, for example number 1748574 is not represented exactly by float number" (this number is taken out of thin air of course).
For curious reader
If you would like to play with IEEE 754 representation -- on-line calculator: http://www.ajdesigner.com/fl_ieee_754_word/ieee_32_bit_word.php
No, not all, but there exists a range within which you can represent all integers accurately.
Structure of 32bit floating point numbers
The 32bit floating point type uses
1 bit for the sign
8 bits for the exponent
23 bits for the fraction (leading 1 implied)
Representing numbers
Basically, you have a number in the form
(-)1.xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx (binary)
which you then shift left/right with the (unbiased) exponent.
To have it represent an integer requiring n bits, you need to shift it by n-1 bits to the left. (All xes beyond the floating point are simply zero)
Representing integers with 24 bits
It is easy to see, that we can represent all integers requiring 24 bits (and less)
1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx.0 (unbiased exponent = 23)
since we can set the xes at will to either 1 or 0.
The highest number we can represent in this fashion is:
or 2^24 - 1 = 16777215
The next higher integer is 1_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000. Thus, we need 25 bits.
Representing integers with 25 bits
If you try to represent a 25 bit integer (unbiased exponent = 24), the numbers have the following form:
The twenty-three digits that are available to you have all been shifted past the floating point. The leading digit is always a 1. In total, we have 24 digits. But since we need 25, a zero is appended.
A maximum is found
We can represent ``1_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000with the form1_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx0.0, by simply assigning 1to allxes. The next higher integer from that is: 1_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001. It's easy to see that this number cannot be represented accurately, because the form does not allow us to set the last digit to 1: It is always 0`.
It follows, that the 1 followed by 24 zeroes is an upper bound for the integers we can accurately represent.
The lower bound simply has its sign bit flipped.
Range within which all integers can be represented (including boundaries)
224 as an upper bound
-224 as a lower bound
Structure of 64bit floating point numbers
1 bit for the sign
11 exponent bits
52 fraction bits
Range within which all integers can be represented (including boundaries)
253 as an upper bound
-253 as a lower bound
This easily follows by applying the same argumentation to the structure of 64bit floating point numbers.
Note: That is not to say these are all integers we can represent, but it gives you a range within which you can represent all integers. Beyond that range, we can only represent a power of two multiplied with an integer from said range.
Combinatorial argument
Simply convincing ourselves that it is impossible for 32bit floating point numbers to represent all integers a 32bit integer can represent, we need not even look at the structure of floating point numbers.
With 32 bits, there are 232 different things we can represent. No more, no less.
A 32bit integer uses all of these "things" to represent numbers (pairwise different).
A 32bit floating point number can represent at least one number with a fractional part.
Thus, it is impossible for the 32bit floating point number to be able to represent this fractional number in addition to all 232 integers.
macias, to add to the already excellent answer by phant0m (upvoted; I suggest you accept it), I'll use your own words.
"No it cannot be done, for example number 16777217 is not represented exactly by float number."
Also, "for example number 9223372036854775809 is not represented exactly by double number".
This is assuming your computer is using the IEEE floating point format, which is a pretty strong bet.
For example, on my system, the type float can represent values up to approximately 3.40282e+38. As an integer, that would be approximately 340282000000000000000000000000000000000, or about 2128.
The size of float is 32 bits, so it can exactly represent at most 232 distinct numbers.
An integer object generally uses all of its bits to represent values (with 1 bit dedicated as a sign bit for signed types). A floating-point object uses some of its bits to represent an exponent (8 bits for IEEE 32-bit float); this increases its range at the cost of losing precision.
A concrete example (1267650600228229401496703205376.0 is 2100, and is exactly representable as a float):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void) {
float x = 1267650600228229401496703205376.0;
float y = nextafterf(x, FLT_MAX);
printf("x = %.1f\n", x);
printf("y = %.1f\n", y);
return 0;
The output on my system is:
x = 1267650600228229401496703205376.0
y = 1267650751343956853325350043648.0
Another way to look at it:
A 32-bit object can represent at most 232 distinct values.
A 32-bit signed integer can represent all integer values in the range -2147483648 .. 2147483647 (-231 .. +231-1).
A 32-bit float can represent many values that a 32-bit signed integer can't, either because they're fractional (0.5) or because they're too big (2.0100). Since there are values that can be represented by a 32-bit float but not by a 32-bit int, there must be other values that can be represented by a 32-bit int but not by a 32-bit float. Those values are integers that have more significant digits than a float can handle, because the int has 31 value bits but the float has only about 24.
Apparently you are asking whether a Real data type can represent all of the integer values in its range (absolute values up to FLT_MAX or DBL_MAX, in C, or similar constants in other languages).
The largest numbers representable by floating point numbers stored in K bits typically are much larger than the 2^K number of integers that K bits can represent, so typically the answer is no. 32-bit C floats exceed 10^37, 32-bit C integers are less than 10^10. To find out the next representable number after some number, use nextafter() or nextafterf(). For example, the code
printf ("%20.4f %20.4f\n", nextafterf(1e5,1e9), nextafterf(1e6,1e9));
printf ("%20.4f %20.4f\n", nextafterf(1e7,1e9), nextafterf(1e8,1e9));
prints out
100000.0078 1000000.0625
10000001.0000 100000008.0000
You might be interested in whether an integer J that is between two nearby fractional floating values R and S can be represented exactly, supposing S-R < 1 and R < J < S. Yes, such a J can be represented exactly. Every float value is the ratio of some integer and some power of 2. (Or is the product of some integer and some power of 2.) Let the power of 2 be P, and suppose R = U/P, S = V/P. Now U/P < J < V/P so U < J*P < V. More of J*P's low-order bits are zero than are those of U, V (because V-U < P, due to S-R < 1), so J can be represented exactly.
I haven't filled in all the details to show that J*P-U < P and V-J*P < P, but under the assumption S-R < 1 that's straightforward. Here is an example of R,J,S,P,U,V value computations: Let R=99999.9921875 = 12799999/128, (ie P=128); let S=100000.0078125 = 12800001/128; we have U=0xc34fff and V=0xc35001 and there is a number between them that has more low-order zeroes than either; to wit, J = 0xc35000/128 = 12800000/128 = 100000.0. For the numbers in this example, note that U and V require 24 bits for their exact representations (6 ea. 4-bit hex digits). Note that 24 bits is the number of bits of precision in IEEE 754 single-precision floating point numbers. (See table in wikipedia article.)
That each floating point number is a product or ratio of some integer and some power of 2 (as mentioned two paragraphs above) also is discussed in that floating point article, in a paragraph that begins:
By their nature, all numbers expressed in floating-point format are rational numbers with a terminating expansion in the relevant base (for example, ... a terminating binary expansion in base-2). Irrational numbers, such as π or √2, or non-terminating rational numbers, must be approximated. The number of digits (or bits) of precision also limits the set of rational numbers that can be represented exactly.