Wordpress site deletes the edits I made - wordpress

I would need some help with my Wordpress site.
I made a lot of change in my theme (one-page-express):
added some plugins and edited the code as well (I only edited header.php, header-homepage.php, footer.php and style.css).
For a while everything looks okay but then after a few hours it seems to auto delete the changes I made in the editor.
Keeps the new plugins and its edits though, but all the code gets restored to default.
Anyone has any idea why is it happening and how could I fix it?
I learnt coding/Wordpress by myself so I might have missed some crucial point, I don’t know.
Thanks anyone who can help me!

First, try to desactive yours plugins one by one and check if you have something new. And be sure to have correctly crushed your old files (In you FTP manager, you can see the last date of editting a file, don't miss something ;))

NEVER make changes in an existing theme if you want them to persist. Use a child theme to do so. I guess you pressed the update button (as you should). Updating a theme will remove/delete the current theme (all files) and download the latest version. This might look and feel like 'auto-delete'.
Source: https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes


Woocommerce website product name not showing full

I have a woocommerce site on the front page product title now show full it's show half title and then 3 dots pls anyone can fix this
My website
I have tried to edit template but it's not works
I have check your installation but didn't spot any issues about the problem that you described.
Check screenshot: https://prnt.sc/BYr-zaTIk4Of
BUT, I have checked the whole site for any issues and I have see this: https://prnt.sc/Hb61fv_wk0IP
Now if you this is your problem it's very simple. You have to edit your main .css file which is located in /wp-content/themes/elessi-theme/style.css and then search for ".nasa-show-one-line" and in this point delete the second rule which is "white-space: nowrap;" like screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/rWOLVKoRnsQg
Before you start to make any changes just remember to take a copy of your css file locally.
I hope to help you with this issue. If you need something else just inform me to take it to another step.
Friendly, George
This may have to do with CSS. So one option is to check what happens there. Another option is to give us a live URL from your installation to check the problem. Sure it's simple to find a a solution.
-- You can check your theme's demos if it happens the same there like in your installation!

Code reverts back to original theme after a while

Apologies for such an amateur question, I can't find the answer anywhere else after searching.
I have a pre-installed theme on WordPress for which I have used an SFTP to make minor code changes to my site. Just little things like changing the hardcoded footer text, the CSS and a slight tweak to a php file, that all worked perfectly. However, this is the 3rd time I have had to make these same changes because I will log in one day and all my changes have disappeared without me doing anything. It just reverts back to the original theme.
Why could this be?
I don't have a child theme which I know I should sort out, but could not having a child theme be the reason it reverts back?
Thanks in advance.
You're most likely modifying a theme that gets updated automatically. Your changes get overwritten by the updated official version. If you want to keep your changes, you'll have to use a child theme or make a plugin, depending on what kind of changes you want to make.

Wordpress theme reverted back automatically

I have theme Sydney by ATHEMES activated on my Wordpress site http://www.hamrolagi.com, and edited the theme files without making a child theme. I had edited the header.php, template-tags.php and other templates files according to the customization requirement. It was working fine until yesterday, but today I see that the edits I had made to the files were reverted, and though the site is still functioning, the customizations are lost, except that to the template-tags.php, which is the only file I had edited which was not in the main theme directory. I had backed up the edited files. So, I was able to re-edit them, but I wanted to know what caused it and how to prevent it in future?
I'm pretty sure it was a theme update. Always use child themes - that is by far the only sure way to prevent it from happening in the future.

what will happen in my website when i changed the current theme with new one?

1) Can i change the theme of wordpress in this site
with this,
2)if i do it i lost something of image article format etc??
i need to change the theme but i don't know if i do it, what happen in the site
3) if i change the template? i want the same format of plugin and component, can anyone help me with this?
Presently I am using a wordpress theme.
I want to change it to something better. But I am afraid, if I change
the theme,
I will lose all my contents that includes Posts, Pictures,
Categories, Tags.
I am not at all aware of this fact. Need some help.
Tell me if what I am afraid of is really going to happen if I change or not.
What are the pre-steps that I can take to keep all my contents uploaded the same way they were before.
I already have a daily backup system using WP Backup plugin.What else?
Please help!
Good habit is backup before do changes.
Checklist: 6 Things You MUST DO Before Changing WordPress Themes
Take Notes on Your Current Theme
Go through your theme files and note down all additional code that you added. You also want to check your current theme’s load time because this way you can compare the two. Go to a site like Pingdom Tools or use YSlow to test out different pages (Yes different pages, not just the homepage).
Be cautious of the Sidebars
If you are using a widget-enabled theme, and you switch to a theme that is not widget-ready, then you will lose all of that. If you are using a widget-enabled WordPress theme, then this is not an issue.
Also anything that you modify in sidebar.php file of your old theme, will be overwritten. So make sure that you add those codes in the new theme sidebar.
You never have anything to lose by creating a backup. As a precautionary measure, you should backup all of your theme files, plugins, and the database.
4.Testing all functionality and plugins
Once you have the new theme activated, you need to make sure that you retain all the functionality and plugins still work. Try out all the features including but not limited to the commenting process, single post pages, search, 404 page, archive page, contact page etc. Make sure all of your widgets are still there and are working.
Cross Browser Compatibility
Test your site in all browsers you have access to. Browsers have a tendency of rendering things differently.
Maintenance Mode
You probably don’t want your users to see while you are making the switch because they will end up seeing a broken site or such. It is best to turn on Maintenance mode for 15 – 20 minutes that it may take you to make sure that everything is working properly. Once you have setup Maintenance mode, you are good to go ahead and activate the new theme.

WordPress - Changed directory and images do not appear

I changed the folder that my WordPress installation was in.
However, this worked fine, except now all my images are not showing up.
The problem is that each post has the full url of the image in it. (not my doing, this seems to be the default setting)
Is there a tool or a quick fix available for this?
There is a Update URLs plugin for Wordpress to help you with that. Hope that helps!
You need to update your settings to reflect the directory change on the settings page in your admin section.
Since it seems to be a problem in the posts themselves, you'll probably have to write a quick fixme script that runs through your post table searches for '="/' or something similar and updates any hardcoded links.
